United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
New Jersey Go to Accessibility Information
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Conservation Security Program (CSP) in New Jersey

The information presented below is based on program rules developed under the 2002 Farm Bill. With passage of the 2008 Farm Bill in May, statutory language changes mean new program rules need to be written by the Department. These rule changes may impact how New Jersey implements this program. The 2009 program information will be updated after consultation with the State Technical Committee once the new rules are approved for use and prior to any 2009 funding decisions. All applicants will have ample opportunity to review the rule changes and contract terms and will be required to comply with all applicable rules and requirements in place at the time of contract obligation.

The 2008 program was offered in the Lower Delaware Watershed in New Jersey in 2008. Application period for the 2008 program is closed.

farmer explains benefits of irrigationThe Conservation Security Program (CSP) is a voluntary program authorized through the 2002 Farm Bill. Producers qualify for CSP payments by applying and documenting high levels of on-farm conservation and management with the ability to earn increased payments by adding and/or expanding conservation activities. CSP payments may be as high as $45,000 annually. The program is offered in selected watersheds as funding is available.

CSP has a unique role among USDA conservation programs because it:

  • Identifies and meaningfully rewards those farmers meeting the very highest standards of conservation and environmental management on their operations;
  • Creates powerful incentives for other producers to meet those same standards of conservation performance on their operations; and
  • Provides public benefits for generations to come.

CSP in New Jersey

Contact for New Jersey:
Janice Reid, Assistant State Conservationist for Programs, 732-537-6042

Contact for Pennsylvania:
Kelly Ireland, CSP Manager, 717-237-2260
Barry Frantz, Assistant State Conservationist for Programs, 717-237-2216

Last Modified: June 30, 2008