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Archived Presentations - 2006

American Public Health Association Annual Meeting,
November 2006, Boston, MA

Lynn Steele, Nelson Arboleda and Jerome I. Tokars. BioSense Real-Time Data Initiative: Improving the Nation’s Emergency Preparedness  PDF Icon

Syndromic Surveillance Conference,
October 2006, Baltimore, MA

Lynn Steele. BioSense: Integrating Local, Regional, Nationwide Biosurveillance Capabilities  PPT Icon

West Texas Preparedness Conference, August 2006

Collen Martin, SAIC contractor. BioSense: Using Health Data for Early Event Detection and Health Situation Awareness BioSense Data Sources and Syndromes PPT Icon

ESRI International User Conference, August 2006, San Diego, CA

Leslie Sokolow, Northrop Grumman. Use of GIS in BioSense: a national public health surveillance system PPT Icon

International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases (ICEID), March 2006, Atlanta, GA

Haobo Ma, ORISE Fellow. ICD-9 Codes in CDC BioSense Neurological Syndrome PPT Icon

Colleen Martin, SAIC contractor. Potential Use of BioSense Data to Monitor Respiratory Syncytial Virus Activity PPT Icon

Local, State, and Federal Public Health Preparedness Summit, February 2006.

Jerome Tokars. BioSense Overview. PPT Icon

PHIN Conference, September 2006, Atlanta, GA,

Jerome Tokars. The BioSense Application  PPT Icon

Gabriel Rainisch and Colleen Martin. BioSense Data Analyses and Anomaly Characterization  PPT Icon

Lisa Hines. Bringing Ideas Together: First BioSense Real-time Users Meeting.  PPT Icon


Page Last Modified: September 16, 2008
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