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 [graphic] National Register Bulletin How to Complete the National Register Multiple Property Documentation Form

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U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service

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The National Register of Historic Places Multiple Property Documentation Form (NPS 10-900-b) nominates groups of related significant properties. On it, the themes, trends, and patterns of history shared by the properties are organized into historic contexts and the property types that represent those historic contexts are defined.

The Multiple Property Documentation Form is a cover document and not a nomination in its own right, but serves as a basis for evaluating the National Register eligibility of related properties. It may be used to nominate and register thematically-related historic properties simultaneously or to establish the registration requirements for properties that may be nominated in the future. The nomination of each building, site, district, structure, or object within a thematic group is made on the National Register Registration Form (NPS 10-900). The name of the thematic group, denoting the historical framework of nominated properties, is the multiple property listing. When nominated and listed in the National Register of Historic Places, the Multiple Property Documentation Form, together with individual Registration Forms, constitute a multiple property submission.

The Multiple Property Documentation Form streamlines the method of organizing information collected in surveys and research for registration and preservation planning purposes. The form facilitates the evaluation of individual properties by comparing them with resources that share similar physical characteristics and historical associations. Information common to the group of properties is presented in the Multiple Property Documentation Form, while information specific to each individual building, site, district, structure, or object is placed on an individual Registration Form. As a management tool, the thematic approach can furnish essential information for historic preservation planning because it evaluates properties on a comparative basis within a given geographical area and because it can be used to establish preservation priorities based on historical significance.

Sample Outline for a Multiple Property Submission

A. Multiple property listing name
Historic and Architectural Resources of Granville County, North Carolina

B. Associated historic contexts
The Plantation Era in Granville County, 1746-1865
Bright Leaf Tobacco and Rural Granville County, 1866-1937
Bright Leaf Tobacco and the Ascendancy of Oxford, 1866-1937


C. Associated property types
Georgian and Federal Style Dwellings
Greek Revival and Romantic Style Dwellings
Bright Leaf Era Farmhouses and Tenant Houses
Romantic, Victorian and Eclectic Style Buildings in Oxford
Commercial, Industrial, Institutional and Religious Buildings
Plantation Era
Bright Leaf Era Rural Granville County
Bright Leaf Era Oxford

D.National Register Registration Forms

This multiple property submission encompassed nomination forms on houses, mills, landscapes, farms, plantations, historic districts, churches, orphanages, masonic lodges, and commercial buildings, including:

Rufus Amis House and Mill
Oxford Historic District
Puckett Family Farm
Lewis Wimbish Plantation
Central Orphanage
Salem Methodist Church
Bobbit-Rogers House and Tobacco Manufactory District

How a Multiple Property Submission is Organized

The organization of a multiple property submission has both general and specific components. The multiple property listing is named for the subject of the listing. Under this general heading, one or more historic contexts may be identified. In the National Register program, historic contexts include three elements: a historical theme, geographical area, and chronological period. Historic contexts describe the impact of various historic themes, trends, or patterns on areas as small as part of a community or as large as the nation. The property type analysis occupies the middle ground between the general historic context and the individual property. At the most specific level, the National Register Registration Form illustrates how an individual property or historic district relates to the historic contexts, represents a property type, and meets registration requirements for the type.

For examples of multiple property submissions, see National Register Casebook: Examples of Documentation, Historical and Architectural Resources of Granville, North Carolina, Case 35-1 and Historic Resources of Oakes, North Dakota, Case 35-2. The National Register staff may be consulted for information on multiple property submissions that may already have been completed defining specific historic contexts. Research on subject areas, such as mining, building types, and maritime resources, may already have been conducted as part of a multiple property submission and may be applicable to other localities and states. Instructions for completing the individual registration forms are found in How to Complete the National Register Registration Form. The Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeology and Historic Preservation may be consulted for additional information on standards for preservation planning, identification, evaluation, and registration. The State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and Federal Preservation Officer (FPO) also may provide information on historic contexts.

In order to be approved by the Keeper of the National Register, the submitted Multiple Property Documentation Form must include at least one historic context and one associated property type discussion. Additional historic contexts and associated property types may be submitted at a later date. Individual National Register Registration Forms may accompany the Multiple Property Documentation Form, or they may be submitted later. The originator of the Multiple Property Documentation Form may prepare this information or Registration Forms, or another Federal or State agency, private organizations, or individuals.

The approach taken in organizing multiple property submissions will depend upon a number of factors, including the nature and number of the resources expected to form the thematic group and the extent to which historic contexts and evaluations of property types have been developed. Practical considerations, such as staff, time, amount and source of funding, availability of information and expertise, may help determine how many and which historic contexts and property types are treated. Planning concerns, such as development pressures, other threats to historic resources, and planning priorities and goals, may also strongly influence decisions about the areas looked at and the historic contexts documented at any given time.

Computer-Generated Forms

Computer-generated forms may be used in place of the National Park Service forms and continuation sheet if they meet certain requirements. These forms must list in order all items as they appear on the National Register forms. They must also contain the form number (NPS 10-900-b) and the OMB approval number appearing in the upper right hand corner of the form, and be printed with a letter-quality printer on archivally stable paper. The National Park Service can provide a template for the National Register Registration Form that can be used with a variety of personal computers (IBM-DOS compatible) and word processing software. Applicants should check with the SHPO or FPO before using a computer-generated form.

Public Education

Although multiple property submissions constitute the most common use of research and documentation of historic contexts, the information may serve broader public education uses. The forms themselves are of value for public education. The narrative also may be used in historical publications, tourist pamphlets, walking tour notes, and educational manuals directed at elementary and secondary school students. The National Park Service encourages the use of information collected for registration for public education including the development of interpretive programs and publications.


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