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 National Register Bulletin How to Complete the National Register Registration Form

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U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service

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Section 3 is completed by State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPOs), Federal Preservation Officers (FPOs), and other Federal officials. The certifying official (the official initiating the action) completes the first signature block. The commenting official (any State or Federal official whose comment is required under the National Register regulations, 36 CFR Part 60) completes the second signature block. (Local government officials, including those in CLGs, and other persons may express their opinions in a letter accompanying the form.)

For nominations to the National Register, the certifying official is usually the SHPO of the state where the property is located or, in the case of a Federal property, the FPO of the agency responsible for property. Requests for Federal determinations of eligibility are certified by an official of the Federal agency responsible for the property or Federal activity affecting the property.

The role of the SHPO, FPO, and other Federal officials, in each case, depends on several things: the action being requested, agency initiating the action, ownership of property, and requirements in 36 CFR Part 60.

To determine the appropriate certifying and commenting officials in a particular case, refer to Roles of Certifying and Commenting Officials.

By signing the form a certifying official:

  • indicates the action being requested,

  • attests that the form accurately and coherently documents the property,

  • attests that all notification and review requirements have been fulfilled,

  • provides an opinion on the eligibility of the property, and

  • recommends that property is significant either nationally, statewide, or locally.

By signing the form, a commenting official:

  • acknowledges that he or she has had the opportunity to comment on the action being requested, and

  • provides an opinion on the eligibility of the property.


The certifying official completes the first signature block by:

  1. marking "x" in the boxes to indicate:

    • the action being requested,

    • his or her opinion on whether the property meets the National Register criteria, and

    • whether the property is significant nationally, statewide, or locally (more than one box may be marked); and

  2. signing the form and entering his or her title, the date, and the name of the State or, for Federal officials, the abbreviated name of the agency and bureau (see Appendix III).

An official not believing the property meets the National Register criteria also marks the box for "see continuation sheet" and provides an explanation on a continuation sheet.

Each additional certifying official signs and dates a continuation sheet containing the following statement:

As the designated authority under the National Historic Preservation Act, as amended, I hereby certify that this nomination meets the documentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of Historic Places and meets the procedural and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my opinion, the property ______ meets ______ does not meet the National Register criteria. I recommend that this property be considered significant ____ nationally ____ statewide ____ locally.

Any official not believing the property meets the National Register criteria may provide his or her explanation on the same continuation sheet.


The commenting official , if any, completes the second signature block by:

  1. marking "x" in the box that indicates his or her opinion on the eligibility of the resource, and

  2. signing the form and entering his or her title, the date, and the name of the State or, for Federal officials, the abbreviated name of the agency and bureau (see Appendix III).

Any commenting official not believing the property meets the National Register criteria also marks "x" in the box for "see continuation sheet" and provides an explanation on a continuation sheet.

Additional commenting officials sign a continuation sheet containing the following statement:

In my opinion, the property ______ meets ______ does not meet the National Register criteria.

The same continuation sheet may be used for the explanation of a commenting official not believing the property meets the National Register criteria.

A continuation sheet with the above statement may be used in place of the second signature block, if a certifying official chooses to send the commenting officials a copy of the completed registration form rather than the original.

Whenever continuation sheets are used for the opinions of commenting officials, the certifying agency should mark "x" in the box for "see continuation sheet" on the form and provide each commenting official with a continuation sheet ready to complete, sign, and date.


In States with no approved State program, a local government official or a private individual may nominate properties directly to the National Register according to the procedures set forth in 36 CFR Part 60.

In these cases, section 3 is left blank and the individual or local official submits the completed form to the National Park Service with a letter. The letter must include the following items:

  1. A statement that the documentation is accurate and meets the professional standards outlined in the National Register regulations.

  2. The signature of the person making the nomination, plus his or her title, affiliation, mailing address, and daytime telephone number.

  3. The names and mailing addresses of the appropriate local government official and all legal property owners, so that the National Park Service can notify these individuals in accordance with the National Register regulations.

To find out if a State has an approved program, contact the National Park Service.


National Register properties have significance locally, statewide, or nationally. When a property is evaluated for National Register listing, its significance is considered in relationship to other properties and property types within a common historic context, that is a historic theme, period and geographical area: for example, "Commercial Development of Greeneville, Tennessee, 1880 to 1930." This evaluation results in a finding that the property is eligible at one or several levels.

The certifying official marks "x" in one or more boxes to indicate his or her recommendation on the significance of the property. The recommendation must be supported by the documentation on the registration form, including the case made for significance and the development of historic context. Consult National Register Bulletin 15: How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation for guidance on establishing whether a property is significant locally, statewide, or nationally.

Mark "national" only if the property is documented as having national importance in the registration form and should be considered for designation as a National Historic Landmark. (See Chapter V, Documenting Nationally Significant Properties.)




(including NONFEDERAL 

Nomination of private
 and/or nonfederal		SHPO			NONE
publicly owned property 

Nomination of Federal 
Property			FPO			SHPO

Nomination of a historic
district including
Federal property		SHPO			FPO 
						(signature not required)

Nomination of Federal
property initiated

Concurrent nomination by
two or more SHPOs		SHPOs of		NONE
				concurring states

Concurrent nomination by
SHPO and Federal agency		SHPO and FPO		NONE

Nominations of property		Same roles as above for Concurrent
owned by the Federal		by SHPO and FPO, Nomination of Federal
government and other owners	Property by SHPO, or Nomination of
				a historic district including Federal

Nomination of property in 
adjoining State(s)		SHPO 			SHPO of 
				initiating action	adjoining state(s)


Federal request for determination of eligibility Federal official or SHPO opinions may be designee provided by letter __________________________________________________________________________________


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