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 [graphic] National Register Bulletin How to Complete the National Register Registration Form

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U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service



Documentation on a National Register Registration Form may be revised, expanded, or updated at any time after National Register listing. Amendments may be made for many reasons:

  • change a property's historic name

  • update the condition of the property

  • clarify boundaries

  • expand significance for:

1. additional levels (including recommendations for NHL designation)
2. additional criteria
3. new areas of significance
4. additional periods of significance
  • document the individual significance of a resource within the property

  • increase boundaries

  • decrease boundaries

  • reclassify contributing and noncontributing resources

  • gain approval to move the property

  • list a property that was previously determined eligible

  • remove a property from the National Register

Registration forms may be amended in any of the following ways:

1. Submit continuation sheets with the new information and an explanation of the amendment.

2. Complete a new form that incorporates former documentation, new information, and proposed changes.

3. For boundary changes, provide a form that documents just the area being added or deleted.

The SHPO or FPO must certify the amendment. This is done on a continuation sheet with the certification statement).


When amending a registration form, revise all items affected by the proposed change . The items requiring revision are outlined below.


  • Enter, in section 1, the new name, and explain, in section 8, the reasons for the name change.


  • Revise counts and identification of contributing and noncontributing resources in sections 5 and 7 and on sketch map.

  • Revise areas of significance, period of significance, and other items in section 8.

  • Discuss, in section 8, additional significance and related historic contexts.

  • Provide additional photographs if necessary to represent new significance or contributing resources.


  • In section 1, enter the name of the property previously registered, and in parentheses indicate whether the documentation is for a boundary increase or decrease, for example, Abington Historic District (Boundary Increase). A name change may also be requested.

  • In section 2, enter only the address of the area being added or deleted.

  • Provide new information in section 5 on contributing and noncontributing resources. Indicate how many resources are affected by the boundary change. For increases, indicate the number and type of resources being added. For decreases, indicate the number and type of resources being deleted. For both increases and decreases, enter the total number of previously listed contributing resources (not just those affected by the change) under Number of Contributing Resources Previously Listed.

  • Identify and describe the areas and resources being added or deleted in the narrative for section 7.

  • Explain the reasons for the increase (such as the removal of false facades, expanded area survey, or discovery of new information) or decrease (such as loss of historic integrity) in section 8.

  • Document any additional significance in section 8.

  • Provide new geographical data in section 10, including location, boundary description and justification,acreage, and UTM references, for only the area being added or deleted.

  • Provide new USGS maps and, if required, sketch maps, reflecting the changes in geographical data.

  • Provide photographs of the area being added.

  • Provide photographs of the area being added.


  • Provide new information for location and geographical data in sections 2 and 7.

  • Describe the procedures for the move and the new location, its setting, and proposed orientation of the moved resource on the new site, in section 7.

  • Explain the reasons for the move, the appropriateness of the new setting and orientation, and the effect the move and the new location will have on the significance and integrity of the property.

  • Indicate, in section 8, how the property, after the move, will meet the special requirements for criteria consideration B.

  • Provide at least one photograph of the proposed site. Photographs of the moved resource on the new site should be submitted to the SHPO and FPO after the move.

  • Explain the effects of the move on any archeological or other historic resources at the new location.

  • Approvals for moves are evaluated on the basis of the impact of the move on the property's significance and integrity and the appropriateness of the new location. For additional guidance, refer to 36 CFR Part 60. Properties moved without prior approval are automatically removed from the National Register.


  • To request the listing of a property previously determined eligible because of owner objection (nonfederal determination of eligibility), submit to the SHPO and FPO a notarized letter from either the owner withdrawing his or her previous objection or the new owner stating that they are the current owner and do not object to the listing of the property.


  • Under very special circumstances, such as deterioration or loss of historic integrity, a property can be removed from the National Register. These circumstances are explained in 36 CFR Part 60. To request removal, provide the SHPO and FPO with an explanation of the reasons for removal and any supportive items such as photographs and newsclippings.


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