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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
Head Start Bureau

Infants and Toddlers

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Annotated Bibliography of Research on Infant and Toddler Interventions


Child Outcomes

Academic Achievement:

Studies that provide outcome data relating to measures of achievement such as standard achievement test scores and grades.


Adolescent or Adult Life Outcomes:

Studies that provide outcome data on subjects followed from infancy to adolescence or adulthood, such as educational attainment, marital status, work status and types of jobs held, pregnancies, substance abuse, and delinquency or criminal activity.



Studies that provide outcome data relating to the emotional bond formed between the child and caregiver(s), including family members and/or child care providers. Attachment also relates to infant mental health.


Birth Outcomes:

Studies that provide outcome data regarding birth-weight, pre-term delivery, prematurity, and other birth outcomes.


Cognitive Development:

Studies that provide outcome data relating to cognitive development, including but not limited to measures of perception, concept development, judgement, and reasoning, as well as IQ.


Emergent Literacy:

Studies that provide outcome data relating to children's awareness of print, experimentation with reading and writing, and understanding of the relationship between written and spoken words.


Language Development:

Studies that provide outcome data relating to language development, including expressive language, receptive language, and communicative intent.


Physical Development/Health:

Studies that provide outcome data relating to health, growth, nutrition, and motor development.


Grade Retention/Dropout:

Studies that provide outcome data on children's retention within a grade, and studies addressing children's school dropout rates.


Socioemotional Development:

Studies that provide outcome data relating to social development and competence, social behavior, and emotional development, not including measures of attachment.


Special Education Placement:

Studies that provide outcome data regarding on the special education placement of children or data on children in these programs.


Parent/Family Outcomes

Childrearing Practices:

Studies that provide data regarding the impact of intervention on a parent or family's child rearing practices, or the impact of a parent or family's child rearing practices on the child. Child rearing practices may include disciplinary practices and abuse and/or neglect.


Community/Enviornmental Influence:

Studies that describe and/or provide outcome data regarding the impact of the intervention on the community, the community's impact on the child and family, and partnerships between community institutions and the program.


Family Participation/Involvement:

Studies that provide data regarding the amount and the impact of family participation in intervention on the child and family.


Maternal Health/Prenatal Care:

Studies that provide data regarding the impact of intervention on maternal health or maternal use of prenatal care, or the impact of maternal health and/or use of prenatal care on the child.


Mental Health:

Studies that provide data regarding the impact of intervention on the emotional well-being of family members, including measures of self-esteem, depression, locus of control, stress and ability to cope, and incidence of other mental disorders, as well as the impact of such mental health issues on the child and family.


Parent Literacy:

Studies that provide data regarding the impact of intervention on the family's ability to read and write, or the impact of the family's ability to read and write on the child.


Parent-Child Relationships:

Studies that provide data regarding the impact of intervention on the parent-child relationship (i.e., communication, empathy, time spent together, activities) on the parent or the child.


Paternal Involvement:

Studies that provide data regarding the impact of intervention on the level of involvement of the child's father with regard to co-parenting, participation in intervention, and/or other support of the child and family, as well as the impact of paternal involvement on the child and family.


Self-Sufficiency/ Education/Life Skills:

Studies that provide data regarding the impact of intervention on a family's ability to be economically independent, pursue further schooling (e.g. obtain a GED), enhance social or life skills, or the impact of a family's economic, educational status, or social skills on the child or family.


Program/Intervention Characteristics


Studies that describe interventions that provide services for children and/or families predominantly at a center or other facility outside the family's home, not including a hospital or clinic.



Studies that describe interventions that provide services for children and/or families at a variety of sites (i.e., a center-based program that includes weekly home visits, a home visiting program that includes center-based parenting classes or child playtimes).



Studies that describe interventions that provide services for children and/or families predominantly at the family's home.



Studies that describe interventions that provide services for children and/or families at the hospital or other health care facility, including mental health/substance abuse care facilities.


Special Programs or Populations

Adolescent Parenthood:

Studies that target parents under the age of 18 and their children.


Adoption/Foster Care:

Studies that target children who have either been adopted or placed in the foster care system.



Studies that include subjects for whom English is a second language.


Exceptional Children:

Studies that include or target gifted children or children with disabilities, including learning disabilities.


Minority/Subgroup Populations:

Studies that target populations such as migrant workers, American Indians, or another specific minority group.


Premature/Low Birthweight Infants:

Studies that target children who are at-risk because they were born prematurely or at a low birth weight.


Age at Start of Intervention


Studies where the intervention began before the child was born.


Birth-1 Year:

Studies where the intervention began when the child was 1-year-old or younger.


1-2 Years:

Studies where the intervention began when the child was between 1 and 2-years-old.


Type of Document

Literature Review:

Documents that summarize or analyze past research studies.



Documents that include statistical analyses of a large collection of analysis results from individual studies for the purpose of integrating the findings.



Documents that include quantitative or qualitative research findings.

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Last modified: 6/17/2002