United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Farmstead at sunset.  NRCS photo by Tim McCabe.

March 31, 2004

The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment.

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Focus on the Field

NRCS talks WHIP with Alabama landowners.  NRCS image.WHIP Projects, Good Planning Help Wildlife Thrive for Alabama Landowner
Jane Kourkoulis owns two tracts of land in Macon County, Alabama, near Warrior Stand.  NRCS identified several practices that would help the landowner meet her goals.  “...my land and the wildlife on it are now thriving and supporting a small quail hunting group,” she says.  FULL STORY

Wisconsin TSP Workshop
Over 180 people attended a one-day workshop recently for new and potential Technical Service Providers in Wisconsin. State Conservationist Pat Leavenworth and TSP Coordinator Ken Rismeyer were gratified with the high level of interest, attendance, and the positive attitudes among the 121 private sector TSPs participating.  FULL STORY

Iowa State University Offers CAFO Fact Sheets, NRCS Collaborates
A new set of 24 fact sheets and related slide presentations is designed to help livestock and poultry producers deal with revised federal regulations for concentrated animal feeding operation.  A national team of 20 land-grant university faculty, NRCS staff, and National Pork Board staff collaborated on the project.  The project was managed through the Midwest Plan Service.  FULL STORY

Cover of Dryland Pastures book.  USDA image.NRCS, Extension Book Offers Data on Seeding Pastures in Montana and Wyoming
A newly revised book from the Montana State University Extension Service helps ranchers develop seeding plans for dryland pastures.  The book, "Dryland Pastures in Montana and Wyoming," was written by specialists from the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Extension Services at MSU and the University of Wyoming.  FULL STORY

New Jersey District Leads Pilot Program to Replace Trees Lost to Storm
A pilot program will help replenish the mature trees lost in July's macroburst storm and watched carefully to see if it might become a model of damage control for other large-scale events across New Jersey, said Joseph Dunn, director of the Morris County Conservation District.  The program's more urgent goal is to help homeowners, whose homes were in the path of the storm's 80 mph wind gusts, replant and recapture some of nature's bounty.  FULL STORY

Contest is Good Dirty Fun
Nearly 80 teenagers got to play with dirt as part of a contest sponsored by NRCS and Antelope Valley Resource Conservation District.  Agriculture and science classes at Littlerock, Rosamond, and Quartz Hill competed in testing soils to determine the soil composition and its suitability for various land uses.  FULL STORY

missouri state conservationist roger a. hansen, left, and don harkins, president and cceo of the rehabilitation institute of kansas city, sign memorandum of understanding. Missouri Forms Partnership with Rehabilitation Institute
Missouri State Conservationist Roger A. Hansen recently signed a memorandum of understanding with The Rehabilitation Institute of Kansas City.  FULL STORY


Word from Washington

USDA Whitten Building, Washington, DC.  USDA image by Ken Hammond.USDA Announces $3.5 Million for New Salmon Habitat Restoration Initiative in Five States
On March 30, 2004, Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman announced a $3.5 million new initiative to help restore and conserve salmon habitat as part of the Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program. The fiscal year 2004 funds will be used for the new Salmon Habitat Restoration Initiative, which is available in Alaska, California, Maine, Oregon, and Washington. The new initiative, administered by USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, will help landowners, including those in the Klamath Basin, with projects that restore habitat for Pacific and Atlantic salmon.  FULL STORY

USDA Releases $15 Million and Interim Final Rule for Conservation Innovation Grants
Secretary Veneman released the interim final rule for Conservation Innovation Grants and announced that $15 million will be available to fund selected grant proposals. The interim final rule will be published in the Federal Register soon with a request for public comments. At the same time, NRCS will announce the nationwide grant competition through a request for proposals that also will be published in the Federal Register and on the federal government’s eGrant website.  USDA NEWS RELEASE

image of my.nrcs log-in pageHave You Seen the my.NRCS Lately?
NRCS employees who haven’t visited the my.NRCS webpage recently should take a look at the many new features including NRCS Today, myNRCS, Technology, Programs, Accountability, and CIS.  FULL STORY

image of manuel ayela with afghan kidsNRCS Conservationist Returns from Afghanistan
NRCS soil conservationist Manuel Ayala recently returned from a six-month detail in Afghanistan where he worked with local farmers, principally in Bamyan Province as well as other locations around the country including Mazar-e-sharif, Herat, Ghor, and Farah.  FULL STORY


image of max schnepfMax Schnepf Retires After 40-Year Career in Natural Resources
Max Schnepf, NRCS Coordinator for the National Conservation Buffer Initiative, retires this week after a 40-year career in natural resources.  FULL STORY




photo of Earth Team National Volunteer Service Award Chief Presents Earth Team National Volunteer Service Award
Chief Bruce Knight recently presented this year's Earth Team National Volunteer Service Award (the Chief's Cup) to the State of Colorado.


Tech Tip

the forest service’s forest products laboratory demonstration house shown in this picture has a foundation made of pressure treated woodPressure Treated Wood Update
NRCS planners and designers should be aware of significant pressure-treated wood changes as the industry adjusts to a voluntary partial phase-out of wood products treated with the preservative chromated copper arsenate (CCA).  FULL STORY

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To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.