United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Aerial view on contour terraces and grassed waterways for erosion control. Kansas.  NRCS inage by Jeff Vanuga.

March 3, 2004

The Natural Resources Conservation Service provides leadership in a partnership effort to help people conserve, maintain, and improve our natural resources and environment.

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Focus on the Field

Officials from Natural Resources Conservation Service and local sponsors of the Marrowbone Creek Watershed Project signed the project plan for NRCS in Virginia’s first dam rehabilitation project at a recent ceremony on the creek’s banks.Virginia's First Dam Rehabilitation Project Begins
Officials from Natural Resources Conservation Service and local sponsors of the Marrowbone Creek Watershed Project signed the project plan for NRCS in Virginia’s first dam rehabilitation project at a recent ceremony on the creek’s banks.  FULL STORY

Easement Protects Precious Montana Farmland
Protecting 307 acres of the family farm through a conservation easement wasn't a difficult choice for Ray Sanders.  The land has been in the family since 1943. Sanders remembers playing with his dog among the cottonwoods that line the slough. His daughter grew up riding horses in the same places, and he wants his granddaughter to be able to do the same.  FULL STORY

Audubon, NRCS Launch Backyard Conservation Website
You know where you live, but do you know your “ecological address?” Audubon At Home, a new program made possible in part by NRCS, is bringing conservation home through an exciting, interactive website designed to give visitors useful information on making their backyards more bird-friendly, and their homes healthier and safer for their families.  FULL STORY

Lehigh River.  Image courtesy of Wildlands Conservancy.District to Restore Stream Bank, Improve Water Quality in Pennsylvania Scenic River
For 20 years, the banks of First Hollow Stream in Nesquehoning have eroded, depleting the stream's quality for trout reproduction and creating a hazard for those who visit the run. This summer, the Carbon County Conservation District plans to begin a project to stabilize the banks of the stream, which feeds into Nesquehoning Creek, a tributary of the Lehigh River, a Pennsylvania Scenic River.  FULL STORY

Historic flatwoods school before (top) and after (bottom) rennovationBefore and After ̀a la RC&D
The NRCS-administered Top of Ohio Resource Conservation & Development (RC&D) Council is helping preserve antiquity in Logan County, Ohio.  FULL STORY


waterfowl - duck swiing in waterPartners in Protecting Minnesota's Waterfowl
NRCS, Ducks Unlimited, and the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources have joined forces with the Freeborn, Minnesota, County chapters of Pheasants Forever and Minnesota Deer Hunters Association to expand the Goose Greek waterfowl production area.  FULL STORY

Word from Washington

U.S. Supreme Court.  USDA image by Ken Hammond.NRCS Proposed Reorganization Web Page
Get the latest official information about the proposed reorganization of NRCS.  


National Animal Agriculture Conservation Framework document coverNational Animal Agriculture Conservation Framework Published
NRCS announced in the February 27, 2004, Federal Register publication of the National Animal Agriculture Conservation Framework.  FULL STORY

NRCS Legislative Summaries, Testimony, and Reports
Timely and accurate information from NRCS Legislative Affairs.

Tech Tip

cattle grazing in UtahWeb Version of Nutbal PRO Tested
A web-based version of the Nutritional Balance Analyzer (Nutbal PRO) -- a stand alone decision support system application developed jointly by the Grazing Lands Technology Institute and Grazingland Animal Nutrition Lab (GANLAB) at Texas A&M University -- is currently being tested.  FULL STORY

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To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964 (voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.