Building On Results: A Blueprint for Strengthening the No Child Left Behind Act
January 2007

en Español

"Five years ago, we rose above partisan differences to pass the No Child Left Behind Act, preserving local control, raising standards, and holding those schools accountable for results.... Now the task is to build on the success, without watering down standards, without taking control from local communities, and without backsliding and calling it reform."
—President Bush

With President Bush's signing of the No Child Left Behind Act in 2002, Americans united behind the idea that "every child can learn." Now, as Congress begins to reauthorize the law, we take the next step to ensure that every child does learn.

In his State of the Union Address, President Bush discussed his plans for the law's reauthorization. Building On Results: A Blueprint for Strengthening the No Child Left Behind Act is designed to provide additional tools to our schools and educators to help America's students read and do math at grade level by 2014.

We know what works: high standards, accountability, more choices for parents, and sound, proven methods of instruction. These principles have yielded real and sustainable results. Under No Child Left Behind, our students have made strong academic progress, particularly in the earlier grades. Reading and math scores are at all-time highs and achievement gaps are closing.

The No Child Left Behind Act has evolved from idea to law to a way of life. It's the foundation upon which we must build, and the time to act is now. To strengthen the law, the President proposes to:


Every Child Performing at or Above Grade Level by 2014

Flexibility for Innovation and Improvement

Challenging Our Students and Preparing Them to Succeed

Helping Teachers Close the Achievement Gap

Strengthening Public Schools and Empowering Parents

Last Modified: 01/26/2007