No Child Left Behind's 5th Anniversary
Keeping Promises And Achieving Results

January 2007

en Español

"Not once in my travels around the country have I met a parent who didn't want their child learning on grade level." — Secretary Margaret Spellings

Five years ago, the No Child Left Behind Act promised a New Era in American education...

... and it is Working.

The decades-old "achievement gap" is finally beginning to Close...

According to the Nation's Report Card, from 1999 to 2004 the gap between:

... while student achievement is on the Rise.

Under NCLB, the future is Brighter for every student.

Moving forward, we propose to strengthen and expand the No Child Left Behind Act by:

* Sources: 2004 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Long-Term Trends in Academic Progress; 2005 Nation's Report Card (NAEP); National Assessment of Title I Interim Report

Last Modified: 02/02/2007