United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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FY-2003 GRP Project Information

The following two maps display information on Grassland Reserve Program (GRP) projects that were enrolled in fiscal year 2003.

This voluntary program offers landowners the opportunity to protect, restore, and enhance grasslands on their property. The Natural Resources Conservation Service, Farm Service Agency and Forest Service are coordinating implementation of GRP, which helps landowners restore and protect grassland, rangeland, pastureland, shrubland and certain other lands and provides assistance for rehabilitating grasslands. The program will conserve vulnerable grasslands from conversion to cropland or other uses and conserve valuable grasslands by helping maintain viable ranching operations. In FY-2003, NRCS enrolled more than 800 projects covering almost 241,000 acres into the program. Click on each map's data link for detail information.

The data tables are available in Adobe Acrobat format.

FY-2003 GRP Number of Projects

U.S. map showing the number of GRP projects enrolled in FY2003, by State.
Click on map to enlarge.

This map shows the number of GRP projects enrolled in fiscal year 2003, by State.

Adobe Acrobat DocumentSupporting data by State available in tabular format

FY-2003 Number of Acres

U.S. map showing the number of acres enrolled in GRP projects in FY2003, by State.
Click on map to enlarge.

This map shows the number of acres enrolled in GRP contracts signed in fiscal year 2003, by State.

Adobe Acrobat DocumentSupporting data by State available in tabular format

Program Contact

Astor Boozer, Acting, National Program Manager, 202-720-0907

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