OCR Interpretation

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0   <   7   if   I   J
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THE   INTERIOR   JOURNAL   i   r   1
VOL   XXXIII   ISTANFORD   KY   FRIDAY   APRIL   7   1905   NO   11
It   is   reported   thnt   Mr   Carman   Rob -
inson   who   formerly   lived   hero   is   dead
tit   his   home   in   Indiana
Our   oldest   inhabitant   say   that   with
l   i   one   exception   the   March   just   endedwas
the   prettiest   ever   seen
Some   one   who   loves   to   hear   the   bull -
dogs   bark   fired   off   a   pistol   nearly   0
dozen   times   Saturday   night   Our   law
abiding   citizens   deplore   such   acts
t   The   Baptists   and   Methodists   reorgan
>   Ized   their   respective   Sunday   schools
Sunday   morning   The   Baptist   school
i   elected   J   M   Cress   superintendent   and
Miss   Fnnnlo   Thompson   secretary
Horn   to   the   wife   of   John   B   Ander
son   a   10pound   boy   Mrs   Jesse   Tray
lor   is   able   to   sit   up   Mrs   John   Pep
plea   Is   sick   Born   to   the   wife   of   John
Cress   n   fine   girl   J   M   cant   talk   for
smiling   Chnrlos   Hlgsby   sold   n   two   yearold
gelding   to   n   Mr   Mullins   for   1GO   and
t   bought   of   Miss   Jennie   Green   a   filly   for
n   fancy   price   J   11   Thompson   sold   n
n   BOW   and   pigs   to   Hayden   Nnylor   for
10   Some   of   our   farmers   are   planting
com   Misses   Fannie   Carpenter   andOlga
Cummliw   gave   a   very   delightful   part
Thursday   evening   at   the   mWoneo   of   S
I   D   Carpenter   A   large   crowd   WM   In
attendance   and   everybody   evidently   on
4   joyed   hinwolf   judging   from   the   many
I   complimonU   we   hoard   passed   on   the   oc
I   casion   and   the   jrtoasuro   wo   experienced
In   being   present
At   the   residence   of   Mrs   Grenon   the
evening   of   April   let   Mr   Christopher
Links   and   Mis   Jennie   Green   wore   uni
ted   in   the   holy   bonds   of   wedlock   Rev
F   J   Rodgers   of   Oklahoma   OITlciaUng
The   groom   is   a   clover   hardworking
young   man   while   tho   bride   Is   thoyoung
rat   daughter   of   tho   late   J   F   Green
Wv   extend   our   h   artl   it   congratulations
I   l   JIM   FtuMi   May   Sutton   ia   visiting
relative   at   Buckeye   Mr   and   Mm   1
C   King   of   Hubble   were   vtetting   at
Mm   Louisa   Holttelnw   Waller   Pet
tus   visited   the   homo   folks   Prof   Iloaky
1pent   H   day   toning   on   Dbt   rhror   Min
Sarah   Sowder   of   Bee   lick   to   the   guest
of   her   mother   Mm   Sowdor   J   II
c   Hutclilns   has   returned   from   Lexington
where   ho   has   bean   atlimllrig   a   business
I   college   MiM   Nell   Nowlnnd   of   Cedar
p   Creek   wtis   with   her   abler   Mrs   W   C
Cummins   Mrs   J   B   Hutchins   jias   re
turned   from   a   visit   to   her   sister   at   Jel
Ilea   Leslie   Harbor   has   returned   from
t   Indianapolis
9The   76th   annual   conference   of   the
Mormon   Church   is   In   session   at   Salt
I   r   Lake   City
J   By   a   2   to   1   vote   Donnell   Ala   Pres -
bytery   of   the   Cumberland   Presbyterian
church   defeated   the   proposition   to
unite   with   the   Presbyterian   church
The   man   who   becomes   converted
but   whose   conversion   leads   him   not   to
the   payment   of   his   just   debts   has   al
I   ready   been   nominated   for   hI   with   no
opposition   in   the   final   election   Han -
1   cock   Clarion
r   The   third   quarterly   meeting   of   the
dreo   church   April   15   and   1C   The   pre -
siding   elder   Rev   J   W   Simpson   will
I   bo   present   It   is   desired   that   nil   the
officers   of   the   church   be   present   All
the   stewards   are   expected   to   make   their
I   reportsMorning
Morning   anti   evening   services   ns   us -
ual   at   the   Presbyterian   church   next
j   Sunday   Sunday   school   promptly   at
980   AI   Christian   Endeavor   at   GM
rI   Morning   service   nt   11   oclock
subject   Tho   Ministry   of   Pain   to   Eve -
ning   service   nt   730   subject   The   Val
I   Icy   of   the   Shadow   of   Death   All   visi
I   tors   and   strangers   will   bo   cordially   wol
come   nt   these   services
I   Rev   Plommons   of   Cynthiannwill
preach   at   tho   Baptist   church   Sunday
I   morning   and   evening   All   are   invited
to   hear   him   Dont   forget   the   Sunday
School   nt   930   Come   and   bring   your
children   Remember   also   to   bring   your
contribution   for   missions   All   must   be
I   in   by   the   3rd   Sunday   Lot   each   do   all
1   possible   for   there   have   been   more   con -
1   J   verts   than   any   previous   yearMore
missionaries   hnvo   been   sent   out   and   the
basis   of   operation   has   been   on   the   basis
of   25   per   cent   incrcoso   for   tho   year
ending   1905   Encourage   each   other   and
the   committee   by   helping   God   loveth
n   cheerful   giver   to   Are   you   one   that
lie   loves   0   M   Hucy   Pastor
I   For   a   WeakDigestion
No   nusdlclno   can   replace   food   but
OharaberMnB   Stomach   and   Liver
Tablets   will   help   you   to   digest   your
food   It   is   not   tho   quantity   of   food
taken   that   gives   strength   and   vigor   to
tho   system   but   tho   amount   digested
and   assimilated   If   troubled   with
a   weak   digestion   dont   fall   to   give
those   Tablets   a   trial   Thousuiulslmvo
been   betioUtted   by   their   use   They
only   costa   quarter   For   sale   by   Lyno
Bros   Crab   Orchard
These   sago   words   of   the   poet
Keep   constantly   in   view
Stick   to   your   flannels   Willie
Until   they   stick   to   you   to
Dan   Hester   has   boughlor   Winfret
Skidmore   11   acres   of   good   land   near
Hev   It   H   Noel   of   Stanford   fillet
his   regular   appointment   nt   Pleasant
Point   Baptist   church   Sunday
John   Leach   who   has   been   living   at
Stanford   for   the   last   year   will   move   to
the   house   vacated   by   George   Padgett
George   Padgett   traded   his   house   find
10   acres   of   land   near   Kingsville   for   II
farm   owned   by   John1   Leach   and   will
move   to   it   shortly
Gardening   seems   to   be   the   order   ol
the   day   Mack   Williams   planted   his   po
tntoos   Monday   He   is   expecting   a   re
cord   breaking   crop
The   stork   has   been   around   Triplets
at   the   home   of   Mrs   Martha   Leachal
girls   Mother   and   little   ones   doing   ai
well   us   could   be   expected
A   movement   Is   on   foot   to   organise   a
lease   ball   team   here   With   the   good
timber   we   have   to   draw   from   other
teams   will   Jiavo   to   go   some   to   hold
their   own   with   us
Mesdames   W   IK   McCarty   and   C   M
Thompson   will   go   to   Cincinnati   noxl
week   to   select   their   Spring   and   Sum -
mer   milllnory   On   account   of   blaster
coming   so   Into   this   year   our   milliners
notwithstanding   the   fine   weather   we
have   had   have   deferred   purchasing
their   goods   until   Inter   than   usual
G   Ai   Walter   who   has   been   com -
plaining   for   n   few   days   Is   out   again
with   his   same   old   smile   MiM   Mary
Kenney   of   Nlcholasvillo   is   the   guest   i
of   her   sister   Mrs   Charles   Evans   Mrs
James   Robinson   and   children   of   WI1
Hamstown   returned   homo   Monday   J
W   Thompson   pntd   a   Hying   visit   to
Woodstock   Sunday   Mrs   J   I   John -
son   who   has   boon   quite   III   for   several
weeks   Is   convalescent
Miss   Elisabeth   bL   Creighlon   loft   on
Wednesday   for   an   extended   visit   to
relatives   and   friends   at   I   xington   and
MayBville   Her   many   friunds   wish   her
a   pleasant   and   enjoyable   visit   MiM
Mollie   Walter   of   Stanford   te   vWttog
her   brothers   G   A   and   Wallace   Wal -
ter   Craig   Butt   will   soon   go   to   house
keeping   in   the   house   vacated   by   Henry
Wmu   Manfred   Cfiovolotto   made   his
regular   visit   to   Highland   Sunday   Keep
It   up   Manfred
Cheated   Death
Kidney   trouble   often   ends   fatally
but   by   choosing   the   right   medicine
Mr   E   IL   Wotto   of   Hoar   Grove   la
cheated   death   Ho   says   Two   years
ago   I   had   Kidney   Trouble   which
onu   od   mo   great   pain   suffering   and
anxiety   but   I   took   Kleutrlo   Hitters
which   oIKolcd   a   eotnplote   euro   I   have
also   found   thorn   of   great   bonollt   Ingen
oral   debility   and   nerve   trouble   and
keep   thorn   constantly   on   hand   since   I
find   they   have   no   equal   G   L   Ion
ny   Stanford   and   Lyno   Eros   Crub
Orchard   druggists   guarantee   them   at
BO   cant
An   eccentric   Welshman   who   with   his
wife   lived   a   hermit   life   for   half   a   cen -
tury   on   the   mountain   nt   Garth   Llan
pollen   has   died   and   tho   quaint   funeral
arrangements   that   he   drew   up   have
been   carried   out   He   requested   that
ho   be   placed   in   his   coffin   dressed   in   his
Sunday   attire   including   shoes   stock -
ings   and   a   clean   linen   collar   Ho   also
specified   that   his   favorite   sealskin   cap
should   he   placed   on   his   head   and   that
by   his   side   should   be   placed   his   pipe
tobacco   and   trusty   walking   stick   Lon
don   Chronicle
Frightful   Suffering   Relieved
SutTurlng   frightfully   from   tho   vim
lent   poisons   of   undigested   food   C   G
Grnytion   of   Lula   Miss   took   Dr
Kings   New   Life   Tills   with   tho   re
stiltle   writes   that   I   was   cured
AH   stomach   and   bowel   disorders   give
way   to   their   teak   laxative   properties
2oontGIi   Pennys   Stanford   and
Lyno   Bros   Crab   Orchard   druggists
The   Belgian   creditors   of   Santo   Do -
mingo   are   not   satisfied   with   tho   ar
rangement   made   for   tho   collection   and
disposition   of   Its   revenues   and   demand
tho   payment   of   27000   a   month   here
toforo   agreed   upon   They   holdover
half   tho   Indebtedness   of   tho   island   Re -
Mr   W   P   Walton   formerly   the
editor   and   proprietor   of   the   Lexington
Morning   Democrat   has   been   appointed
n   member   of   the   Press   Committee   for
the   reunion   of   the   United   Confederate
Veterans   which   will   bo   held   nt   libuis
villa   in   Juno
Patient   But   I   thought   your   price   for
an   appendicitis   operation   was   only   1OO7
Specialist   Oh   that   was   yesterdays
quotation   The   market   opened   this
morning   at   325   and   advanced   briskly   to
Keep   your   bowels   regular   by   tho   use
of   Chamberlains   Stomach   and   Liver
Tablets   Thpre   Is   nothing   better
Forsalo   by   Lyno   droll   OrnbOrchurd
A   Cincinnati   saloon   keeper   committed
suicide   on   his   wifes   grave
Knox   of   Nicholas
Thomas   S   county
Jropped   dead   after   mating   a   hearty   din
nero   Forest   fires   ore   doing   greatdamage
in   the   South   mountains   of   Pennsyl -
Fire   In   a   largo   building   nt   Cripple
Creek   Col   resulted   in   the   deathof
two   men
Andrew   Hibbctt   and   James   Scudder
Negro   murderers   wore   hanged   in   the
jail   yard   at   Nashville
Cook   county   III   voted   for   a   five
million   dollar   bond   Issue   to   build   a   new
courthouse   in   Chicago
Louise   Rivers   11   years   oldor   New
Rochelle   N1   Y   died   as   n   result   of
excessive   rope   skipping
Thomas   H   Montgomoryprosidont   of
tho   American   Insurance   Company   tiled
suddenly   in   Philadelphia
Tho   Coroners   jury   ascribed   tho   ox
plosion   which   killed   43   men   at   Zeigler
III   to   persons   yet   unknown
The   second   fire   wlthon   a   few   months
at   Cadiz   destroyed   property   worth
20000   with   but   0000   insurance
James   E   Baker   jailer   and   democrat
ic   nominee   for   sheriff   of   Calloway   coun -
ty   died   suddenly   of   heart   failure
Chris   voji   dor   Ahe   of   St   Louis   for
marly   n   prominent   figure   hi   the   base -
ball   world   was   stricken   with   apoplexy
while   voting
It   te   now   known   that   Mrs   Jane   La
throp   Stanford   left   an   estate   valued   at
7000000   and   that   387000   will   go   to
Stanford   University
William   H   Delus   soninlaw   of
Chief   Justice   Melville   W   Fuller   of   tho
United   States   Supreme   Court   commit
ltd   suicide   in   Chicago
The   HurglaCnllahan   caN   was   post -
poned   at   Lexington   till   today   owing   to
the   continued   nlwunco   of   witnesses
wanted   hy   tho   Commonwealth
It   Is   said   that   control   of   the   Chicago
Terminal   Transfer   Railroad   Company
baa   paned   into   the   hands   of   interest
headed   by   J   P   Morgan   Co
TV   United   States   produces   810000
000   metric   tons   of   coal   a   year   worth   at
the   mines   136000000   and   costing   con
sumers   nearly   a   billion   dollars
A   largo   force   of   Russians   with
mounted   artillery   and   machine   guns
attacked   the   Japs   near   Chincheatun
and   was   repulsed   with   heavy   loss
T   C   Lamb   an   Arizona   mine   super -
intendent   was   blown   to   atoms   by   an
infernal   machine   while   asleep   at   his
home   The   coroners   verdict   was   mur
A   receiver   has   been   appointed   for   the
American   Fruit   Steamship   Company   a
5000000   corporation   of   which   former
Senator   William   E   Mason   of   Chicago
is   president
A   stay   of   execution   was   granted   by
the   United   States   Court   of   Appeals   at
Cincinnati   In   behalf   of   Mrs   Chadwick
Her   attorney   expects   to   present   the
appeal   in   May
Charles   Hutchison   a   Negro   criminal
who   escaped   from   the   Paducah   police
station   shot   and   killed   himself   while
pursued   by   a   posse   near   Paducah   Ho
was   wanted   for   shooting   Policeman
Eakcr   nt   Fulton
A   report   was   received   at   Lexington
that   Mrs   Ed   Callahan   wife   of   Sheriff   I
Ed   Callahan   of   Broathitt   county   at -
tempted   to   commit   suicide   a   few   nights
since   as   n   result   of   worry   Incident   to
the   arrest   and   possible   conviction   of
her   husband
Tho   State   Board   of   Valuation   and   As -
sessment   placed   the   total   valuation   of
the   Chesapeake   and   Ohio   Railroad
Company   nt   8216910   and   iU   franchise
valuation   at   2310900   The   total
valuation   of   tho   Nashville   Chattanooga
and   St   Louis   Railway   Company   was
placed   at   1050010   and   its   franchise
valuation   345750
A   dispatch   from   Berlin   says   the   Ger
math   Embassy   nt   St   Petersburg   re
gads   it   ns   probable   that   tho   month
will   not   end   without   peace   The   Rus -
sian   Emperor   it   is   said   is   standing
alone   for   n   continuance   of   the   war
while   the   Grand   Dukes   nnd   practically
tho   whole   of   his   official   family   are   in
favor   of   opening   negotiations   for   peace
Frank   B   Harper   the   veteran   turf
man   owner   of   the   beautiful   Nantura
stock   farm   in   Woodford   and   who   for
mqrly   owned   the   great   race   horses   and
sires   Longfellow   and   Ten   Beech   is
dead   Ho   was   stricken   with   paralysis
a   few   weeks   ago   and   ever   since   had
been   slowly   sinking   Ho   is   survived   by
two   sisters   Mrs   C   A   Owsley   of   Mill
way   and   Mrs   Mary   Moore   of   Scott
The   Very   Best   Remedy   For   Bow -
el   TroublesNo   Family   Can
Afford   To   Be   Without
I   regard   Chamberlains   Colic
Cholera   and   Diarrhoea   Remedy   as   ono
of   tho   very   best   remedies   for   bowel
troubles   It   writes   Mr   J   W   ilanlon
editor   of   tho   Despatch   Oclllu   Georgia
I   make   this   statement   after   having
used   tho   medicine   In   my   family   forsev
oral   years   I   am   never   without   It
No   family   can   afford   to   lw   without   a
bottle   of   this   remedy   In   tho   house   It
Is   certain   to   be   needed   sooner   or   later
Forsalo   by   Lyne   pros   Crab   Orchard   i
there   is   little   hope   of   her   recovery
The   Yenger   store   rooms   on   Public
Square   wore   sold   to   Sam   Johnson   for
John   Sanders   bought   of   J   W   San -
ders   11   cattle   at   30   he   also   bought
two   from   J   M   Sanders   at   32c
William   Onstott   sold   ICO   barrels   of
corn   to   Jeff   T   Dunn   at   225   San
Duncan   bought   a   horse   from   Ike   Montgomery
gomery   for   105   W   R   Smith   sold   his
tobacco   to   R   N   Beozley   of   Paint
Lick   at   8   cents
Our   merchants   and   business   men   in
conjunction   with   the   city   have   about
perfected   plan   by   which   tho   street
will   be   sprinkled   during   the   summer
months   A   big   twohorse   sprinkler   will
be   purchased   which   it   is   believed   will
prove   a   more   efficient   plan   than   that   of
sprinkling   with   the   big   hose   as   was
done   last   summer
Mrs   Mary   Frances   Arnold   wife   or
H   Clay   Arnold   who   has   long   been   In
falling   health   died   at   her   homo   Mon -
day   evening   Dr   E   II   Pearce   or
Danville   conducted   the   funeral   ser -
vices   at   the   Christian   church   of   which
Mrs   Arnold   had   been   a   member   for   B
number   of   years   Wednesday   morning
interment   taking   place   in   the   Lancas -
ter   cemetery
A   message   received   announcing   the
the   marriage   of   Miss   Mary   C   Thomp
son   and   Ernest   G   Brown   Wednesday
at   Lebanon   Junction   was   a   surprise   to
their   many   friends   Miss   Thompson
l   Wednesday   morning   on   the   11   o
clock   train   without   the   knowledge   of
her   parents   or   most   intimate   friends
and   met   Mr   Drown   at   Lebanon   Junc -
tion   They   will   reside   in   Memphis
where   Mr   Brown   accopted   n   position   u
few   months   since
Mrs   Mona   Dunn   and   daughter   Miss
Ella   of   Brodhead   have   returned   home
after   a   short   visit   to   rolativos   in   this
city   Rev   Charles   Reid   and   family   at
Mlddlesboro   are   with   his   mother   Mrs
Mary   Reid   who   continues   very   ill   Mr
Jerry   Reepeeg   of   North   Carolina   has
joined   his   family   here   for   n   short   stnyl
Clyde   Herring   of   Louisville   attended
the   funeral   of   Mrs   Annie   L   Herring
Miss   Mary   L   Burnsid   has   as   horguest
Miss   Evelyn   Metcalf   of   Lexington
Mrs   Alex   Doty   and   John   Doty   left   a
few   days   since   for   Martinsvllle   Ind
They   will   be   gone   several   weeks   Miss
Bettie   Anderson   left   Wednesday   for
Knoxville   for   a   visit   of   several   weeks
to   Mrs   W   R   Marrs   Mrs   W   It
Cook   and   son   Robinson   who   have
been   spending   the   winter   at   Henderson
N   C   have   returned   homeI
At   his   home   Sharon   a   beautiful   I
spot   in   tho   heart   of   the   Bluegrass   the
lion   Abram   Rcnick   this   evening   mar -
ried   Miss   Jessie   McKee   Pry   says   a
Winchester   dispatch
The   friends   of   the   contracting   parties
were   surprised   to   learn   of   the   wedding
of   George   Phelps   and   Miss   Maria   Smith
which   occured   at   five   oclock   at   the
residence   of   Rev   G   W   Shepherd   who
performed   the   ceremony   Immediately
after   the   wedding   they   drove   to   Mr
Phelps   home   In   the   country   where
they   will   reside   Both   bride   and   groom
belong   to   prominent   and   popular   fam -
ilies   and   they   are   wished   nil   happiness
by   theh   friends   Richmond   Register
Mr   Phelps   is   n   nephew   of   D   Clifton
Fowler   of   thus   county
Charles   E   Beck   son   of   Mr   J   L
Beck   of   the   McKInney   section   was
married   at   Kcwancc   111   to   Miss   Lena
LinJholm   a   beautiful   young   lady   of
that   city   A   local   paper   says   of   the
contracting   parties   The   bride   is   the
daughter   of   Mr   and   Mrs   A   W   Lind
holm   nnd   is   popular   with   those   with
whom   she   Is   acquainted   Mr   Beck   has
lived   in   Kcwaneo   a   few   years   and   while
here   has   made   a   host   of   friends   Ho   is
an   industrious   young   man   and   at   pres -
ent   is   employed   in   the   annealing   de -
partment   at   the   plant   of   the   Western
Tube   Company
About   Rheumatism
There   are   few   diseases   that   Inlllct
more   torture   than   rheumatism   and
theme   Is   probably   no   disease   for   which
such   a   varied   and   useless   lot   of   memo
dies   have   been   suggested   To   say   that
It   can   bi   cured   Is   therefore   a   bold
statement   to   make   but   s -
Pain   Balm   which   enjoys   an   extensive
sale   has   met   with   great   success   In   the
treatment   of   this   disease   Ono   appli
cation   of   Pain   Halm   will   relieve   the
pain   and   hundreds   of   sulTercrs   have
testified   to   permanent   cures   by   Its   use
Why   suffer   when   Pain   Balnr   affords
such   quick   relief   and   costs   but   a   trlllo
For   sale   by   Lyno   UrosCrabOrchard
Four   persons   were   killed   by   ilhiml
nating   gas   in   tenement   house   on   tho
upper   East   Side   In   New   York
All   persons   hereafter   participating   in
disorders   nt   Warsaw   Poland   will   be
tried   by   martial   law
Mrs   Mary   Grant   Cramer   sister   of
Gen   Grant   is   dead   at   Orange   N   J
Spring   Opening
Of   The   New   Storey
New   and   lrptodnte   stock   of
Dry   Goods   Clothing   Shoes   Hats
Caps   Ladies   and   Gents   y
Furnishings   c
Complete   in   Style   and   Quality   We   invite   everybody   to
come   and   inspect   our   goods   before   buying   elsewhere
SAM   ROBINSON   f   1
Next   Door   to   Lincoln   County   Nat   Bank
Disc   Harrows
Tiger   I
Tiger   Corn   Planters
Tiger   Cultivators   Walking   1
Tiger   Cultivators   Riding
I   T
LaPorte   Vehicles   i   I
I   Over   300   of   these   pleasure   vehicles   have   been   sold   in   Lincoln
county   which   is   of   itself   evidence   of   their   merits   The   follow
is   made   up   from   memory   there   are   many   others   to   nilof
whom   we   refer   as   to   evidence   of   the   worth   of   this   work
Preston   Deck
Hon   J   S   Owsley   Sr
J   C   McClary
las   F   Cummins
Hon   M   C   Saiitlcy
J   n   Paxton
HonK   C   Warren
Rowan   Saufley
John   Deck
john   Deazley   Livery
J   IL   Hoo3eCo0   Livery
I   M   Bruce   Livery
L   H   Huches
W   P   Grimes
J   S   hocker   Bank   Presdt
John   Lynn
ui   yu   OBannon
Andrew   Gooch
Cicero   Reynolds
J   F   Holdam
M   S   Uaughman
Jas   H   Baughman
Jho   S   Uaughman
Henry   Traylor
T   D   Newland
Col   T   P   Hill
J   W   Brooks
Jack   Beatley
Vm   Underwood
Luther   Underwood
Crit   Eubanks
Robert   Sims
1K   VanArsdale
John   Bingaraan
James   Hays
JC   Bailey   I
Thos   Dudderar
Porter   Robinson   i
Sidney   Dunbar
E   P   Woods
Robert   Woods
James   Woods
W   H   Higgins
J   N   Menefee
Sam   W   Menefee
S   J   Ernbry   Sr
E   T   Pence
E   C   Walton
C   V   Gentry
W   C   Shanks
W   W   Withers
James   Lynn
Judge   J   P   Bailey
vS   R   Denham
A   I   Carman
II   J   Darst
Full   carload   of   these   popular   vehicles   re
for   Lincoln   County   t
County   Court   Day   Week
Beginning   on   Monday   next   wo   will   begin   n   sale   that   will   startle   tho   na   i
tives   in   prices   and   values   We   have   too   many   goods   and   must   unload   them   jl
and   prices   will   ho   no   consideration   They   must   go   it   it   is   necessary   to   give
them   away   Look   at   these   prices   IIj
Mens   Black   Worsted   and   Cheviot
Out   Coats   9Sc
stews   Sunday   and   Working   Pants
al   Die
Childrens   Casimoro   Slits   at   75c
Childrens   Cants   loo   up
Mens   and   Boys   flats   15e   tip
Boys   Caps   Uo   up
Mens   and   Boys   Shoes   98e   up
Ladies   and   Misses   Shoes   at   Too   up
Mens   Sunday   Shirts   with   or   with -
out   collars   2lc
Suspenders   for   Boys   and   Men   nt
oo   up
Heavy   Brown   Cotton   Ole   up   i
Calicoes   4Jo   up
Ladies   and   Misses   Skirts   98e   lip
Nice   Childrens   Stockings   5c   up
liens   Socks   5c   up
Ladies   nnd   Misses   Corsets   lc   up
Baby   Shoes   different   colors   ljo
up   S -
Lot   of   Neckties   at   your   own   price
Garden   Seed   nil   kinds   two   pack   i -
ages   for   fie   j
Black   and   White   Thread   200   t
yards   two   spools   for   fie
Ladies   Belts   9c   up
Lead   Pencils   5c   dozen
I   1
S   Goldstein   Prop
11   u