A seagull flies over the California Coastal National Monument which stretches along the entire coast of California and extends 12 miles into the Pacific Ocean.  The Monument includes 20,000 rocks, islands, pinnacles and reefs.
Wagon wheel in the Carrizo Plain National Monument Geothermal Well Rock Climbing Wild Horses River Rafters on Cache Creek
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Natural Resources Projects Inventory
(a multi-agency data sharing partnership)

[Planning] [Guidance] [FAQs] [NRPI] [NEPA Documents][10-Year Planning Schedule] [Types of Documents]

The Natural Resources Projects Inventory (NRPI) serves as an online information resource for maps, models, reports and other related information regarding environmental protection in California. A cooperative project between theCalifornia Biodiversity Council, of which BLM is a founding member, and the UC Davis Information Center for the Environment (ICE), NRPI contains information on 1500 projects, 185 of which are associated with BLM (over twelve percent of the database).

NRPI is divided into three subcategories:

    California Ecological Restoration Projects Inventory: on-the-ground restoration projects in California involving one or more cooperators. Provides accessible findings and facts for assisting practitioners in project design and implementation. Projects qualifying for this listing include those attempting to revive a particular aspect of a native ecosystem.

    Watershed Projects Inventory: past, current and future resource-based restoration, mitigation and conservation projects in or bordering California. These projects involve three or more cooperators and include Habitat Conservation Plans, Coordinated Resource Management Plans, Natural Community Conservation Plans, as well as local conservation efforts.

    Noxious Weed Control Inventory: a compilation of projects that attempt eradication or reduction of noxious weeds. By supplying information on the control of noxious weeds in California, the site offers assistance to agencies and practitioners of noxious weed control.

NRPI provides alphabetical lists of these projects as well as lists organized by county or vegetation/habitat type. Searches may also be conducted based on any of the following: title, abstract, purpose, project date, survey date, cooperator, resource issue, species, county, habitat, programs, contact.

The NRPI web site is maintained by the UC Davis ICE.