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Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation (OPRE) skip to primary page content

 Table of Contents

The table shows the recording form that is used for the C-COS observation, reprinted here from Boller and Sprachman's, “The Child-Caregiver Observation System Instructor's Manual.” Section A addresses “Type of Caregiver Talk.” Specific areas include:

  1. Responds to Focus Child (FC) Talk,
  2. Language or Communication requested,
  3. Action Requested,
  4. Reading,
  5. Other Talk/Singing,

Section B addresses who the “Focus Child Talk” is directed to. This may include:

  1. self or unknown,
  2. other child(ren),
  3. direct provider,
  4. other caregivers.

Section C addresses the “Focus Child's Interactions” with or attending to:

  1. other child(ren) or group,
  2. caregiver,
  3. material - played with or explored,
  4. television or video,
  5. None: wandering/unoccupied.

Section D addresses whether the “Focus Child” was:

  1. smiling/laughing,
  2. upset/crying,
  3. being hit/bit/bothered by other child, or
  4. hitting/biting/bothering other child.

Section E addresses how the main caregiver was interacting or attempting to interact with the “Focus Child” by:

  1. direct provider or care,
  2. other caregiver,
  3. all caregivers roughly equal,
  4. no interaction.

The form also assesses the overall quality of the ratings. This includes the caregiver's behavior, the focus child's behavior with caregiver, and the focus child's behavior with other child(ren).


Figure title: Figure 12.1 Attachment Q-sort Distribution (number of per pile designated)

Figure 12.1 Attachment Q-sort Distribution (number of per pile designated)
Rating Score Score Distribution
1 4
2 7
3 11
4 15
5 16
6 15
7 11
8 7
9 4




 Table of Contents