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Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation (OPRE) skip to primary page content

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EDCP Background Information Template for Evaluations, Studies, and Surveys

This corresponds to Parts II and III of our Overall Strategy Template

  1. Name of survey or study
  2. Purpose
  3. Agencies/Institutions
    • Who funds/sponsors the survey?
    • Who designs/fields the survey?
  4. Research/Survey Design
    • Experimental or non-experimental design
    • Cross sectional, longitudinal study
    • Sampling methodology (e.g., random digit dialing, stratified random sample)
    • Who was the targeted population for the study? (Identify eligibility requirements for participation in the study, including location, parent status, most knowledgeable adult, gender, age or other specifications)
      • Who is the reporter (e.g., who is(are) the survey respondent(s)?: adults, children, teachers)
      • Oversampling, if applicable (e.g., for low-income people, minority populations)
  5. Date(s)/Periodicity
  6. Population/Sample
    • What is the composition of the population/sample?
      • Sample size, with response rate (final number of families interviewed)
      • Race(s)/Ethnicity(ies) represented in study
      • Age range of children represented
    • What are the general characteristics of the actual sample (e.g., nationally representative sample; welfare recipients in a particular city?)
  7. Content covered
  8. Availability of data for public use
    • Include information about public and/or restricted data sets
    • Contact information (e.g., survey website if available, or mailing address; also include information for survey distributor if it differs)
  9. Reference list for users’ guide, codebooks, methodology report(s)



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