1790 | The federal government requires two years of residency for naturalization |
1850 | The Compromise of 1850 includes the Fugitive Slave Act, designed to assist in recovery of runaway slaves (more federal officers; denies fugitive slaves jury trials) | |
1816 | The American Colonization Society forms to assist in repatriating free African Americans to a Liberian colony on the West Coast of Africa. |
1857 | The Supreme Courts Dred Scott Decision: declares blacks are not U.S. citizens; finds ban on slavery in the territories (Missouri Compromise of 1820) unconstitutional. |
1868 | The 14th Amendment to the Constitution endows African American with citizenship. | |
1870 | The 15th Amendment of the Constitution provides African-American males with the right to vote. |
1885 | Congress bans the admission of contract laborers. |
1896 | Plessy v. Ferguson: Supreme Court ruling that separate but equal accommodations for African Americans and whites were Constitutional; decision allows legalized segregation. | |
1929 | Congress makes annual immigration quotas permanent. |
1941 | President Roosevelt signs Executive Order 8802: forbids discrimination in federal hiring, job-training programs, and defense industries. |
1948 | The United States admits persons fleeing persecution in their native lands; allowing 205,000 refugees to enter within two years. |
1952 | Immigration and Nationality Act: individuals of all races eligible for naturalization; reaffirms national origins quota system, limits immigration from Eastern Hemisphere; establishes preferences for skilled workers and relatives of U.S. citizens and permanent resident aliens; and tightens security and screening standards and procedures | |
1953 | Congress amends 1948 refugee policy to allow for the admission of 200,000 more refugees |
1954 | Brown v. Topeka Board of Education: Supreme Court rules that separate but equal educational facilities were unconstitutional. |
1964 | The Civil Rights Acts ensures voting rights; prohibits housing discrimination. |
1980 | The Refugee Act redefines criteria and procedures for admitting refugees. |
1986 | Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) legalizes illegal aliens residing in the U.S. unlawfully since 1982 |
1808 | Congress bans the importation of slaves but slavery in the United States continues to grow. |
1819 | Congress establishes reporting on immigration. | |
1820 | The Compromise of 1820 admits Maine and Missouri into the Union as a free and a slave state, respectively. This legislation also prohibited slavery in territories north of Missouri. |
1861 | Abraham Lincoln takes the presidential oath of office; Southern Confederacy ratifies a new Constitution, elects Jefferson Davis as first Confederate president; Civil War begins. | |
1862 | The Union Army permits black men to enlist as laborers, cooks, teamsters, and servants. |
1863 | The Emancipation Proclamation abolishes slavery, permits African American men to join the Union Army. | |
1864 | Congress legalizes the importation of contract laborers. |