OCR Interpretation

What is OCR?

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Copyright   1910   by   II   Si   Hills
At   Batavia   N   Y   April   17   1006
Rev   Algernon   S   Crapsey   for   26
years   rector   of   St   Andrews   Episci
pal   church   at   Rochester   N   Y   was
tried   for   heresy   because   ho   denit
the   divinity   of   Christ   Yet   Snint
Augustine   Bishop   of   Hippo   Rcgiu
states   Sermons   37   chap   12   that
From   tho   first   some   believed   Christ
to   be   God   and   not   man   Others   be
Moved   him   to   bo   only   a   man   and   de
vied   his   divinity
The   former   was   tho   opinion   of   the
Munichees   to   which   belief   St   Aug -
ustine   himself   adhered   Cotelerii
in   answer   to   Ignatius   Epistle   to
the   Trallians   assures   us   that   tho
doctrine   that   Christs   body   was   a
phantom   only   and   that   no   such   per
son   as   Jesus   Christ   ever   had   any
corporeal   existence   was   held   in   the
time   of   the   Apostles   themselves
And   from   the   Apostolic   ago   down
through   all   the   centuries   has   the
existence   of   Christ   as   a   man   been
denied   not   by   enemies   or   unbeliev -
ers   but   by   tho   most   learned   the
most   sincere   and   the   most   moral   of   I
Christian   I
those   who   profess   the
I   name   In   Johns   Epistles   1st   4tl
3rd   also   2nd   1st   7th   admitted   by
modern   authors   to   have   bcen
before   anyof
written   many   years
mention   is
our   canonical   gospels
made   of   persons   professing   tho
I   Christian   faith   who   taught   that   a
belief   that   such   a   man   as   Christ   ever
of   that
lived   in   the   flesh   was   no   part
faith   Such   deniers   of   the   humanityot
Christ   taught   that   ho   was   only   an
I   itfettl   cuanieiti   =   per8ouiflecl   Jyl   f
yarded   tho   wholo   gospel   story   0i
sublime   allegory   In   this   class
the   very   first   in   point   of   time   and
always   first   in   numberwas   found
the   most   intelligent   of   professing
Christians   In   the   second   and   less
important   class   was   found   those   win
denied   the   divinity   of   Christ   and   de
clarod   him   only   human   Taylors
Syntagma   The   Nicene   Council   A
the   two   beliefs   and
n   325   joined
gave   to   the   world   our   modern   ortho
lox   creed
The   first   three   New   Testameni
books   Matthew   Mark   and   Luke
Gospels   and   an
are   called   Synoptic
very   much   alike   In   many   chapter
there   is   such   a   close   verbal   agree
ment   that   the   texts   of   Matthew   and
for   one   and   tin
Mark   might   pass
same   Rev   Moses   Hull   says
278   Then
cal   Encyclopedia   page
that   can
in   Mark
are   only   24   verses
not   be   found   in   much   the   same
language   in   one   of   these   other   gos -
pels   In   view   of   this   undisputedfact
the   most   eminent   critics   of   the   past
been   agreed   in   the
century   have
opinion   that   one   of   two   suppositions
J   must   be   true   viz   Either   these   three
4gospel   writers   copied   from   each   other
4   tho   each   copied   from   some
that   they
I   previously   written   narrative   The
in   the   com
notion   of   independence
three   gospels   is
position   of   these
o   tenable   No   scholarly
no   these
Christian   would   admit   that
gospels   were   copies   of   each   other
hence   the   second   supposition   must
Admitting   this
bo   absolutely   true
to   ho   correct   as   do   the   most   learned
and   profound   of   the   literati   the
reader   will   naturally   ask   From
whence   came   this   previously   written
narrative   from   which   the   gospel
Evangelists   drew   their   inspiration
copied   The   answer
and   so   copiously
shall   be   From   Egypt   as   the   follow -
ing   quotations   from   the   most   emi -
nent   ecclesiastical   writers   will   testi -
fy   It   is   conceded   by   all   modern
theologians   that   the   base   of   all   our
information   regarding   the   origin   ot
the   gospels   is   found   in   tho   writings
of   Orison   3rd   centuryand   Euse
bius   Pam   phil   us   4th   century   sup
plemented   by   writings   of   the   Apos
tolic   Fathers   and   of   tho   Christian
apologists   whom   these   two   above -
mentioned   prolific   writers   largely
quote   Moreover   it   should   never   bo
forgotten   that   for   1500   years   no   ec
clesiastical   historian   has   pretended
have   other   information   than
to   any
is   found   in   tho   writings   of   tho   above
mentioned   authors   infinitely   tho
ablest   Christianity   has   ever   produced
Therefore   without   exception   all   be -
gin   where   Eusebius   leaves   off
Without   Eusebiiis   says   the
learned   Tillemontj   we   should   scan
havo   any   knldge   of   tho   history
of   the   first   gpy   >   f   Christianityorof
the   authors   wlivrote   in   that   time
All   of   tO   Grdek   authors   of   tt
fourth   cenlury   >   n   pd   since   havebegun
where   Eusbius   ended
Our   flrifc   witness   shall   be   Bishop
Melito   ofSurdis   Lydia   supposed
by   many   to   be   the   angel   of   the
church   of   Sardfs   mentioned   in   tho
Book   of   Revelation   In   his   over
memorable   letter   of   apology   deliv -
ered   A   D   SLTStb   the   Emperor   Mar -
cus   Antoninus   he   saysII   For   this
philosaphy   or   religion   which   we
teach   truly   nourished   aforetime
among   tho   barbarous   nations   but
having   blossomed   again   or   been
transplanttfdun   TIme   reign   of   thy   great
ancestor   greati
the   EmperqiVf   patronage   II   on   ac
count   of   it   great   antiquityas   hav
mig   been   impprteit   from   country   Iy
ing   Ijeyond   ho   limits   of   the   Roma
Ernnire   inithe   reign   of   Augustus
who   bad   found   its   importation   omii
ous   of   goo   fortune   to   his   goverr
rent   g010t
rentIn   Hi   A   JJJ   Justin   Martyr   in   his
letter   of   apology   addressed   to   II   Em -
peror   Antomis   Pius   most   noble
Caesar   and   trt   philosopher   says
I   If   then   we   hold   some   of   tho   opin -
ions   near   of   kin   to   the   poets   and
philosophers   greatest   repute   among
you   why   are   wo   thus   unjustly   hat
ed   1   When   wo   sayi   all   things   wen
made   in   this   beautiful   order   by   God
what   do   we   siy   more   than   Plato
By   opposing   Jjfthe   worship   of   the
mocks   of   rnerVfT   handswe   only   con
Yt   l   1ddr   ldb   declaring
ItieftSTgos   tho   first   begotten   oif   God
than   what   you   say
we   sly   no   more
of   the   sons   of   Jove   And   these
comparisons   arc   continued   for   sev -
eral   pages   to   demonstrate   that   the
Christian   philosophy   or   religion
was   NEW   ONLY   IN   NAME   and
identical   with   the   truo
that   it   was
teachings   of   the   Pagan   religion
The   beginning   of   the   third   century
Origen   born   185
the   most   learned   and
deceased   254
distinguished   personage   in   the   en -
tire   drama   of   Christian   evidence
Origen   was   born   and   brought   up   ir
educated   in   the   University
and   was
versity   of
instruction   of   the   learned   and   justly
celebrated   Ammonius   Sacchus   from
whose   teachings   Origen   formulated
views   of   morals   and   religion
is   set   forth   in   his   apology   in
mly   to   Celsus   viII   Christianity
reply   when   rightly   under
1   Paganism
essential   points
stood   differ   in   no
and   were
mt   have   a   common   origin
and   the   same   thing   Nothing
me   trickery   of   fanatical
but   tho   schismatical
mtical   adventurers   has   introduced   a
listinction   where   in   reality   there   was
no   In   difference   reply   tothechargeofCelsus
religion   had   no
that   the   Christian
which   to   base
nore   foundation   upon
its   truth   than   had   any   of   the   Pagan
not   by   attempting
beliefs   Origen   replies
but   by
I   tempting   to   offer   any   proof
that   we
mugI   answer
advantage   the   com
I   sce   plainly
non   people   do   reap   therefrom   I   say
we   the   clergy   who   aro   so   well   ad
teach   men
ised   of   these   things   do
examination   as
to   believe   without
foundation   of   the
to   the
Our   next   witness   is   the   most   important
in   state
most   positive
lortnnt   the
nent   that   we   have   yet
antl   one   who   himself   presents   unI
concerning   the
deniable   testimony
inquiry   as   to   the   origin   of   our   gos
pels   It   is   Eusebius   Pamphilus   260
and   tho
of   Cacsarca
340   Bishop   o
most   distinguished   of   all   ecclesiasti -
cal   historians   Let   all   the   other
witnesses   hide   their   diminished   beds
In   second   volume   chapter   17   of   Eu
ebius   Ecclesiastical   History   may   hi -
d   this   passage   The   ancient
heranouts   were   Christians   and
their   sacred   writings   were   our   gos
pels   In   vol   2nd   chap   16
proves   tho   assertion   true   by   testi
mony   which   cannot   bo   invalidated
viz   By   quoting   many   pages   from
tht   writings   of   Philo   Judaeus   who -
wrotc   a   trcatiso   on   the   beliefs   habits   1
llIl   customs   of   the   Therapeuts   in
loxandria   Egypt   showing   that   they   I
hall   sacred   writings   called   Gospels
of   tho   Egyptians   and   a   well   estab   I
<   0
fished   churchorganization   with   col -
onies   or   branch   churches   in   Rome
Ephcseus   Corinth   Philippi   and   i
all   places   mentioned   by   St   Paul   in
his   Epistles   to   the   Churches
This   writer   also   states   as   qnoted
by   Eusebius   that   they   also   had   mon
asterics   monks   and   nuns   bishops
priests   and   elders   etc   In   fact   thoy
had   an   old   and   well   established
church   organization   in   all   its   pleni -
tude   and   power
Philo   Judaeus   or   Philo   the
knows   was   contemporary   with   the
great   Augustus   Caesar   tho   first   Ho
man   Emperor   Ho   was   about   20
years   of   age   at   the   time   Jesus   Christ
is   reputed   to   have   been   born   Mor
over   tho   immortal   Gibbon   in   his
Decline   and   Fall   of   tho   Roman   Em -
pire   says   It   has   been   proven
that   Philo   s   treatise   on   the   Ther
peuts   was   written   during   the   reign
of   Augustus   And   as   tho   great
Augustus   deceased   A   D   14   these
cluirches   to   whom   St   Paul   wrote   his
Epistles   and   this   old   and   wellfount
ed   church   organization   oftwhich
Philo   wrote   and   so   minutely   de
scribed   as   having   a   University   at
Alexandria   and   bishops   priest
1   bscn   fully   established   when   Christ -
I   was   not   more   than   ten   or   twelve
years   of   age   at   most   And   all   bused
and   founded   on   the   sacred   writing
of   the   Therapeuts   called   The   Gos -
pel   of   the   Egyptians   All   this   from
the   great   Eusebius   based   on   the
testimony   of   Philo   Judaeus   Higher
ur   better   authority   no   man   can
I   quote   Yet   strange   as   it   may   seen
I   Philo   in   his   treatise   has   never   once
mentioned   the   name   of   Jesus   Chris
nor   has   he   intimated   that   he   had   over -
heard   of   such   a   man
The   above   statements   are   all   ad -
mitted   by   Mosheim   16041755   tho
cry   foremost   of   modern   scclesiasti
eal   historians   He   saysI   The   Thei
ipeutan   Church   and   University   of
Alexandria   were   nourishing   when
Christ   was   on   earth   and   long   beforo
i   that   date
i   The   eminent   English   ecclesiastic
Dr   Nathaniel   Lardner   1C8417C8
in   his   Credibility   <   K   the   Scrip
ires   quofeJTargtlyTfrOiu   EuseUIui
lures   commenting   on   same   says   It
I   is   peculiar   that   Eusebius   at   so   early
a   date   should   call   the   Egyptian   Ther
ipeuts   Christians   though   they
aught   the   same   doctrine
To   show   how   the   modern   lesser
lights   of   the   Christian   Church   hove
iewed   this   most   important   ques -
tion   we   submit   the   following   In
444   Caxton   published   the   first   book
ivor   printed   in   England   In   1474   in
a   convocation   of   tho   clergy   the
Bishop   of   London   said   If   we   do
not   destroy   this   dangerous   invention
it   will   one   day   destroy   us   Compare
this   with   Pope   Leo   Xs   avowal   in
the   College   of   Cardinals   1515   It
is   well   known   how   profitable   this   fa -
ble   of   Christ   has   been   to   us   See
also   the   frank   statement   of   Rev
Yin   Paley   D   D   Archdeacon   of
Carlisle   1782   We   cannot   afford   to
iave   a   conscience   in   church   affairs
We   must   support   the   gospel   because
the   gospel   supported   us
Vol   1   chap   2   Gibbons   Declim
ontl   Fall   of   Rome   says   All   religions
igions   in   the   Roman   world   wen
elieved   as   equally   true   by   tin
people   as   equally   false   by   the   philosophers
sophers   and   as   equally   useful   and
profitable   by   the   priests   and   magistrates
rates   Having   presented   abundanttesti
lony   to   prove   that   the   original   oi
The   Gospel   of   the
our   gospels   was
l   Igyptians   we   must   now   in   ordei
to   more   fully   demonstrate   the   proposition
sition   examine   critically   some   of
tho   passages   of   our   New
gospels   and   epistles   as   to   the   time
when   written   to   whom
aUll   to   what   scripture   these   passages
refer   Ecclesiastical   writers   mostly
gree   that   no   one   really   knows   the
uthor   of   any   one   of   our   canonical
ospels   nor   when   they   were   written
Bishop   Faustus   A   D   384   says
undoubted   fact   that
It   is   an
New   Testament   gospels   were   not
b   of   the   Apostles   but
ritten   by   any
a   long   while   after   by   some   unknown
BrsonsRev   Moses   Hulls   Biblical   Ency
opedia   and   Dr   Chadwicks   Bible
of   Today   both   present   arguments
showing   that   neither   Matthew   Mark
Luke   nor   John   were   written   prior
the   last   halfof   tho   2nd   century
5eo   also   the   New   International   En -
c   clopedia
However   wishing   to   be   absolutely
fair   in   our   statements   we   waive   the
aboo   arguments   and   append   the
tnblo   of   dates   as   compiled   by   Dr
nthanicl   Lardner   in   his   famous
eatiso   on   the   Credibility   of   tho
Scriptures   thus   showing   from   the
higllCst   ecclesiastical   authority   when
each   book   is   supposed   to   have   been
writtenMatthew   A   D
Matthew   6t
1st   and   2nd   Tliessalonlaiis   52
1st   and   2nd   Corinthinns5J   and   57
1st   and   2uJ5fimotliy   u56   and   61
Ephesians   uu   61
Philemon   62
Hebrews   6643
1st   ant   2nd   Peter
1st   SL   Johnu   80
The   1oelationsu   05   or   06
Mark   64
John   68
Galatians   52
Titus   IIIIIIIIIII   50
Romans   58
Collossians   uu   62
Philippians   C -
St   JItne8uu   C -
St   l   deuuu64   or   65
2nd   and   ant   St   John80   or   90
The   Acts   63   or   61
Luke   uuu63   or   64
From   this   table   of   dates   when   com -
pared   with   Gibbons   statement   that
Philo   s   treatise   was   written   during
the   life   pf   the   great   Augustus   it   fol -
lows   that   it   must   have   been   written
more   than   fifty   years   before   any   of
our   canonical   gospels
We   quote   again   from   chapter   1C
Book   nof   Eusebius   Ecclesiastical
History   concerning   the   Therapetit
whose   Gospel   of   the   Egyptians   was
our   gospels   Also   observe   a   few   of
our   New   Testament   passages   as   com -
pared   with   the   Therapeutic   doctrine
viz   So   at   the   same   time   they   de -
clare   their   renunciation   of   all   thei
property   and   divest   themselves   ofall
revenues   of   their   estates   Having   laid
aside   all   anxieties   of   life   their   prop -
erty   was   sold   and   divided   among   all
so   that   there   was   not   one   among   t -
at   had   want
Compare   this   with   Acts   4th   34th
Neither   was   there   any   among   t -
at   laced   for   as   many   as   were   pos -
sessors   of   houses   or   lands   sold   them
and   brought   the   price   of   the   thing
distribution   wa
that   were   sold   and
was   made   unto   every   man   according
to   his   need
Again   Eusebius   says   As   he   Phi
Iq   has   written   in   so   many   words
Nm   e   ottr   vould   they   eat   any   thing   1
that   Had   blood   nTTftliatwal6dnV
was   their   drink   See   Acts   15th
thThat   ye   abstain   from   meat
and   from   blood   and
strangled   Again   Philo   says   For   thisrace
jf   men   are   found   in   all   parts   of   the
world   and   the   best   men
selves   to   these   colonies   of   the   Thera
they   have   sacred
peuts   in   each   of   which
and   monasteries   in   whicl
sred   edifices
the   mysteries   ol
the   monks   perform
the   sublime   life   For   those   who   pre -
side   over   their   scriptures   philosophize
expounding   their   literal
net   them
upon   the
They   have
sense   by   allegory
vritings   of   the   first   leaders   of   thcii
sect   and   records   of   the   meanings   con -
e   ell   by   those   allegories
this   with   the   universally
in   Col
set   forth
jreached   gospel
ossians   1st   23d   The   gospel
e   have   heard   and   which   was   preach
which   is   under
etl   to   every   creaturo
icaven   v   hereof   I   Paul   am   made   a
minister   or   deacon   the   very   lowest
Therapeutic   officials
est   order   among
md   with   Galatians   4th   24th   which
Again   He
things   are   an   allegory
Philo   describes   the   orders   of   pref
to   ecclesiastical
erment   among   those   who   aspire
ministrations   The   office
humblest   rank   and   the
of   deacon   the
upreme   authority   of   the   bishops
Compare   this   with   1st   Timothy   3d
13th   For   they   that   have   used   the
ifllee   of   deacon   well   purchase
degree   Also   Phil
themselves   a   good
ppians   1st   1stI   Paul   and   Timothe
to   all
of   Jesus   Christ
us   the   servants   o
the   saints   with   the   bishops   and   dea -
cons   Also   Hebrews   13th   7th
Remember   them   that   have   rule   over
on   who   have   spoken   unto   you   the
God   Also   Hebrews   13th
wOlIl   of
17th   Obey   them   that   have   tho   rule
nd   submit   yourselves   for
ovel   you   >
hey   watch   for   your   souls   as   one   that
must   give   an   account
Continued   Next   Week
Florence   Erlanger   Ky
Round   trip   tickets   via   tho   Queen
Crescent   Route   will   be   sold   Sept
I   2   and   3   goadreturning   until
Sept   4   1010   Round   trip   rate   from
Lexington   to   Erlanger   Ky   for   this
ewision   is   240
Many   a   heartreaching   sermon
reached   on   Sunday   in   fashionable
lurches   has   been   manufactured   on
aturday   evening   in   some   op -
per   tic   under   the   influence   of   a   pot
of   ale   the   remains   of   a   ham   bone
and   a   short   black   H   clay
No   Evidence   That   He   or   the   Twelve
Apostles   Ever   Lived
By   Ernest   Pack
Whether   Jesus   Christ   of   the   Fou
Gospels   ever   existed   is   the   question
we   propose   briefly   to   examine   and
space   being   limited   we   have   110110   to
waste   by   wayof   preamble   We   seel
to   save   the   readers   time   and   trust
wo   shall   not   be   considered   abrupt
because   we   are   direct   Wo   even   ex -
pect   a   little   credit   for   our   considera
First   then   by   Jesus   Christ   of   the
Four   Gospels   we   mean   not   some   fa
nutical   man   Christ   or   crafty   iuipos
tor   who   may   have   claimed   for   him -
self   divine   honors   but   the   saidtob
immaculately   born   Son   of   the   Virgin
Mary   and   miracleworking   Godmar
this   and   no   other   It   is   necessarj
to   bo   very   particular   upon   this   point
for   there   have   been   many   Saviours
both   before   His   reputed   time   and
since   Saviours   to   right   of   us   Sav
ours   to   left   of   us   Saviours   all   round
us   as   one   might   say   And   although
the   same   claims   are   made   for   there
all   Christians   would   huve   us   believe
that   their   Jesus   only   is   genuine   and
the   others   are   spurious   Well   in   our
mustardandcress   days   we   were   wont
to   hold   the   samo   opinion   and   it   will
be   our   duty   to   give   a   few   reasons   why
we   renounced   it
We   found   1   we   had   been   bam -
boozled   into   believing   by   faith   in -
stead   of   by   facts   2   That   contem
porary   history   had   nothing   to   say
about   this   mythical   personage   3
The   Christians   had   done   their   best   tc
rectify   this   misfortune   by   forg -
e   missing   testimony   4   That   no
evidence   was   forthcoming   that   any
such   persons   as   the   twelve   Apostles
ever   lived   5   That   no   trace   of   our
four   Gospels   could   be   found   prior   tc
about   150   A   D   and   0   we   thought
that   had   the   miracles   ever   taken
place   during   the   active   life   of   Jesus
ISlto   33   ADs   tlieic   oui   have   ex
isted   ample   records   of   them   in   the
historical   accounts   of   that   period
and   we   looked   upon   this   solemn   si -
lence   on   the   part   of   every   contem
porary   writer   as   conclusive   testi -
mony   in   confutation   of   the   Christian
We   reflected   also   that   one   little
grain   of   evidence   traceable   to   the
ilrst   half   of   tho   first   century   would
have   been   of   greater   value   than
whole   granaries   of   assertions   mode
in   the   latter   half   of   the   second   cen
ury   Then   there   was   presented   to
us   the   fact   recorded   by   Gibbon   that
in   Rome   Christianity   was   reject -
s   an   idle   and   extravagant   opin -
ion   by   every   man   of   a   liberal   educa -
tion   and   understanding   Decline
md   Fall   chap   xv   Wo   observed
likewise   that   H   both   parties   Christian
Ian   and   pagan   seemed   to   ac
knowledge   the   truth   of   those   miracles
which   were   claimed   by   their   adversaries
saries   and   while   they   were   con -
tented   to   ascribing   them   to   the   arts
of   magic   and   to   the   powers   of   dem -
ons   they   mutually   concurred   in   restoring
storing   and   establishing   the   reign   of
superstition   Ibid   chap   xvi   And
the   same   great   scholar   sagely   re -
marks   in   a   footnote   that   It   is   ser -
iously   to   be   lamented   that   the   Christ -
ian   Fathers   by   acknowledging   tho
upermitiiralor   as   they   deem   it   the
nfernnl   part   of   Paganism   destroy
nth   their   own   hands   the   great   sd
vantage   which   we   might   otherwise
lerive   from   the   liberalconcessions
or   our   adversaries   Ibid   Fur -
ther   we   noted   in   the   pages   of   this
loted   writer   that   those   among   the
omans   who   condescended   to   men -
tion   the   Christians   considered   them
nly   as   obstinate   and   perverse   enthusiasts
husiasts   who   exacted   an   implicit
submission   to   their   mysterious   doe -
s   without   being   able   to   produce
a   single   argument   that   could   engage
the   attention   of   men   of   sense   and
earning   Chap   xv
These   truths   wo   read   and   many
others   and   they   burst   upon   us   like
a   revelation   while   the   belief   of   ou -
r   was   shaken   mightily   yea   even
to   its   very   foundations   and   after
that   the   earthquake1   Down   fell   the -
n   edifice   of   our   faith   and   thero
wo   stood   looking   on   with   mixed   feel -
ings   of   annoyance   disappointment
and   regret   for   we   received   in   our
outh   a   very   pious   training   and   were
ill   prepared   for   such   disquieting   discoveries
overies   But   the   facts   were   too
strong   and   forced   upon   us   the   conclusion
lusion   that   we   have   been   grossly   de
eived   There   can   be   no   doubt   that
all   Christian   teaching   has   been   an
ticipat   t1   by   other   masters   long   prior
N   l
to   tho   time   that   Christ   is   said   to
havo   lived   as   a   study   of   compara -
tive   religions   amply   proves   and   re -
ligious   parallels   everywhere   abound
Here   for   instance   is   a   list   of   cruel
fled   Saviours   who   were   all   good
enough   to   die   for   us   before   Jesus
thought   of   doing   so
Chrishna   of   India   1200   B   C
Sakia   of   Hinduston   COO   B   C
Thammuz   of   Syria   1100   B   C
Wittoba   tho   Telingonese   522   B   C -
Iao   of   Nepaul   622   B   C
Hesus   of   Great   Britain   834   B   C
Quexalcote   of   Mexico   587   B   C
Quirinus   of   Rome   506   B   C
Prometheus   of   Greece   547   B   C
Thumbs   of   Egypt   1700   B   C
Indra   of   Thibet   725   B   C
Alcestis   of   Greece   600   B   C
Atys   of   Phrygia   1170   B   C
Crite   of   Clmldea   1200   B   C
Bali   of   Orissa   725   B   C
Mithra   of   Persia   600   B   C
Salvahna   of   Bermuda   j   Osiris   of
Egypt   Horns   of   Egypt   Odin   of
Scandinavia   Zoroaster   of   Persia
Bnal   of   Phoenicia   Bali   >   fAfghan -
istan   Xamolxis   of   Thrace   Zoar   of
the   Bonzes   Adad   of   Assyria   Deva
Tat   of   Siam   Alaides   of   Thebes
Mikado   of   the   Sintoos   Beddin   of   Ja
pan   Thor   of   the   Gauls   Cadmus   of
Greece   Hil   and   Feta   of   the   Mandi
ites   Gentaut   of   Mexico   etc   etc
We   should   think   that   after   know
ing   of   all   these   human   sacrifices
Christians   will   feel   more   important
than   ever   They   may   find   the   various
histories   of   these   obliging   gentle -
men   in   a   work   by   one   Kersey   Graves
entitled   Sixteen   Crucified   Saviors
consult   The   Hind
Also   they   may
Pantheon   Mexican   Antiquities
1   Anacalepsis   and   the   Pro
gress   of   Religious   Ideas   all   strong -
ly   recommended   by   tho   clergy
Tho   present   following   of   the   prin
these   Saviours   is   For
cipal   among
Chrishna   400000000   for   Christ
200000000   for   Mahomet   150000
000   for   Confucius   120000000
for   Mithra   50000000   So   that   there
still   remains   much   missionary   work
to   be   done
History   repeats   itself   especially
religious   history   Take   for   example
the   accounts   of   Chrishna   and   Christ
wtncli   unmhcs   aBtriking   iiluBtroai   iq
tion   It   is   said   of   Chrishna   that   his
birth   was   foretold   that   he   was   an
incarnate   god   that   his   mother   was
ii   virgin   that   he   had   an   adoptedI
father   who   was   a   carpenter
there   was   rejoicing   on   earth   and   in
lieaven   on   his   birth   that   his   moth -
ers   name   was   Main   that   he   was
born   on   Dec   25th   was   visited   by -
e   men   and   shepherds   who   were
warned   bynn
led   bya   star   was
angel   of   danger   that   all   children   were
irdered   to   be   destroped   in   order   to
include   him   that   his   parents   fled   to
Mathura   that   he   had   a   forerunner
that   ho   was   wise   in   his   childhood
vas   lost   and   searched   for   by   his   par -
s   had   other   brothers   retired   to
solitude   fasted   preached   a   noteworthy
was   entitled
worthy   sermon
his   i
md   Redeemer   existed   prior
birth   and   on   earth   and   in   heaven   at   t
the   same   time   was   both   human   and
livine   worked   miracles   read   i
thoughts   ejected   devils   had   apos
tics   reformed   the   existing   religiont
conspired   against
vas   poor   was
meek   nn
lenounred   riches   was
married   and   chaste   merciful   asso
iated   with   sinners   and   was   rebuked
for   it   befriended   a   widow   met   a
submitted   to   in
yonmn   at   a   well
suIts   and   injuries   was   a   philanthro
>   5st   had   a   lust   supper   wascruci
led   between   two   thieves   darkness
iiipervened   he   descended   to   hell
vas   resurrected   and   after   three   days
icEii   by   many   people   I   And   all   this   f
i200   B   CI
With   regard   to   propheccy   we   have
the   coming   to   earth   foretold   of   oth
irs   besides   Chrishna   and   Christ   as
for   example   ChnngTi   Osiris   Cad
and   Mahomet
milS   Quirinus   Quexalcote
lomet   and   Messianic   prophecies   ore
to   be   found   in   the   Vedas   the   Chi -
nese   sacred   books   and   in   those   of
Egypt   Greece   Rome   Mexico   Arab -
ia   and   Persia   There   are   also   many
>   her   odious   comparisons   Osiris
is   spoken   of   ns   having   bruised   the
serpents   head   after   it   had   bitten   his
heel   Hercules   is   represented   with   his
Chrishna   is
heel   on   a   serpents   head   I
pictured   and   sculptured   in   the   same
vay   and   Persia   has   the   same   old
egend   Miraculous   conceptions   are
ecorded   of   Plato   who   was   said   to
bo   n   son   of   Apollo   of   Zoroaster   of
Hars   and   Vulcan   of   Quexalcoto   of
Suchiquelqiml   of   Yu   of   Appolonius
of   Buddha   of   Mahamaya   of   Chrish
na   of   Yasuva   and   incidentally   of
Icsus   I
IcsusOf   virgin   mothers   wo   have   Yaso
dOl   the   motlur   of   Chrishna   Main   of
Sakia   Celestino   of   Zulis   Clumalcon
of   Quexalcote   Sernele   of   Bacchus   +
Continued   on   fourth   page