National Park Service
Technical Preservation Services photo of Preserve and Play conference session
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Preserve and Play »
The first national conference on preserving historic recreation and entertainment resources, May 2005

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Building Codes and Historic Rehabilitation »
Washington, DC, 2003

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Preserving the Recent Past 2 »
Philadelphia, PA, 2000
Conferences and Workshops

While much of the guidance provided by Technical Preservation Services is disseminated through our publications and website, TPS also regularly hosts conferences, workshops, and expositions relating to specific themes and new opporunities and challenges in the field of historic preservation. Usually organized in cooperation with partners including the Association for Preservation Technology, the National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers, the National Trust for Historic Preservation, the Historic Resources Committee of the American Institute of Architects, and the American Society of Landscape Architects, these gatherings provide a national forum to explore and promote successful ways of perserving historic buildings and sites.

Over the past thirty years TPS has hosted conferences on rehabilitating historic windows, historic roofing, building codes and historic rehabilitation, two conferences on historic interiors, two conferences on twentieth century architecture, and most recently, a conference on preserving historic recreation and entertainment sites. Workbooks for several of these conferences featuring papers presented, supplementary materials, and bibliographies are still available for purchase. See the "Co-Published Books" section of the TPS Publications Catalog.

In addition to the theme-based conferences presented to the public, Technical Preservation Services organizes a range of other training programs and workshops.

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