OCR Interpretation

What is OCR?

I   r
0   Established   Hareh   4   1886   lfa   >   tI   PMio   1atHorJofJOua1   BIa   PemtIeatfby   MarOBell0
yOwsersad   flP   RtCEB   COOPEB   Editor   Ie   The   Oldest   Most   Popular   Most   Widiiy   Cinuliitd   ud   Most   QuoUd   Paper   intht   KentuckyMountainstooIaYwrwlAmIIit
Lixiniton   aid   Eastern   Railways
TiB   table   la   Ef   lect   Jus   21   HOI
s   l401   No3   No5
Dailyex   Dailyand   Suuday
STATIONS   aflydaydSuu
rv   Sunday   lIulldayouly
AMLve   pWLve   AWLve
6   10   a111   I   20   plL   700   aID
Jackson   715   am
1   25
16   pm
tyyve   Jc   7   e7rm   s   20   pm   754   am
J   S   41   815   a111
1   30   am   pm
Torrent   S   lI6   S26   am
Nat   Bride   745   am   pm
5   67   82ts   am
Jn   7   48   am   1111
Capton   8M   am
4   26
8   15   am   pm
aKaSOD   435   902   am
8   25   am   pm
Clay   City   1003   am
LtEJaacn   900   amI   I   5   07   pm   1012am
9   12   am   >   20   pm
Win   cheater   pm   IU25   am
tear   05
Luetontear   955   am   6   pm
No2   Ie   and
Dail   8   mdayexIeIIISunday
Lexington   0   735   am
425   pm   0
20   21   13   am
2   38p   m   YU
EJnnction   8   21i   pm
2   4S   pmuful1cion
f   Vol   am
3   5U   PM   40   Clay
9   lU   amt
S   58   pm   44wn
JuntD   9   31t   pm
a   30
4   pal
4   35   plR   57   Nat   ridge   62   51II   564Samam
147   pm   d2
610   pm   70   14eauyrCJc   1U   lU   17am
1116   am
6   05   urn   W   OKJnncn   94111
11   20   am
aebon   IH
I   10   plU   lit
=   NOl   1
L   dt   E   Janciloa
will   make   connecuon   with   the   C   4   UKy
i   Ml   Sterling
CAXlTOK   J   ui   cION   Trains   NOl   1   2
Sijid   4   connect   with   the   Mountain   Central
tur   Pine   Ridge   and   Camptun
wiS   make   connecuon   at   BeattyTille   June
with   the   L   and   A   iiailway   tor   puaengen
I   t   Md   front   BeattyTUle
0t   K   JuNCr1uN   Trains   Non   Sand   4
comect   with   the   Ot   K   Kailwar   lor   local
atatioas   OB   the   O   d   KRailwaylsaager
W   A   AlcDOWtJJ   UeneraiUaBajer
C14A11JlCUTTUenPua   Agent
IHio   0   IQMRailway
lime   Table   May   21   I9OB
No   33   I   SI   I   cl   No21
DdJ1ex   i   STATIONS   =   Daily   ex
c1ay   HIUU1y
PM   ABB   0   27   PM   Ana
6   20   6   Cannel   City   22   12   35
4   65   11   HeIecbawa   20   12   19
4   A   45   13   Lee   City   13   12   13
4   05   20   HaaptoB   11   11   51
5   52   22   WilbBrst   6   11   44
3   10   27   OAKJnnctioB   0   11   15
y   3   00   Jackson   11   05
No34   Ie   Ie   No22
Daily   ex   STATIONS   a   Daily   u
8ul1ay   0   Sunday
eMLvaPM   Lva
710   27   Cannel   City   0   1   00
7   33   21   Heleckawa   6   1   17
7   45   19   Lee   City   11   1   23
824   13   Hampton   13   1   44
8   37   10   Wflhnrst   20   1   51
925   1   OKJ   ction   22   225
9   30   0   Jackson   27   2   30
Noi31   and   22   will   make   close   connectioi
at   OK   Junction   with   Nos   3   And   4   for
points   or   the   Lexiagtoa   aBet   Eastern   Rail -
way   II   LCONLEY
No   1   No   2
600   am   Campion   1130   a   m
200   pm   4Campton   6   00pm
No2   Nol
780   amCaiBpn   JunclO   05   am
The   Mountain   Caotral   makes
f   eoanaetioa   wlk   all   L   E   pas -
s   leDger   trains
<   T   lIItr
r   1   f   fiCIAll   UWKuiQA10IN
VI   Aitftti   fnt   Ctttlifmii
Hazel   Crn   Ky
>   Kra   LJY   s4Z   lwlaw
4   I   11   fo   e   Ie   ltuutareaE==
1IC   w
li   11IfJ
fo   Uafl
T3B   Bto
Local   Items   of   d   e1eralteme   w   2TiJSrf111yon
Hems   early   to   they   will   reach   our   office
interest   tO   a   majority   not   later   tbanTeetday   aprninjtMoBday
V   Ja0   ZmnJ   if   possible   New   reeelved   after   that   wlfl
of   our   readers   especi   Dot   be   published   ttbler   ofIIDall
77i   r7o   Vn   7   portanee   Advertise   no   ones   boWie
II   d   t   n   tr   >   n   dportanee
ally   distant   friendS   and   write   on   9ne   side   of   the   paper   OBly
T   M   Lee   and   wife   visited   Andy   I
Blankenship   and   wife   Sunday
George   Oldfield   one   of   our   mss   a
ter   farmers   is   harvesting   a   field   I
ot   very   fine   wheat
Dan   Davidson   of   Daysboro   h
pasded   through   here   Saturday   en   I
route   for   Hazel   Green
Jim   Bush   and   wife   visited   tbeir   v
son   1tllaw   Will   Havens   and   fam   I -
ily   cn   Fills   branch   Sunday
John   Oldfield   is   continuing   his   I
calls   on   the   Nickell   fork   lie   is   ifi
happiness   personified   of   late   li
George   Dyer   and   family   of   the
Tyler   branch   were   visiting   Will
iam   Blankenship   and   wife   Sunday   tl
Luther   Oldfield   and   Rodney   s
Gillespie   two   of   our   wouldbe
wooers   attended   church   at   Days   of
boro   Sunday   a
Jim   Young   of   Gillmore   who   °
has   been   visiting   among   friends   at
Ezel   passed   through   here   en   route   o
home   Sunday   II
Coon   Arnett   of   Hazel   Green
was   delightfully   entertained   by
his   best   girl   Miss   Lucy   Gil
lespie   Sunday
Troy   Jordan   was   on   the   Marphy   isi
fork   Sunday   and   took   in   the   meet   E
ing   and   came   home   with   the   blues   h
Whats   wrong   Troyt4
Aunt   Nancy   Swango   of   SwanC
go   Spring   who   has   been   visiting   al
the   family   of   Ed   Cecil   for   a   fewe
days   returned   home   Sundayp
Mrs   Frank   Elam   and   son   Melw
va   jare   visiting   the   formers   par   111
eDt   Rev   C   W   I   Pugh   and   wife   f
near   Jackson   They   will   be   gone   II
for   an   indefinite   length   of   timeg
Some   of   our   boys   attended   the   P
meeting   on   the   Murphy   fork   Sat   I
urday   night   and   Sunday   They   1
report   a   fairsized   crowd   and   ex -
cellent   sermons   Rev   Doc   Stam
per   and   Bro   Raauick   being   the
gospel   xpoundeuti
Rev   Johnny   Barker   the   widely
known   preacher   of   the   Stillwater
neighborhood   will   preach   at   our
schoolhouse   next   Sunday   Wa   g
would   be   pleased   to   see   a   large
crowd   attend   as   Mr   Barker   is   a -
very   flueut   speaker   and   worthy   of
being   heard   To   promote   the   8
cause   of   religion   morals   and   the   t
good   of   our   community   in   general
we   would   be   delighted   if   our   citi
zens   would   get   interested   and   ors
ganize   a   Sunday   school   Fathers
and   mothers   which   do   you   con -
sider   the   best   to   plan   for   the   up   t
building   of   your   children   or   allow   a
them   to   gad   around   incessantly   c
June   27   SNOOKUMS
Xarrilati   Di   cT   ritB   t
mark   the   wonderful   progress   of   I
the   age   Air   flights   on   heavy   ma
chine   telegrams   without   wires
terrible   war   inventions   to   kill   r
then   and   that   wonder   of   wonders   r
Dr   Kings   New   Discoveryto   e
save   life   when   threatened   by   coughs   fl
colds   Ja   gripne   asthma   croup
bronchitis   hemorrhages   hay   fever
and   whooping   coughs   or   lung   t
trouble   For   all   bronchial   affec   ili
tiling   it   has   no   equal   It   relieves   t
instantly   Its   the   surest   cure   a
James   M   Black   of   Asheville   N   i
C   RR   No   4   writes   it   cured   him   E
of   an   Obstinate   cougb   after   all
othe   remedies   failed   50o   and
100   A   trial   bottle   free   GuarJ -
anteed   by   all   dealers   t
Mrs   Mytta   Elam   is   on   the   sickf
Mrs   John   Fyffe   is   very   low   with   i
Watt   Cpx   of   W   Liberty   is   a   t
the   point   of   death   with   measles
The   little   daughter   of   John   s
Wright   very   ill   at   this   writing
ihMzSmth   passed   through   ea   1
r   ute   to   West   Liberty   Wednesday   1t
Miss   Eister   Elam   was   a   guesot
of   FrankAElaa   and   family   Wed   J
nesday   night
Bob   Rain   and   family   w   oil   <
oiA   S   IJJJf   R
GIs   Iwiwl   ir
liN   JfIiiJli
Misses   Ida   Pelfry   and   Easter
Elam   Satsrday   nighc
Mrs   Addte   Haney   and   little   sos
are   visiting   her   brother   W   T
Lewis   on   War   creek
Mrs   Kate   Lowe   Mordica   has
been   visiting   her   mother   Mrs
Lizzie   Pelfry   onLacy   reek
M   J   Elate   of   War   creek   was
visiting   his   daughter   Mrs   John
Burcbwell   Saturday   and   Sunday
As   I   have   just   been   reading   TUE
HAZEL   GREEN   HERALD   and   like   it
fine   I   1   hough   tTtoould   write   a   few
Mesdames   Susie   Pelfry   and   Dora
Williams   of   Floresr   werb   Visiting
their   parents   Saturday   night   and
Dennie   Lowe   and   Clay   Williams
Goodsey   were   visiting   friends
and   relatives   on   YVar   creek   Satar
day   and   Sunday   4
A   well   behaved   crowd   attended
church   at   War   creek   Sunday   The
services   were   conducted   by   Rev
W   L   Gevedon   of   Grassy
June   27   JUNEBUO
A   Ywua   6nmt   use -
s   how   to   saksivhenelf   attractive
Bat   withontheslt   >   i   it   ishardfor
her   to   be   lovoly   in   face   form   or
temper   A   weak   tjlckly   woman
will   be   nervow   and   irritable
Constipation   a   kidney   poisons
show   in   pimples   blotches   skin
eruptions   and   a   wretched   com -
plexion   But   Electric   Bitters   al -
ways   prove   a   godsend   te   woaen
who   want   lieMthr   beauty   and
friends   TheY   regajate   stomach
liver   and   kidneys   purifv   the   blood
give   strong   nerves   bright   eyes
pure   breath   smooth   velvety   skin
lovely   complexion   good   health
Try   hem500   at   all   dealers
Willie   Havens   baby   boy   is   on
the   lick   list   wits   spinal   trouble
Mrs   Floyd   Havens   is   suffering
with   oonsasjaptioa   at   this   writing
Jeff   Couch   of   Elmore   was   the
guest   of   Kale   Coach   and   family
Flem   Perkins   of   Panama   was   a
guest   of   Clareuee   Havens   and   sis
ter   Vergie   Satarday
Prof   Fugates   singing   school   is
well   patronized   by   the   beautiful
song   birds   in   this   vicinity
Willie   McGuire   of   Bonny   rode
the   Masonic   goat   for   rthe   firsttime
at   a   mHnting   ni   the   Masons   at   the
chapel   Saturday   night
Lost   strayeor   stolen   one   dark
iron   gray   ktlywg   skirt   For   fur -
ther   partieBlatvcal   1a   tit   address
Henry   or   Clay   Murphy
Dopey   sheriff   Brown   assisted
by   a   nuansmed   Hall   tried   to   ar
rest   Bathos   Casket   for   felony   He
resisted   at   once   <   aud   one   oftheof
ficers   had   to   shoot   killing   him   in
Bam   Wilson   bas   jat   finished
the   painting   on   Kels   Cpaoks   res -
idence   Sam   wu   at   his   best   on
this   job   with   its   apple   green   body
and   white   trimming   It   will   bear
inspection   by   tie   most   critical   eye
Sam   goes   to   Tpliver   next
Kelse   Coach   informed   the   writer
that   he   attended   the   meeting   held
on   Murphy   fort   Sunday   and   >   that
he   saw   Evangelist   John   Murphy
wash   Rev   Green   Browns   feet
Surely   thin   was   a   anif   fitation   of
great   love   One   thing   about   John -
s   he   never   lets   poetics   or   resin
ion   interfere   with   his   ekuroh   work
June   27   POET
Utcate   aeP   or   Mjt   saved   the
life   of   my   ohUd   JJ   lire   the   isxpK   8
shone   i   toll   bear   every   dayabout
Gkamberlainy   Cpli   Ckekira   aa   i
Dit4Yrlialei   Reiiesly   This   i   ii1trae
the   irorld   otewifewr   this   talaable
remedy   hst   be   a   iatrodtced   >   Na
other   medicine   m   use   for   diarrboja
or   b   ewehtwolsipllrslaaaSreceir
sach   general   apwroyal   Thereat
f   the   rt1NNrOf   8M   i   I
Wif   tea -
M   rIf   It
I   EB   Little   ii   somewhat   better
at   this   writing
J   W   Burcham   and   family   call -
ed   on   Delia   Nickell   Sunday   eVen
ing   x
J   C   Lmdon   of   Can   pton   was
in   this   section   Friday   and   Satur -
day   attending   to   business
Good   services   were   conducted
here   Sunday   by   Rev   JameeJMad
den   A   large   crowd   attended
Frank   Hatton   was   a   Driest   of   J
W   Burctram   and   family   Sunday
We   think   the   attraction   was   a
Among   those   who   attended   the
meeting   here   from   Paxton   were
Misses   Stella   and   Bettie   Shackel
ford   and   Claud   Vest
June   27   DAISY
geT   s   HUT
We   offer   One   Hundred   Dollars   Reward
tor   any   cue   of   Catarrh   that   can   not   be
cared   bY   Halls   Catarrh   Cure
F   J   CHENEY   A   CO   Toledo   O -
We   the   nndenigned   hare   known   F   J
Cheney   for   the   last   15   yean   and   believe
him   perfectly   honorable   in   all   bniines
transaction   and   finanincially   able   to   cany
out   any   obligation   made   by   hit   firm
Wholesale   Druggists   Toledo   O
Halls   Catarrh   Cure   ia   taken   internally
acting   directly   upon   the   blood   and   mucous
surfaces   of   the   system   Testimonial   sent
free   Price   75   cents   per   bottle   Sold   by
Take   Halll   Family   Pills   tor   constipation
J   M   Murphy   sold   to   Asa   F
Murphy   six   hogs   at   IS   par   owt
R   L   Motley   has   had   the   tele -
phone   connected   with   his   residence
Wendell   Murphy   visited   friends
and   relatives   at   Mt   Sterling   re -
P   D   Spence   visited   his   brothar
A   L   Spence   near   Mt   Sterling
Mrs   JC   Murphy   and   IOU   Clar
once   were   visiting   relatives   at   this
place   recently
Mrs   Bruce   Turner   and   sou   of
Mt   Sterling   visited   Dr   A   B
Nickell   and   wife   last   week
C   N   Nickell   has   resigned   his
position   with   Van   Doren   Hard
warecompany   and   is   now   at   home
plowing   corn
Last   Sunday   was   Children   Day
at   Pine   Grove   and   a   large   crowd
was   iu   attendance   The   children
acquitted   themselves   nicely
June   27   GUESS
If   you   are   not   satisfied   after   us -
ing   according   to   directions   two
thirds   of   a   bottle   of   Chamberlains
Stomach   and   Liver   Tablets   you
can   have   your   money   back   The
tablets   cleanse   and   invigorate   the
stomach   improve   the   digestion
regulate   the   bowels   Give   them   a
trialand   get   well   Sold   by   all
Georgia   Tipton   called   on   Golda
Tipton   Sunday
Harlan   McClure   passed   through
this   vicinity   Saturday
Grover   Asbury   attended   church
at   Cannel   City   Sunday
Bill   Roberts   visited   Mr   Jon
nings   Sunday   afternoon
Hecekiah   Jennings   itedhome
folks   Saturday   and   Sundayr
Curt   the   little   son   of   Mrs   Liz
zie   Spencer   is   ill   at   this   writing
Kitty   Osboine   was   a   guest   of
Mrs   C   A   Nickell   Saturday   night
Quite   a   crowd   was   entertained
at   the   home   of   E   Skeins   Sunday
Willie   Byrd   ailed   his   regular
appointment   at   Jim   Tiptons   Sun -
Joe   Osborue   was   calling   on   Or -
ville   and   Orla   Spencer   Saturday
Miles   Nickell   was   calling   on   his
daughter   Clara   Hollon   i   one   day
Kitty   Otborn   was   callingon
HoUleao4   Julia   Skeiaa   SatMday
Mrs   S   P   Wilson   was   calling
pa   Mrs   Henry   Osborna   Saturday
afternoon   >
aSontk   Stamps   and   Mr   iBoy4
tick   dinner   with   Mr   Jwaings   last
Mrs   data   Holloa   v   and   little
leD   01   <   kf   Milei   on   MiHiNwK
ell   Moaalla
n   Jane   sib   twat   JEJUs
Mrs   Douoitf   Basterliugand   Mrsf
Walter   Tipton   were   calling   ou
Minnie   Tiptou   Sunday
Henry   Osborne   and   8   P   Wilson
andwife   enjoyed   dinner   with   Mor
ris   Wilson   and   wife   Sunday
Morris   Wilson   and   wife   and   Sel
don   Cellinsworth   were   guests   of
E   Skeins   and   family   Saturdayi
Mrs   Jane   Long   Aunt   Betsy
Amyx   and   Beatrice   Long   were
calling   on   Mrs   C   A   Nickell   Sat
urday   evening
Ollie   Nickel   wife   and   little
son   Ernest   spent   Saturday   andl
Sunday   with   his   brotherinlaw
South   Stamper
June   27   VIOLET
Kept   IUKiaI   At   Hoae
For   the   past   yeacwe   have   kept
the   King   of   all   laxative   Dr   Kings
New   Life   PiUlIin   our   home   andI
they   have   proved   a   blessing   to   allI
our   family   writes   Paul   Mathul
ka   of   Buffalo   N   Y   Easy   but
sure   remedy   frr   all   stomach   liver
and   kidney   troubles   Obly   250   at
all   dealers
Corn   hoeing   is   the   order   of   the
day   in   this   section
Mal   very   Turner   was   a   guest   of
Miss   Maggie   Dunn   Sunday
Mrs   R   L   Turner   baa   been   onI
the   sick   list   for   the   past   week
Mrs   George   Taylor   of   Lee   City
attended   church   here   Sunday
Miss   Stella   Taylor   spent   Satur -
day   night   with   Clara   HouuahaJl   i
Sam   H   Hurst   was   visiting   hisI
Scott   Turner   sold   his   farm   to   R
L   Turner   but   we   did   not   learn
the   price
Mils   Clara   Wilson   visited   °ker
grandparents   at   Let   City   Saturday
and   Sunday
Rev   H   Taylor   delivered   alt   in
terestiug   sermon   to   a   large   congre
gation   here   Sunday
John   and   Kelly   Chapman   of
Cannel   City   were   calling   on   home
folks   Sunday   evening
The   freight   train   wrecked   neat
here   Thursday   upsetting   tour   load -
ed   cars   but   no   one   was   injured
Miss   Emma   Turner   who   hasI
been   visiting   in   Jackson   for   the
past   few   dajn   returned   home   Sat -
Quite   a   crowd   waa   entertained
at   the   home   of   Lucy   and   ienas
Swimm   Sunday   with   some   fine
Mrs   Charles   Sweeney   andlittle
daughter   PearlYisited   hetdangh
ter   Mrs   J   J   Landrum   a   few   day   s
recently   >
June   27   BONNIE   GIRL
Chamberlains   Cough   Remedy
is   sold   ona   gtiarautefr   that   if   yon
are   not   satisfied   after   using   two
thirds   of   a   bottle   according   to   di
reotioas   your   money   will   be   re -
funded   It   is   up   to   you   to   try
Sold   br4Jr   daalera
J   A   Jones   made   a   baainess   tripI
to   West   Liberty   Monday
Seldon   Collimworth   was   eeenI
going   in   the   direction   of   Sellars
Saturday   The   attraction   is   a -
Rose   I   guess
A   large   crowd   attended   the   sing
Walters   at   the   Squire   Nickell
school   house   Sunday
A   large   crowd   attended   the   ball
game   between   Caney   creek   and
Barton   forkon   Burton   fork   last
Sunday   The   score   was   19   to   1>
iu   fvor   of   Caney   creek
June   27   LIBERTY
Corn   hoeing   is   the   order   of   the
A   large   crowd   attended   harch
at   this   place
Aquilla   HadfUxiBeot   SatoMayi
night   with   Emma   Lariram
Byrd   McNabb   and   wife   atteaded
meeting   at   Pins   Grove   Sandajr
Willie   Catron   waay   Aj   ga   si   of
Raleigh   and   Dots   ie   pta   >   auetf
erda   night   c
He   S   aproaii
arpesaMeraaaMtr8wrlingtaod   a   I
pair   of   males
lQD8   ZJ   1RLiftt   Btasli   exs
W   r   f   f   uf   oDAtwat   J
l   sib   I
Ate   to   i1   P
J   =
<   tCXIE
w   8   rinrhleweatftiRitiilliisn
one   day   recestly
Miss   Winnie   Btootr   wat
of   MfssEtlrel   JoKnsooj   eiEt
Green   >   Saturday   jafght
J   H   Trimble   and   wife   tttlv
VisitingDr   A   C   Nieteirauiwifs
at   Hazel   Green   sanest   i
Mort   Wilson   of   Graasy   oreek
passed   ferAagkitlief   gsjartay   on
his   usual   trip   to   SHUiHUsr
Hisses   Maggie   and   5BktfCkil
dnra   were   calling   on   MIsVMtteiiU
and   B   wlLhTrfmbl   day
lTaylor   Center   and   wifto   Pleaa>
ant   Hill   were   visiting   the   latter
narents   Newton   Maloney   and1   wife
Saturday   night   and   Sauday   i
Miss   Louie   Rose   daogbterdrj
but   Dr   A   C   Nickell   wascaalledV
eand   she   iu   now   able   to   bEtI   lMvem
againMrs   Roe   Nickell   Mrt   lI   rithins
McClure   and   Mrs   Clau   Dar   s1l
little   daughter   Lucille   all   ofa
zel   Green   spent   one   day   tooettiy   E -
at   the   home   of   W   S   Trimble
Mrs   Elbert   Sample   oCMQiil
gomery   °   county   who   hsav   bee   >   is
sting   her   daughter   Mrs   CltftiB
Rose   on   this   creek   for   tke   fiJit
week   left   for   her   borne   1teciy
Chnt   Taylors   funVal   wU   =   be
preached   the   fifth   Sunday   iarjsly
Services   will   be   conductedbyViSro>
Baul   of   Berea   and   others   ainika
graveyard   Dinner   will   bee   rWad
in   the   shades   near   the   gray   ard
Ira   Day   and   family   who   left
here   about   five   tilneissltir   ago   for   3
bfiddletownOhiolrlst   t   tiliti>ai
to   their   old   Kentncky   lijiMC
Ira   said   they   had   pick   til   aik   fsbft
money   off   the   bushes   brfc   lrtgot
thereJune   x
June   27   BsBTncx
ChamberlainSHui1JTt   K
er   Tablets   will   braee   BD   the   nerws
banish   sick   headacbeiprevent   4e
system   Saltiby   lUIdga118raV
fuiM1i   E   V   V
iJ   B   Rose   bought   of   A   PTol
iver   a   fine   calf   foe   112   yt
N   J   Basset   and   wife   saadvft
business   trip   to   Good   wins   kapel
ILee   Rose   of   this   place   yisi   d
friends   at   Lee   City   from   FjIy
unti   Sunday
A   large   crowd   of   our   bong   and
girls   took   inHb   S   n   ayrti6ol
picaio   at   Pine   GroreSwoiay
The   sogmj   school   at   811   +   IL40   +
sy   ic   progreaaing   messy   XSs   aMl
from   Murphy   fork   Tinted   it   Ssai
day   among   them   beiag   Mia   ea
Zelpha   and   Nora   PieraittVV
Hose   and   Ura   Murphy
A   large   crowd   attefioted   meetiM   r
a   Murphy   forks   Bbie7r   lsMig   V
them   we   noticed   JAXd   aJtf   isMt
wife   and   KM   Comch   aasl   a±ift
Revs   Tom   Rasnic   and   Doe   am
per   did   the   preaohibgi
June   27   GcBintf   oN
Ifs   IaMi   Ir   r
TkilY   t   tot
J   i   n
Bears   the
Signa   uroof   T
iFarwipgia3   thwordvr   ot   frTlfaJ   1
W   FiAlexanierjwent   to   ifa+f
boro   recently   on   busi   I   esfllMC
MrsiA   O   Peyton   Jlisitsiwr
son   Charley   eytou   Iapi   lyblO
Mrs   J   H   SebMtiaii
hroegh   here   toddy   enrole   1
Qa   e   7   aoJo1dJtttIlutbi
attended   6h   rck   at   Ad   rt   ii
Mrs   Hay   lea   of   WUlktMl
iI   °   V   riIWVrh1ga
L   B   Htllaaf   R   nlJ   Jr
Qa118tbttQestgi   rwthsr   J
HonoSat   1   >   ISf4
G1tq   RHnd1I   8f
T   f   ot   f8f
Ia   szHz   Krli
Y   r   >   i   lME
lr   rh7MII   1
t   H
Rl   tlihllii
u   f   11