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Office of Planning, Research & Evaluation (OPRE) skip to primary page content

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The evaluation of the Tier 2 program in Hennepin County would not be possible without the cooperation, commitment, and hard work of a wide range of administrators and staff. The following individuals deserve special thanks.

William Brumfield and Philip AuClaire of the Hennepin County Office of Training and Employment Assistance have been vital to the evaluation. They played major roles in the program design, worked closely with MDRC to set up and monitor the evaluation, assisted in arranging many site visits, facilitated a range of other research and data collection activities, and provided support throughout the study. Chuck Johnson and Scott Chazdon of the Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) also provided guidance and support. At each of the six Tier 2 providers and at several Tier 1 providers, program staff graciously accommodated numerous MDRC site visits and data collection activities, and they also willingly discussed their experiences with MDRC researchers and participated in an in-depth study of how they spent their time at work. Jim Allard from DHS provided administrative records data to MDRC for the study. Jim Shultz and Nick Schmidt from the Department of Economic Security also provided automated earnings data used for the analyses in this report.

At MDRC, we would like to thank Barbara Goldman, Gayle Hamilton, Dan Bloom, Stephen Freedman, and Charles Michalopolous, who reviewed multiple versions of the report and provided several helpful suggestions. Stephen Freedman and Richard Hendra also helped oversee data collection from the beginning. Allison Milld provided excellent research assistance, and Diane Singer provided administrative support. Joel Gordon and Galina Farberova managed the random assignment design. Gilda Azurdia was the lead programmer and processed and analyzed the survey data and earnings records data. Zakia Barnes processed the welfare records data and created programs for the impact analysis. Margaret Bald and Robert Weber edited the report, and Stephanie Cowell prepared it for publication.

Finally, we extend our deep appreciation to the hundreds of Hennepin County parents who participated in the study and gave generously of their time to respond to a survey.

The Authors



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