OCR Interpretation

What is OCR?

Hjf1"llll"   "W   g   i   W   1   '   '   '   "   "   '   "   "   '   "LixLi
K'WBB'   *   .   .   .   ,   .   „   ,   ,   „   .   ,   urn   )   J   ,   „   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   ,   .   .   .   .   .   _   .   _   Jtflflf
1   '   l'   *   !   tw   ip   iwn   wiiiiw   *   *   *   i   i.iii..i..
rT-rTnr   [   )   |   <   rT1   [   TW   i   mum   jmjiiu   i   i   in-   j.   J   Iin'itillMilliTflflB
ff   The   Omaha   Daily   BeeI
kl.1   "NINETEBNTn   TEAR   OMAHA   ,   FRIDAY   ALORNl   G   ,   NOVEMBER   8   ,   ISSfl   NUMBER   142.I
>   l   The   Programmo   or   Ono   Sootlonof
18   Franch   Republicans
|   Ho   Opposes   Hip   Itlcn   of   PoroltiR   Sein-
I   lncrlnts   Into   Klllo   iixi   rclsc   In
I   Union   of   IV   nor   MRUS   elI
I   I   DIsspiibIoii   Appear
<   Important   1'olltlcnl   llnrotirsc
1   ICoiuitghl   ISX   )   1y   Janui   llontnn   tt'n   IMI
ft   J   Paris   ,   Nov   i   [   Now   VorkHeraldCublo
|   Spiclal   to   Inc   Urr   ]   At   the   monthly
K   f   dinner   of   the   editors   ot   theJournal
f   Dos   Dobnts   ,   given   to   night   ,   Lcou   Say
I   ft   pronounced   an   Important   political   disK-
K   i   course   ,   which   may   liecoiisldorel
I   I   tha   programmo   of   the   mostmod
5   |   eratc   Bcctioti   of   the   republican   partySiy
B   I   did   not   occupy   hlmsolf   about   possiblenlll
I   ]   nnccs   between   parliamentarygroups
I   I   "Ihodiisof   the   group   policy   ,   "   lie   said,
B   I   "nro   pist   The   modorntorepublicans
I   ]   hnvo   neither   to   negotiatewith
1   the   right   nor   the   rldlcats   They
must   simply   adhcro   to   their   principles   ,
B   1   hey   do   not   scok   power   but   henceforththey
B   must   liavo   a   clcirly   donned   nnd   firmpolicy
Bj   and   sustain   It   without   couipromlso   or   woik-
H   ncsB   In   the   late   election   the   countrj   l   >   tnn
H   end   to   the   Boulanglst   adventure   ,   whichhad
flj   j   no   mora   constant   and   resolutenlvcrsarlcs
flj   than   the   modornto   lopubllcnns   Ihoelectors
BJ   manifested   no   less   clcnrly   their   clcslro   fora
H   return   to   n   policy   of   order   ,   tolcnnco   nuda
flj   respectful   consideration   of   the   intcicstmil
BR   j   principles   of   all   'lhls   Is   the   policy   whicli
Bl   the   molornta   republicans   mustenergetically
BJ   defend   In   parliament,"
BJ   Kcfcrilng   to   military   educntion   ,   LeonSaj
BS   reminded   his   hcarois   t'lat   his   friends   andho
BJ   had   propose   1   nmendments   In   thesenate
BB   Bwhich   had   for   their   object   the   attenuationof
BJ   fi   the   effects   of   the   laws   with   respect   tosemt
H   fi   narlsts   ,   nnd   his   opinion   hns   not   beentnodl
BJ   fl   fled   on   that   point   lie   still   thinks   ituseless
BJ   ]   nnd   vexatious   to   force   seminarists   to   dorllla
BJ   j   exerclso   in   times   of   peaoo   nnd   Hint   latima
BJ   I   of   war   they   ought   to   boemployed
BJ   3   with   the   nmbulnnco   corps   und   ininfirmaries
BJ   •   Uo   thinks   also   thcro   is   necessity   totern
BJ   porizo   m   laicising   schools   In   ciseswhere
BJ   municipal   counsels   are   opposed   to   ainuasuro
BJ   nnd   thai   a   cabinet   that   would   work   w   iththe
BJ   majority   of   the   moderates   wouldcnsilv
BJ   satisfy   the   public   wish   on   those   tw   opoints
BJ   ana   thus   contribute   to   lesson   religiousquar-
BJ   rels   It   would   bo   an   net   of   wisdom   tocouso
BJ   the   lalcisatlon   ofhospitals
H   '   Spoikiug   of   the   financialsituation
BJ   Lay   agreed   with   the   axiom   that   tobavo
BH   t   good   Hi   tines   it   is   necessaryto
Hjg/   commence   with   good   politicsIla
BBS   did   not   dissimulate   the   factthat
Hflj   the   stiltoof   Frances   flounceswoulldoubt-
flflg   less   necessitate   the   creation   of   nowro
BB   ?   sources   ,   but   it   is   not   according   tohisidea
BB   that   cither   an   income   tax   or   an   Increaseof
Bjj   the   land   tax   otifcht   to   bo   voted   1   lienow
BJf   oburabur   will   have   to   adopt   a   moraefllcucious
BJI   mothodof-w   01   Icing   than   the   lust   legislature,
BJI   but   if   the   right   of   mtirpellation   Insto
Bftv   bo   regulated   ,   c-iro   mu3t   botaker
B&   not   to   lmpedo   it   ,   which   wouldbo
BBY   nn   encroaehment   on   the   right   ofthe
BB   ,   As   for   the   law   on   the   press   ,   If   It   mustbo
BB   modified   In   order   to   put   anoniltointoloitblo
BBi   abuses   ,   inro   must   bo   taken   not   tosuppress
BBt   essential   gutrnntces   ,   whit   h   have   cerboon
BBt   ,   considered   as   the   safeguard   of   thelibertyof
BBj   thepress
BBJ   Tlio   ideas   expressed   by   Leon   Siyconstl
BBi   tuto   the   nroj'ruuiina   of   tha   moderitoand
BB   llbo-nl   policy   and   nro   llkoly   to   rail   }   all   inon
BBJ   who   are   not   engaged   to   tha   extrennpirtlos
BB   }   or   the   rignt   and   loftibisdis
BBT   course   rejillcs   to   the   lalsolutorpro
BB   ]   tatlon   which   bad   beengwenhis
BB   lutorviow   It   was   said   tlint   Leon   Saywould
BB   nil   )   himself   to   the   rl   ht   and   creito   aschism
BB   In   the   republican   party   Ills   ideas   arequitoi
BB   different   Leon   ibuy   wishes   themodemtoi
BB   rcpubllcniiH   to   be   very   linn   ,   ns   they   haveal-
BB   wajsbccn   ,   in   defense   ot   republicanInstitu
BB   tions   ,   nnd   that   thov   should   pursue   atthei
BB   taaio   time   n   prudent   nnd   conciliatory   policy,
BB   around   which   all   levers   of   order   maygroupi
BB   Tlio   I'crpotual   lVnoo   or   J   uropoDoohi
BB   <   >   t   Heom   V   <   ry   hccuri-.
BB   ICopi/r'a'it   /   '   '   '   '   89   huJamesGordonllcumtt1
BBjf   >   Londov   ,   Nov   7   |   NowYorkIlonld
BBI   Cable   Special   to   Tuu   Hrc   I   Alreadythcroi
f   nro   signs   of   dlssoiislons   In   the   now   lcaguo   of
BJ   brotherhood   which   was   to   offerperpetual1
BJ   lecpiily   for   thopcaco   of   Luropo   Theom-
BJ   peror   of   Austria   begins   to   havesoilousi
BB   doubts   whothoi   ho   has   not   bocn   usedby
BB   Germany   us   n   cats   imv   ,   I   ho   recent   visitof1
BB   William   tl   to   the   Sultan   has   evidentlyro
BB   suited   in   a   good   understanding   botweeuthei
BB   portonud   Qcrmauy   ,   and   ,   whut   Is   muchmora,
BB   tmportunt   ,   It   is   bolloved\thatthemeeting
BB   bctwean   tbo   emperor   nnd   czar   atllerlln1
BB   Is   llucly   io   load   to   aeri   closeroapproach-
BB   ment   between   their   governments   It   isoenI
BB   stated   that   a   umrrlago   has   been   arraneedbo
BB   tween   tha   CZarowitch   nnd   PrincessMarga-
BB   ret   uf   Prussia   It   that   bo   true   ,   theuUluncoi
BB   winch   Austria   mad   a   with   Germany   hastiedI
BB   the   hands   of   the   former   power   ,   wlilloithas
BB   toft   ItUBsln   free   to   pursue   her   easternpolicy;
BH   without   fca   >   *   ot   sorlouB   check   Thisisn
BB   coupe   worthy   of   the   fame   aud   skill   ofPnnco
BB   In   the   time   of   William   I   ,   RussiaholdI
BB   aloof   from   ,   acrmnny   Ulicoldmonarch
BB   on   his   deathbed   recommended   hisgrandson
BB   to   '   keep   on   good   terms   with   Itussia   "   Itis'
BB   not   dinicult   to   coueolvo   by   whom   thisadvice
BJ   was   lispired
BB   During   the   brief   rolgn   of   I.mperorFrcd-
HB   erick   the   general   position   romulnoduu-
BB   chanted   ,   but   the   pupil   of   Ulsmnick   lostno
BB   time   In   endeavorlug   to   curryoutthutprecep
BB   tor's   Injunctions   Hutsia   turned   a   deafoar
BB   to   his   overtures   'Ilieu   tlio   triplealliunco
BB   wus   formed   and   the   czar   saw   howas
BB   in   danger   of   having   bis   Hankburned
B   by   Austria-Hungary.   Ibo   lesser
BB   power   wait   employed   tolura
BB   the   turgor   ono   into   thanet
BB   Whcu   this   end   Is   secured   It   will   notmuch
BB   matter   whetbor   Austria   npprovos   ordisap
BB   proves   of   tbo   use   which   has   bcon   raadaof
BB   her   She   would   not   bonblo   to   move   handor
BB   foot   against   tba   will   of   the   strongerpowers
BB   It   nisv   no   that   Kussla   has   still   largerde-
BB   signs   In   slew   ,   bomo   peopleappearto
BB   imaglno   that   her   Asiatic   policy   has   cometo
BB   its   natural   oud   ,   and   will   bo   pursuedno
BB   further   Uhero   nro   many   persons   InUng-
BB   land   who   hold   that   vtow   Kussla   hasspent
BB   mllllous   In   ontondlug   her   Asiaticfrontier
BH   towards   India   only   to   recede   whenshe
B   Is   within   sight   ot   the   promised   land   'I   bat!
BJ   Is   not   tha   principle   upon   whichltussUor
BJ   any   otbor   great   power   commonly   acts   ItIs
BJ   not   the   principle   which   Englandherself
BJ   adopted   In   India   or   which   she   Is   at   thiswo
Bt   meat   adopting   la   Africa   To   take   ulland
H   jtlvo   back   nothing   is   tbo   rule   In   suchmatters
H   lAjrtlflsd   by   a   close   alliance   withGermany,
the   cjnrnnj   como   to   the   conclusion   that
thotlinolsnproichin   |   for   nt   othirforwird
move   In   the   direction   of   IJrltlsh   India
Meanwhile   1   ngland   Is   tolling
the   i   nntUcs   that   If   they   getup
agitation   <   enough   thej   may   rule   theirown
country   nnd   supplant   their   former   con
<   iuercr   Not   by   such   a   method   wasIndia
won   and   not   by   such   will   It   bo   rotalnod   at   a
tltno   when   flabby   sentimentality   appetrs   to
bo   predominant   In   Kni'ltsh   parties   It   would
not   bn   surprising   If   the   czar   sent   on   nls
legions   a   llttlo   furlhor   tow   ard   tlio   heart   of
the   Uritlsh   power   m   I   nil   l-t   ,   ready   to   strike
them   when   the   lilting   moment   comes
A   irKAIM   VU   sTORM
TIiuunanilH   or   blierp   nnil   Cattle   Per   *
IhIi   In   Now   Moxlco
Ci   inov   ,   N   M   ,   Nor   7   Unless   thonnow
storm   which   has   been   raging   for   the   past
eight   days   ends   boon   next   sinnmor   will   show*
the   country   covered   with   the   dead   bodies   of
animals   us   thlcld   }   ai   was   tha   old   Santa   Va
trnll   in   the   sixties
the   depth   of   snow   Is   now   not   less   than
Uventv   bIx   inches   on   the   lo\cl   ,   nnd   in   mail   }
places   It   is   diiftcd   seven   feet   high
When   tha   atonn   struck   this   section   seven
herds   of   c   ittlo   numbering   from   -100   to   3,000   ,
wcro   being   held   neni   this   place   awtlting
sbii   mcut   cast   In   vnln   Uld   tbo   bnlf-frozcn
co   wbo   >   s   try   to   chock   the   march   of   the   buds   ,
but   on   thev   went   through   the   Incrcuslng
storm   ,   uutll   finding   It   utterly   impossible   to
hold   the   cnttlo   tha   boys   roda   aside   and   let
them   puss   ,   ana   nearly   dead   ,   rode   their   ex -
hausted   horses   into   the   canyons   or   partlall   }
shcltoicl   places   nlino   they   passed   mauj
hours   of   misery   without   food   or   lire
Pivo   covbojs   nnd   two   Mexican   sheep
herders   nro   known   to   bo   frozen   In   the
drifts   are   found   hundreds   of   dead   stock   ,
trfmy   only   with   the   head   nnd   hoins   above
the   snow   In   ono   dilft   thirteen   wcro   count -
ed   in   another   ten   bomo   wcro   alive   but   un
nbio   to   mnvo   from   their   frigid   prison
Herds   of   sheep   were   completely   wined   out
of   oxistcneo   ind   the   ranges   for   thirty   miles
from   town   mo   covered   with   their   dead   cir
cisscs   It   Is   eatim   ited   that   JO   OUO   hnvo   par
isbud   in   this   part   of   the   counti   y
At   present   it   Is   impostlblo   to   estimate   the
c   ittla   lost   but   tha   number   probibly   will   bo
in   the   thousands   liver   :   place   of   shelter   In
town   nro   being   used   as   b   irns   for   the   snow -
bound   horses
Tlio   hay   supplj   Is   nearly   oxhaustcd   nna   to
dav   floO   a   ton   was   offerad   bj   stockmen   and
refused   At   the   I   ox   is   line   ,   below   Clayton   ,
two   passenger   trilus   line   boon   snow -
bound   for   n   week   J   ho   provisions   run
nmg   out   the   p   mongers   wcro   compelled
to   venture   out   In   the   storm   nnd   klllcittlc
thoiiunrtois   of   which   were   tuken   into   the
cars   und   roasted   It   is   thoupht   tbo   snow -
plow   will   leach   the   imprisoned   trains   to
morioiv   nnd   rcleuso   them   nnd   that   tha   road
wHl   be   opened   in   a   dav   oi   two   The   storm
is   by   fnr   the   worst   ever   known   in   I   o\v   Mexico
ice   I   ho   ox   let   loss   of   Ufa   nud   property   can -
not   bo   estimated
THE   !   ,   r   PAUIj   1CBPAIvACC
tt   Will   Uo   BuiU   On   *   n   Grnnd   ami
1   I   ilionto   Scalp
St   Paul   ,   Minn   ,   Nov   7   [   Special   Telegram
gram   to   fun   Unii.1   The   carnhal   directors
baa   a   meeting   to   night   and   decided   to   begin
nt   once   nrcparations   lor   tbo   winter   festlvi
ties   Xho   city   council   b   is   appropriated   $10
000   ,   and   inlluontl   d   citizens   have   guaranteed
tbo   romuinlng   515   COO   needed   Iho   palace   is   to
bo   the   largest   and   most   fantastic   in   external
nrchitccturo   ever   mudo   in   any   countri   ,   and
thoinsldo   curwncs   and   ornamentations   are   to
excel   In   splendor   an   >   thing   over   soon   before
fore   The   street   decorations   will   bo   the
most   elaborate   oci   know   n   In   the   northwest
lhero   will   bo   erected   o\er   Third   strcot   ,
from   Wabasha   to   Siblov   stiect   ,   ono
vast   canopy   of   evergreejs   ,   with
a   profusion   of   festoons   falling
from   the   canopj   down   to   the   sides   of   the
buildings   to   the   wall   s   nnd   with   the   whole
archway   filled   with   trcit   electric   are   llchts
shining   through   globes   of   nil   colors   Over
oac'i   street   ciosslnr'   the   canopy   of   ever
grcons   will   bo   sui   ported   by   the   four   corners
or   buildings   on   oacli   corner   Trom   the   center   -
ter   of   thocrnnp\   over   the   crossing   of   Third
and   Robert   streets   will   bo   suspendol   n   high
white   bear   formed   with   lncande   cent   lights
0\or   ono   hundred   thousand   j   vrds   of   wire
wound   with   evergreens   nine   Inches   in   dlamo
ter   will   bo   used   upon   the   canopy
A   Woniletfal   Nnturnl   Gus   'Dlsplnj
Pjttsluko   ,   Nov   7   The   All   Americas
party   to   day   visited   the   iron   and   glass   woiks
in   this   city   nmt   McICccspflrt
In   the   evening   the   tourists   were   token   to
the   exposition   buildicg   ,   where   tboy   saw   the
finished   products   of   nearly   ull   tbo   business
Interests   hero
The   foaturu   of   the   night   ,   however   ,was
the   nnairat   gas   disulay   witnessed   from   the
Dalconj   of   the   oxposltlon   building
Ihreo   four   Inch   pipes   were   erected   on
the   river   bank   and   nt   a   signal
the   cas   was   turned   on   and   ignited   ,   shooting
fifty   feet   Into   the   air   Then   a   volcano   of
water   suddenly   burst   upw   aid   from   tbo   river
surface   A   rocket   was   Urol   Into   It   and   the
tower   of   water   lifted   Itself   a   hundred   foot
into   the   air   fiom   among   the   boiling   waters
A   lutgo   mutn   pipe   had   boon   run   out   into
the   rl\cr   to   accomplish   this   effect   Another
ono   In   the   water   shot   forth   lurid   flames   ot
light   ,   which   showed   all   the   colors   of   the
rainbow   as   uirious   rhomlcils   were   Injected
into   tlio   piao   'Iho   dlsjjlay   ever   ,   the   visitors
returned   to   their   liotoj
Tlio   Dnncmn   That   Threaten   Ainoil
c   in   Civilization   DUoumpcl
Uaitimoiie   ,   Nov   7   Cardinal   Qlbbons'
latest   work   ,   Our   Christian   Heritage   ,1'will
bo   lasuod   to   morrow
In   it   is   found   ,   among   other   thlncs.un   urgu-
ment   to   show   that   there   Is   no   conflict   between
tween   sclenca   and   religion   There   Is   a   chap
tor   ou   labor   The   book   closes   on   tbo
'   dangers   that   threaten   our   American   clvill-
zatlau"   these   ,   briolly   summarized   ,   are
Morinomsm   and   alvorco   ,   the   imperfect   and
vicious   bj   stem   ot   education   which   under
mines   the   religion   of   the   youth   ,   the   desocre-
tlon   ot   the   christian   bahbath   ,   the   gross   and
systematic   election   frauds   ,   tlio   unreasonable!
delay   in   carrying   into   effect   the   sentences   of
the   criminal   courts   and   tha   nuinorous   subtor-
fuses   by   which   criminals   evade   the   oxocu
tlon   of   iho   law
Airiilnst   till   biicnr   Trust
Nnw   Yoiik   ,   Nov   7.   The   supreme   court
to   day   handed   down   a   derision   ntllrmlne   the
decision   of   Judi'o   Ilurrctt   ordering   tbo   disso-
lutlonoftho   orth   Ulver   Sugar   Itcflnlng
company   ,
'iho   court   holds   that   although   the   trust
ogrcemout   does   not   set   forth   as   one   ot   its
objects   the   prevention   of   competition   and   the1
enactment   of   prices   ,   thesu   objects   may   bo1
Judicially   inforrcd   fiom   the   facts   in   the   case1
und   from   the   ordinary   motives   of   governing
men's   actions   Ami   even   though   outside   com
potltlon   might   prevent   the   trust   from   roallz-
lag   these   objects   ,   this   accidental   fact   would|1
not   rcllavo   tlio   parties   tothn   agreement   from1
the   responsibility   of   their   illegal   course   It
is   u   condition   under   vvbien   a   corporation   Is\
alloivjd   to   bo   created   and   maintained   that   it
shall   oxcrclso   nnd   use   it   franchises   for   the]
bcucflt   of   the   public   ,   und   wheu   itvoluntarily
declines   to   ao   that   or   places   itself   In   a   sltua
tlon   iu   which   that   may   be   prevented   as   a
consequence   of   its   voluntary   uctlon   under;
the   statute   as   well   as   by   tbo   decision   of   the
courts   ,   its   charter   may   be   annulled   ut   a   suit;
of   the   attorney   general
U   nsliltistnn'a   I.cmsluturo   AUourns|
OiAum   ov   ,   7.   After   effecting   a   tem -
porary   ortranlzatl   E   the   lecisiaturo   udjournedI
until   Monday
aawiiwU   -   -   .   .   .   _   .
Ho   Charges   Wholoaalo   Supprosston
or   RopubHcan   Votes
Illi   Poxsllilo   Ilofont   Kc   nrttc   <   l   With
Jlcjtrot   flu   >   arils   Mnrrliujo   Cluvc-
lnnil   \   isitq   IlnrrlMin   llnil-
umil   Postolllco   CliniiKOB
WaSHINQTOS   HUIIGAU   TtlE   OMAHA   Urn   ,   1
fiU   roUIITKBNTII   STItKEr   ,>
Wasuinutov   ,   U   O   ,   Nov   7.   )
General   Mahoiio   nt   his   homo   in   Peters -
burg   ,   Vn   ,   this   morning   gave   jour   eorro
spondent   n   lengthy   personal   statement   of   the
causes   of   his   defeat
Ho   bollov   cs   that   at   least   twenty   thousand
republican   votes   went   into   the   ballot   box
that   were   never   counted   and   that   us   tunny
republican   voters   were   never   given   a   chaneo
to   vote   Ho   explains   Just   how   Buch   whole -
sale   frauds   enn   bo   porpetrttud   In   bis   state -
ment   bo   saj   s
1   lo   properly   understand   how   democratic
majorities   uro   obtained   In   Virginia   wo   must
consider   tlio   election   law   nnd   the   possibilities
ot   fraud   under   It   Iho   lawprovidos   that   the
Joint   assembly   shull   every   two   years   elect
thrco   persons   on   Joint   ballot   for   each   county
and   city   in   the   state   who   •   dinll   constitutenn
electoral   board   '   In   the   so   called   blcclc
counties   the   board   Is   selectcl   oj
preisly   with   reference   to   their
capabilities   for   the   administration
of   the   law   Iho   board   appoints   in   March   a
lcgistrar   for   every   voting   precinct   in   the
st   tto   and   three   Judges   ot   olectlon   All   are
democrats   and   of   the   same   stripe   ns   the
board   The   three   Judges   appoint   the   clorlcs
of   olectlon   Iho   lart   docs   not   rcqulro   that
the   Judges   shall   bo   of   oiposlto   parties
Under   the   law   ,   tea   dajs   preceding   theelec -
tion   Is   fixed   ns   tlio   final   registration   daj   on
which   the   registrar   is   supposed   to   bo   at   the
polling   places   from   suinlso   to   sunset   fortuo
purpose   of   allowing   any   man   who   may   have
becotno   slnco   the   last   olectlon   a   nil   ilillcd
voter   to   rcfclster   or   to   obtain   a   transfer
from   the   voting   precinct   where   ho   is   regis
tcied   to   tlio   one   in   wl   iclt   ho   Ins   moved   At
sunset   ou   that   day   the   books   are   close   1   and
until   the   election   dav   no   man   can   register,
but   by   law   on   nny   otnor   day   of   the   joar   a
citizen   can   register   or   obtain   n   ti   ansfcr
"f   ow   observe   their   methods   Tbo   repub -
lican   goes   to   the   registrar   before   the   ilnal
rcgistntion   day   nnd   is   put   oft   with   the   cx>
cuso   that   the   registrar   is   not   ot   homo   ,   that
his   books   mo   somevvhore   clso   ,   that   ho   is
tired   ,   so   that   the   republican   has   only   loft
the   Anal   dai   on   which   to   register   or   trans -
fer   Hero   all   the   renublicans   como   to   reg -
ister   and   all   soits   of   dilatory   tactics   nro
provided   to   shut   out   as   inauy   lepublicans   as
Democrats   ,   on   the   contrary   ,   nro   notrequired
quired   lo   wilt   but   they   are   logistered   ut
will   Any   man   can   vvrito   to   the   registrar
ana   If   ho   is   known   to   bo   a   democrat   his   request
quest   to   bu   1   egistered   will   bo   fulfilled
Let   mo   explain   now   how   tlio   remarkable
'purging'was   done   Iho   law   provides   that
tuo   electoral   board   shall   prepare   a   new   register
ister   ofotors   in   the   precinct   whenever   in
their   opinion   the   same   is   necessary   and
that   the   registrar   of   tbo   prjein   t   shall
give   notice   of   the   time   and   place   of   such
roglstrv   bj   hand   bills   posted   at   not   less
than   live   places   In   the   district   ,   and   atleast
sixty   davs   bofora   the   final   daj   ,   or   seventy
davs   before   the   election   iheso   notices   us
soon   ns   they   nro   posted   nro   nrouiptlv   torn
down   by   democratic   accomplices   so   that   if   it
becomes   known   at   ill   to   the   republicans   thut
there   is   to   bo   a   row   registration   it   Is   only   by
Another   Bchemo   is   bo   hnvosomodemo
crat   uddress   the   registrar   a   note   bov   iug   thut
the   undorsiMieJ   registered   voters   ask   that,
there   bo   delivered   to   the   bearer   or   thut
thcro   be   mailed   to   a   certain   postoflico   their
transfers   This   Is   signed   with   the   names   of
any   number   of   republican   voteis   ,   ana
when   tl   o   voter   wiioso   name   is   tnus
foi   gcd   goes   to   the   precinct   to   vote   ho   Is   told   ,
You   are   transferred   ,   '   and   ho   has   no   remedi
Again   ,   the   law   proscribes   that   tbo   voter
shall   have   been   a   citizen   of   the   state   for
twelve   months   nnl   a   lesidoat   for   the   three
months   next   p   ccoding   the   election   Hero
the   registrar   stillces   from   his   books   the
name   of   uny   republican   who   has   been   fiom
his   homo   for   the   three   next   months   precod-
Inc   the   election   although   his   bomo   is   know   n
'o   hnvo   been   nud   isot   within   the   bounJs   of
the   precinct   If   the   republican   voter   for
thrco   months   next   preceding   au   election   has
been   in   nn   adjacent   precinct   at   worU   ,   leaving
his   homo   und   his   family   within   tbo   bounds
of   his   piecmct   where   it   ha3   always   bcon   ,   ho
is   disfranchised   "
Allison   a   ropui   iuitt
lhero   would   bo   more   regret   in   Washing -
ton   ever   the   failure   of   Senator   Allison's
ro   olectlon   to   the   Uultod   States   senate   than
there   is   over   all   the   losses   at   the   elections   on
Mr   Allison   Is   Intensely   popular   here   and
us   a   loader   in   the   sonata   ha   is   ono   of   the
very   best   Ho   would   bo   missed   as   no   otbor
man   would   bo   If   ha   should   drop   out   of   tbo
senate   As   chairman   on   the   coumlttoo   of
appropriations   ho   has   hud   ehuito   of   the   fl
nut   ccs   ot   the   country   in   the   upper   branch   of
coneress   for   many   years   and   Is   a   rccognizod
authority   on   Hnanci   il   leplslntion   the   counti   y
ever   It   Is   sincerely   hoped   by   all   republicans
that   th   elowa   loglslatuio   will   develop   suffi -
cient   strength   for   tbo   icpubllenn   party   tola-
sure   Scnatot   Mlison's   re   election
Senator   Ilnwlei   spoanlng   to   day   of   tbo
elections   said   ho   tboueht   the   newspapers
had   ulrcadyglvcn   the   correct   reason   tor   the
doreat   of   the   republicans   It   was   generally
duo   ,   ha   thoucht   ,   to   local   causes   Ho   was   not
disposed   to   mnko   too   much   of   the   nutter
'   Ono   of   the   most   unfortunuto   thlnus   ,   "   ho
said   ,   will   bo   the   loss   of   Allison   to   the
scnuto   ,   if   it   turns   out   th   it   the   Iowa   Ic'Isla-
turo   has   gene   democratic   I   thinlc   the   regret
nt   his   loss   would   not   be   confined   to   one
party   everybody   likes   him   and   would   re -
gret   his   loss   "
Ex   Secretary   of   btato   Havard   inaugurated
a.   tovelty   in   weddings   to   day   Ho   walked   to
the   homo   of   his   prospective   bride
People   wcro   amazed   to   see   him
walking   up   II   street   a   short   time
bctoro   ho   was   to   take   Miss   Mary
Clymor   as   tils   wlfo   Ho   was   ao
compinled   by   his   son   ,   'ihomas   J   „   jrThe
father   was   walking   rather   fast   for   the
voung   man   ,   vv   ho   had   bard   work   to   keep   up
Mr   Ltajard   were   a   frock   coat   with   a   f   mall
bunch   of   violets   in   his   buttonhole   Ills
overcoat   was   thrown   ever   Ills   sholdors   care
lussly   und   ho   looked   as   though   ho   had   hur -
ried   uwav   from   tbo   hotel   His   taco   beamed
with   smllps   us   ho   elbowed   his   way   through
the   crowd   and   ran   up   the   stops   distancing
his   son   ,   who   took   the   matter   a   llttlo   mora
coolly   ,
Piltonn   minutes   before   the   marrlapo
ceremony   wus   begun   n   hiindsoinu
coach   came   dashing   up   from   the   west
nna   as   soon   as   the   door   opened   the   well
known   Ugura   of   Mrs   Cleveland   nppearod
ou   the   block   and   wont   quickly   up
the   steps   She   was   a   res   sod   In
a   gown   of   palo   yellowish   tone,
which   drew   un   expressive   exclamation   from
tbo   throng   sn   cither   side   Mr   ,   Clovehind
was   slower   In   getting   out   and   before   lie   had
reached   the   steps   ho   was   stepped   by   a   couple
of   ladies   who   scemod   to   know   him   ,   nnd   to
whom   ho   b   vvad   most   profoundly   'Iho
greeting   detained   the   ux-prosidcnl   so   long
that   before   he   could   rcanh   the   first   step   his
wife   had   gene   through   the   portals
bhorlly   uflor   tbo   woddlag   a   collation   was
partaken   of   und   Mr   ,   and   MrsCleveland
urovo   to   tha   oxecutlvo   mansion   together   ,bat
only   the   ex-presidont   alighted   ,   bis   wife   satis-
fling   herself   by   sending   a   card   in   to   her   sua-
ccssor   us   mistress   of   the   two-story   and   base -
ment   national   pa'ane   '   '   I   ben   she   droveuwoy
and   at   about   J   IS   the   empty   carriage   re -
turned   to   take   away   the   cx-
leaner   of   the   democracy   ,   Uo   must
have   had   a   very   pleasant   time
with   his   autagoulst   ,   for   when   be   came   out
bis   face   was   wreathed   in   smiles   and   lie
chuckled   merrily   when   ho   said   food   by
j   President   Hnrrlson   accompanied   hltn   to   the
jeweled   :   glass   screen   which   shuts   thepublic
out   i   of   the   main   corridor   ,   and   than   lofthim
standing   in   the   vestibule   oliattlnp   for   a   tow
minutes   with   Door   Koopoi   Laefllor
umiuoat   >   posTorriOficiu-sans
Tlio   followIncr   railroad   postofilcos   changes
were   today   ordered   on   the   St   ,   LouisMo-
berly   A   ,   ICansis   City   road   T"liorailroad
postoflico   (   night   line   )   hns   been   extended   to
Council   lllufts   ,   n   distance   of   411   miles   I   his
extension   will   toke   up   und   discontinue   the
Council   Muff   *   and   >   Iobcrly   railroad   post
ofllcosorvlcobotwcoj   Yi   inswlckand   ivunsns
Clti   ,   which   hns   borotoforo   been   perfoi   nod
bj   the   St   Louis   Moborly   A.   Knnsus   City
(   night   Hue   )   ,   and   It   will   be   performed   lit
npmmerit   enrs   nnd   bu   a   short   run   of   the   St
Louis   ,   Moborly   A   Kansas   City   railroad   post
oflKo   ,   the   line   to   bo   known   as   tbo   St   Louis
nnd   Council   Hlnfls   railroad   postolllco
rho   following   comparativeschedulo   Indi
rates   the   chnngo   in   time   that   wilt   bo   in   ado   In
connection   id   thotrmncotitluontnl   service   via
the   Union   and   Coutril   Pacific   Hno3   taking
effect   west   of   the   Union   Pauflo   transfer   November
vombor   17   ,   going   westt   Omaha   No   3nt
0   JOp   m   ,   now   ut7   50   ;   going   cist   at   4   do
now   at   8   40   p   m
Hv   direction   of   the   sccretnry   of   war   ,Cap -
tain   Prcdorlck   II   K   Lbsteln   ,   Twenty   first
Infuntrj   ,   having   completed   his   duties   ns   re -
corder   ot   a   court   of   inrpilrj   ,   is   placed   on   torn
porarv   dutj   in   connection   with   tlio   est   ibllsh
ment   of   c   interns   ut   certain   military   posts
enst   of   the   Mississippi   rlvor   Ho   will   Hist
proceed   from   tills   city   to   David's   Island   ,
Now   Yorlt   harbor   ,   and   from   there   tosuch
otbor   posts   ns   may   bo   doslgnnted   In   spcel   il
instructions   to   bo   given   him   from   this   oftlco
viiscn   lavcous
Among   the   mtlitniy   cadets   appelated   to
West   Point   jester   lay   was   John   llamas
Jack   of   Peru   ,   Mo   First   district   with
James   'Wallnco   Droatou   ,   Omaha   ,   as   alter -
Iho   postmnster   gonnrnllodny   appointed
Henry   N   Lord   postmaster   at   Doniphan   ,
Hall   eountv   ,   Neb   ,   vleo   J.   '   C   MuGocre
C   V   Ilnvdon   of   Pnnora   ,   In   and   Miss
Lndorvb   Honton   ,   foiuierly   of   Washington   ,
were   mnrrlnd   In   Baltimore   vestordavnt   the
homo   of   the   bride   s   father   ,   dipt   tin   Uonton,
by   the   Kov   J.   II   Smith   ,   of   the   M
L   church   The   bride   were   n   beautiful   -
ful   white   Bilk   uiUdo   entrain   nud
trimmed   with   reaora   lace   nnd   cirriod   n
bouqtlctof   Mnrcchal   Nell   roses   Iho   par -
lor   had   been   beautifully   docoratol   bj   the
brides   most   intlmnto   girl   friends   ,   nmoug
whom   wcro   the   Missis   Morrison   Wilkinson   ,
Dulin   and   Cm   nip   ,   from   Wisiilugton
f   ho   papers   containing   the   tltlo   to   the   land
for   the   1.   oi   t   Omnhn   slto   have   been   approved
and   forwarded   They   are   expected   lioro
soon   As   regards   tliei   additional   lnii   Inccdcd
it   is   understood   that   It   will   have   to   bo   con -
demned   owing   to   what   tbo   government   con -
siders   as   high   prices   askodj   by   the   owners
font   Iho   papcis   in   regard   to   the   tltlo   ot,
the   site   for   the   new   Onnihu   publiu   building
have   not   jet   arrived   ,   bat   it   Is   understood
that   they   have   been   prepared   and   will   soon
bo   forw   vrded   The   report   ot   tlio   commis -
sion   selected   to   assess   d   images   h   is   also   been
completed   and   is   on   tha   way   hero
Among   the   presidents   '   Cillers   thisafter -
noon   was   A   It   Mayor   ,   of   Om   iha   Ho   presented
sonted   tl   o   president   with   i   beautiful   silver
modal   stamped   Inietlof   with   the   heads   of
Presidents   Han   Ison   and   Diaz   It   is   ono   of
those   struck   off   nt   Omaha   iubonorof   tbo
delegates   to   the   Pan   American   couyross   and
presented   to   thorn   on   their   recent   visit   to
that   citj
Tlio   president   has   amended   the   civil   service
rules   bo   us   to   provid   v   for   the   fllliug   of   vacan
c   es   In   the   raihv   ly   mall   service   tiy   certlfi   lug
foi   each   vacancy   the   names   of   three   persons
having   the   highest   standing   In   the   on   imitia
tlon   in   the   counties   ou   tlio   line   of   the   road
on   which   the   sc-vico   is   to   bo   rendered
PltltllY   b   HPATU
"   MAi.Cs   UUriANT
The   Cliiof   ol   the   Clierokees   Uses   Vcrj
ttohl   Lansuago
Sr   Louis   Nov   7   The   latest   advices
from   the   Chorokco   uatlou   say   that   Chief
Muyes'   letter   to   the   commissioners   of   the
United   States   has   caused   mucn   excitement
In   the   territory   In   this   lottcr   Chief   M   iyc3   ,
rofcrrlng   to   Secrotiry   Nobles   recent   in -
structions   to   thu   commissioners   regarding
the   cattle   companies   takes   n   bold   ,   stand,
virtually   defying   the   United   States   govern -
ment   ,   and   says   in   parti
'   1   ho   Cherokees   do   not   recognlzo   the   right
of   Secretary   Noble   to   lntorfero   with   tlio
sacred   right   that   bas   belonged   to   tbo   Chcro
kees   slnco   tha   purchase   nnd   ow   norshlp   of
their   funds   and   w   ill   eontinuo   to   collect   reve -
nue   lor   grazing   pilvllcges   until   Secietnry
Noble   shall   sco   lit   to   deprlvo   thorn   of   thi3
revenue   1   >   J   force   ,   and   qvon   then   the   Cheio
kocs   will   ende   ior   to   protpct   their   rights   in
tba   premises   in   a   legitimate   waj   "
Referring   to   Assistant   Attorney   General
Shields   '   opinion   as   to   the   legality   of   the   sale,
etc   Maj   cs   says
'   My   conscience   and   sense   of   duty   will
govern   mo   In   this   matter   nnd   not   tbo   opinion
of   the   attotnoy   general   or   the   net   ot   cou
grcss   croatlng   vour   commission   ,   which   has
uo   connection   whatcvor   with   the   matter   "
Lx   Chief   Husky   Head   condemns   Mates
action   nnd   says   his   position   Is   sot   only   dan -
gerous   but   untenable   Other   opponents   of
Mayes   say   his   letter   Is   a   bid   for   war   ,   and
the   Indian   Arrow   ,   a   paper   antagonisticto
Majos   ,   says   in   a   double-leaded   editorial   :
"Uo   wiut   no   war   ,   either   in   words   norIn
reality   Wo   want   peace   ,   but   wo   vvunt   our
rights   and   want   thorn   assorted   in   a   manlj
wa   )   Wo   want   no   nations   blood   I   hero   is
Justice   oven   tor   us   otbor   than   by   the   Imple -
ments   of   war   "
Commissioners   Talrchlld   nnd   Wilson   aio
dumbfoundedatthocoursaaffulrs   are   taking
Mayes'   letter   has   boon   telegraphed   to   U   ush-
KNOoicnu   oui   mil   jviomiovb
Their   Scliomo   Tor   Gaining   Control   oC
tlm   boliooln   l'rovontrd
Salt   Lake   ,   Utah   ,   Nov   7   Judge   Zane   to -
day   granted   the   gcntllo   school   tiustcesa
writ   of   prohibition   proventlng   the   county
court   from   acting   on   the   petition   of   William
M   Stewart   ,   superintendent   of   district
schools   ,   from   redisricting   the   public   Bckool
districts   ihoiu   are   twenty   ono   school   dis
trkts   In   this   city   ,   each   having   itsown   school
and   grounds   ,   and   tha   taxpayers   ot   each   dis
trIU   being   idspoaslblo   far   the   support   ot   its
school   Laoli   district   elects   throe   trustees
annually   to   conduct   the   )   school   affairs   In
lb85   the   gentiles   elected   the   first   gontllo
school   trustee   that   ever   held   oflleo   here
blnco   that   time   tbo   (   .entiles   have   beenpay -
ing   close   attention   to   school   elections   ,   and
the   result   ot   tne   olcctlons   last   Juno   showed
that   thoircntiles   had   seventeen   and   tbo   Mor -
mons   forty   six   roaring   a   loss   of   control   of
this   public   school   system   iho   Mormons   have
since   that   thno   been   scheming   to   ugalu   got
full   control   of   suporvi&on   ,   and   to   that   end
on   October   f   >   petitioned   the   county   court,
which   is   a   Mormon   body   ,   to   consolidate   tba
twentj-ouo   districts   it   ,   four   ,   therebyousting
all   tha   gcntllo   trustees1   ,   should   tha   petition
bo   granted   'Iho   county   court   was   to   have
considered   that   mutter   this   ufternoou   ,   but
the   writ   of   prohibition   made   returnable   No
vcinbcr   21   prevented   them
UK   SKll'Pi-.l   )   KOK   OANAIJV
How   a   fwirtli   Dakota   Farmer   Provided
I   nra   Unlny   Hay
Pahoo   ,   N   ,   D   ,   Nov   ,   7   (   SpecialTclogram
to   The   Urn   J   Ayoufgfarmor   natnod   Tronic
South   has   been   a   tcnapt   on   a   number   of
farms   la   Minuesota   and   North   Dakota   in   the
past   ,   and   accumulated   considerable   property,
mostly   on   the   installment   plan   of   paj   ment   ,
giving   chattel   mortgages   as   security   ,the
sboriff   yesterdaj   proceeded   to   satisfy   ono   of
these   chattel   claims   by   levying   on   forty   bond
of   stock   and   a   number   of   machines   ,   wagons   ,
ota   blnco   proceedings   vvero   commenced
sixty   seven   other   chattel   mortgages   have
made   their   aDpearauca   against   the   same
property   South   evidently   anticipated
trouble   ,   and   about   a   week   ago   prosicd   into
Canada   a   day   ahead   ol   the   officers   lee
amount   taken   by   him   Is   estimated   at   $15,030
Chattel   claims   against   the   property   amount
to   about   11   ,000   ,   vvnlla   tbo   property   Uvvorjh
about   tJOJJ
Moro   Doflnlto   Plpuroa   Tiom   the
Sovornl   Couutlos
AM   nnrrir   McUnok   Attempts   Sitlclilc
Aftt   r   Iloiutr   Arresttil   lor   Irv -
ing   t   <   i   Obtain   n   l.o   m
lj   Pi   null
Nionn   8   ,   N   cb   ,   N   ov   7   rSpoelal   to   Til   e
13hi   :   I   Iho   election   icturiis   have   not   jet
been   oftlclully   canv   issed   ,   but   enough   Is
known   to   settle   tilt   question   vtuch   lopnt
feeling   between   Niobrara   nndCielghlon   was
manifest   ,   the   candidates   far   too   oflleoof
treasurer   being   from   tbo   two   towns   Mc
Cnrn   (   rep   )   from   Crelghton   nmlBojha   (   dem   )
from   Nlobrari   ,   the   luttor   being   nlcctcd   bj   9J
m   ijorlty   County   Clerk   Nelson   (   iop   )   was
elected   by   125   mujority   Hon   H   V   Cham -
bers   ,   for   county   juiluo   ,   received   the   largest
populur   vote   ot   au   >   can   ltdato   running
CiiricniTos   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   I   Special   Polo
grnm   to   liir   IIbl   ]   lhe   result   of   luesdaj's
election   stands   us   reported   McCain   ,   re -
publican   cnudldnti   for   treasurer   ,   isdefeated
bv   70   to   100   Undefe   it   is   owing   to   the   split
nmong   the   republicans   nud   to   the   fact   that
bo   Is   u   b   inker   It   is   rumoted   to   night   thut
the   vote   of   this   (   Cicightoti   )   precinct   ,   tlio
laifcost   In   the   county   will   bo   contested   on
tl   o   ground   that   tha   ballot   box   vv   is   leftbj   the
judges   in   a   built   \ault   for   an   hour   or   moro
before   the   count   was   completed   bhould   the
piceluct   >   o   thrown   out   the   onlv   result   on
the   countv   ticket   will   bo   the   defeat   ot   Dolphin
phin   (   icp   )   foi   shorlff   ,   vvhilo   a   now   olectlon
would   have   to   bo   held   for   township   officers
OtiATLALA   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   [   Spcclnl   to   Tub
Dm   ]   iho   following   is   the   olllciil   count   for
Keith   countv   Judro   of   suproiiio   court   ,   T.
L   Norval3J4   ,   John   tl   Ames   J03   ,   V   P
W   Igton   15   ,   regents   Charles   II   Merrill   3J3   ,
L   J   r   Ivnlght   J30   ,   Willi   im   DMcKnnoy
271.   P.   W.   Hess   COD   IV   Hlukolov   21   O   M
Kern   2.   >   ,   Jcnnlo   r   Holmes   lo   L   B   Pilmor
la   ,   district   Judge   ,   A   II   Chun   h   340   W   U
UissoSOo.sheillT   ,   VV   I   Vnll-6oJ   ,   HICIser
3UI1   L   M   Irwin   fl"   ,   treasurer   ,   L   H   Hector
2(37   (   V   b   Abraham   SjO   Allollingsworth
2i   GooigoCoun   41   ,   county   commissioner,
Judd   S   loblas   301   W   O   Jnmison   )   lr   ,   W.
L   Devlno   15   ,   countv   ]   ude   {   John   Hlloothu-
ston   31J   ,   J   A   rioweis   J03   ,   C   M   Dvv   U'
counti   superintcndoit   G   P   Copper   J13   J
H   Kelley   3dl   ,   county   survojor   ,   CA
Wullter   410   ,   coroner   ,   C   O   Zelllntcr   Jll   H,
II   W   Dorr   270
Bvssptt   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   fSpeclal   rolcgrim
to   Tin   Brc   ]   Ino   election   in   Uoclt   county
last   lucsday   wastui   exceedincly   mixed   ono
Uoth   parties   did   a   prcat   deal   of   sctatchlng
The   returns   are   nil   m   and   shows   a   very
light   \ote   through   the   county   Iho   republi -
can   state   ticket   received   u   majority   of   al   out
19J   The   lepubllcins   elected   their   shor   IT   ,
trcasuiai   ,   superintendent   ,   Judge   survojoi
and   coroner   bj   mujonties   ranbing   from   Wi
to   100   W   1   Phillips   (   dem   )   is   elected
county   clerk   by   about   CO   mujouty   ,   nnd   the
county   attorney   (   dem   )   by   about   20   ma
jorltv   The   ,   county   commissioners   standtwo
democrats   and   ouarepublican
Sewaiid   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   fSpeeinl   to   Tun
Hus   ]   flie   returns   nro   nil   iu   und   the   vote
has   been   canvusscd   the   democratic   victory
is   complete   W.   N   McNoll   ,   democratic
nomlnco   for   treasurer   was   elected   by   118
miorityC   ]   II   Adams   sheriff   ,   by107Aug -
ust   ltcickman   ,   clerk   ,   100   ,   W   HMinor
judge   ,   CO   ,   M   Alccliiu   ,   superintendent   of
public   instruction   2.   ,   Dr   T   A   Greedy   ,
coionor   ,   13   Judge   Not   vol   this   being   his
homo   ,   can   led   the   county   by   J   5   1   his   is   the
first   time   in   the   history   of   the   county   thut   it
bas   gene   doinocratio
Waynp   ,   N   b   ,   Nov   7   [   Special   to   Tim
Sdl   1   Iho   official   canv   ass   gives   the   rcpub
Ucan   state   ticket   070   votes   in   the   county   ,
democratic400   union   labor   101   riieiowcro
three   county   tickets   in   the   field   und   there
was   moro   Bcrntrlilng   thun   over   before   kno   vn
nt   an   election   in   the   countj   Pisliot   (   dom   )
is   elected   treasurer   by   24   plurality   ,   Hussell
(   dem   )   for   clerk   has   177   plurullt   )   ,   nnd   Uiok-
nbaugft   (   dem   )   for   shoritf   has   n   plurility   of
174   Iho   remainder   of   the   lepublieun   ticket
was   elected   by   pluralities   tangiug   from   100
to   COO
Dakota   Ctrr   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   [   St   >echlto
Tup   tli   b   J   Iho   official   count   was   finished
nt   a   late   hour   last   evening   ,   aud   It   hasbeen
u   big   victory   for   the   democrats   Iho   county
went   nboutSjO   democratic   majority   on   the
state   ticket   ,   and   all   the   officers   elected   are
democrats   except   ono   ,   the   county   judge   ,   who
had   a   majority   over   the   other   two   of   U   votes
Ou   the   doinocratio   state   ticket   Ames   his   a
majority   ot   J17   ,   McKlnnoy   2.j0and   Hcss2il
Op   the   count   }   ticket   the   democratic   treus
urei   received   the   lnreest   mujoiit   }   of   nny   of
the   candidates   in   the   Ueld
II   own   id
St   Paul   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   [   Special   to   Tiiu
Hi   e   I   Unofficial   returns   show   that   the
democratic   state   ticket   carried   this   county
by   150   majority   The   following   county   oftl
cers   were   eloctcd   Gumaer   (   dom   )   ,   for
treasurer   ,   lornes   (   dom   )   ,   clerk   ,   MoDoneld
(   dem   )   ,   sheriff   ,   llnniiibal   (   rep   )   ,   county
Judge   ,   Seebor   (   rep   )   ,   commissioner   Huy-
word   (   rep   )   ,   superintendent   ;   liranch   (   dom   )   ,
sui   vej   or
Jell   rutin
rAiitnuitT   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   |   Spoclal   Telegram-
gram   to   Inc   Hep   J   Uoglstrntion   was   a   suc -
cess   hero   Sixtv-nlno   who   registered   did
not   vote   lwenty-tbroo   votes   were   sworn
In   ,   the   reason   for   falhug   to   register   generally
being   forgetfulncss   Iho   city   vote   was   100
loss   Mian   last   year   lo-daj's   canvass   shows
that   Converse   is   olocti   d   clorby   7   plurality
Thcro   Is   talk   of   a   contest
Hayfs   Centeb   Neb   ,   Nov   7   [   Special
Telegram   to   Tub   Hpb   I   The   following   ma -
jorities   vvero   received   In   Hayes   county
NorvallSl   Morroll   101   ,   Knight   100   ,   Laws
U1J   'I   ho   following   republican   officers   were
elected   Geoifeo   Gowlng   ,   county   clerk   ,
John   Wilson   ,   county   Judco   ;   Hlohurd   May   ,
treasurer   Domopratic   Joseph   A   bmall   ,
sherlfT   ,   William   MclCltlop   ,   county   coin
mlsslonor   ,   W   ,   P.   Curly   ,   county   surveyor,
Milium   <   >.
Obnevv   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   |   Special   Telegram
gram   to   Iiip   Hbk   ]   Iho   rppablioans   elect
all   the   codnly   olllcors   except   county   super -
intendent   and   sboriff   ,   they   being   elected   by
the   democrats   ,   vv   ith   only   29   majorltj   for
sheriff   ,   rhooloetion   is   a   great   surpiisoto
the   ropubllcaus   and   cicates   great   conster -
nation   In   the   ranks   Iho   prohibitionists
lost   one-half   their   vote   In   thu   county
0   Itlll
IUnTiNQTOf   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7.   [   SpecIal
Telegram   to   flirHEB   ]   There   ore   raunj   sere
candidates   over   the   late   election   Tlio   republicans
publicans   elected   P.   Nelson   ,   clerk   P   ,   Jenat   ,
treasurer   ;   J.   Morton   coininUslonorj   A
MoNeal   surveyor   The   balance   of   the
ticket   was   carrlod   by   the   democrats   1   here
is   a   small   republican   majority   on   the   stuto
uenet   ,   as   against   800   democratic   tuujority
four   years   ago
1   uriins
ABirAUOL   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   ,   7   [   Special   to   Tub
Uee   J   Iteturas   come   In   very   slovvlj   En-
.   i
tliuslnsm   scorns   to   have   died   down   with   the
election   rlioiountj   oftlcors   clectoil   so   far
ns   nuw   *   known   nra'   A   I"   Alcl'eak   fortreas
urer   Olmstcad   for   clerk   (   JO   tinlontv   )   ,   S   b
Hewitt   for   sheriff   (   dem   )   .   Other   candidates
are   stilt   on   the   nnxious   scat,
Ki   vnsrT   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   JSpeclnl   lelo-
grun   to   Inn   Ufl   ]   The   entire   ropubllcnn
county   tlcltot   is   eloctel   in   thft   countv   with
the   exception   of   treasurer   Pho   official
cnunt   was   partlnllv   cinvnsscd   to   da   >   ,   giving
Uhoiaisil   Cornell   for   count   }   ]   udco   ,   *   f   >,and
N   P   McDonald   for   <   ount   }   superiutcndctitj
4"   II   Tie   1   Wllo   }   ,   lountv   treasurer   on   the
lioplo   s   ticket   ,   rot   thcro   by   170   majorllv
iho   court   house   bonds   carried   bj   441   Iho
lowest   estimate   puts   the   republican   in   ijoritj
for   the   stnto   ticket   at   1   .00   Iho   republicans
consider   It   n   great   victory   considering   the
dis   tdvuntiices   worked   ncuinst   lhotnns   11
Cornell   Is   probably   the   j   oungest   member   bo
longing   to   the   judlclirj   hi   tuo   state   ,   being
twoutj-soven   jenis   old
Ilmj   or
Hpimov   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   ISpcclnl   to   Tills
Hrp   ]   Iho   following   is   tlio   result   of   the
election   iu   this   eltv   lohn   Nightingale   (   rep   )   ,
treasurer   ,   M   b   l'lillllps   (   rep   )   ,   countv
clorkv   W   Vj   Gordhuo   ,   (   rip   )   ,   count   }   Judo   (,
L   It   ,   Gurvln   (   rep   )   ,   eommissloiier   ,   IIC.
Mnniiry   (   rep   )   ,   eoronor   ;   C   Heck   (   rep   )   ,
count   }   suneior   ,   It   J   'lorm   (   dom   )   ,   sheriff   ,
Diniol   '   •   covlll   (   ciomiountj)superintendent
Iho   state   and   congrossion   it   republican
tickets   carried   bj   -   '   00   majoiItj
Prpmont   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   |   Special   to   Inn
Urn   1   Iho   oniclnl   canvass   ot   the   election
returns   of   Dolga   count   }   vv   is   made   to   daj   ,
Iho   result   show   %   Norvnt   has   1.4MI   Ames
1   ,   'JIJ   ,   W   Igton   101   Iho   whole   democratic
ticket   is   elected   bj   mujoiltles   ranging   from
2Ja   for   Killeen   foi   cloi   k   to   700   for   Hunter
for   judge
Ni   musKA   Citv   Neb   ,   Nov   7   ISpeclil
Tolctrnm   to   Iiie   Urn   |   1   ho   oftlci   il   count   re -
sulted   In   getting   In   another   n   public   m   ein-
dul   ito   Ci   ink   McCntne   }   for   clerk   ,   by   n   ina-
jorltv   of   10   llioro   is   cousideriUlo   tulk   ou
thopirtof   1'flaegoii   s   friends   of   contesting
the   elcctio   l   of   U   llluutn   as   sheriff
Chi   irj
Vvt   pntisl   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   rSccl   il   'lclo
cram   to   Tiir   1   11   1   This   bus   been   the   hot -
test   campaign   iu   the   hlstoiy   of   the   count   }
Iho   republicans   hnvo   elected   judge   trcis
urer   and   superintendent   of   schools   nna   the
domocints   co   nmlssloncr   ,   coroner   and   sur
\cor   ,   with   clerk   und   shoiilt   still   in   doubt
llllllll   }
Ht-MvPi   mas   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   I   Special   Telegram
gram   to   Tin   llu   ]   The   ofllclil   count   is
nmdo   giving   a   ropubllcm   gain   the   entire
republican   countv   ticket   is   elected   except
slieiift   Lee   L   West   (   dom   )   wus   elected
The   )   stnto   ticket   has   a   inajorit   }   otili'J
Pi   rlvlus
Gimnt   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   [   Special   relegram
to   Inn   Hi   c   J   Ofllcial   returns   from   every
piecmct   In   Pcilclns   county   elect   thu   entire
tire   republican   ticket   except   slieiift   nud   sur
vovoi   ,   who   ire   aomocritlc   Norval   on   the
state   ticket   has   a   republican   m   ijoritj   of   170
Erwoon   Neb   ,   Nov   7   rv   'lil   folo
gram   to   Int   liu   ]   I   ho   republican   mujoritv
ou   the   stuto   ticket   is   123
COVGULbBlON   lU   unruitNs   ,
Elwood   ,   Neb   >   ,   Nov   7   [   SpecialTelegram
to   liti   liEi   |   The   official   count   complete
(   .Ives   Laws   453   and   Cusj   erJJb
I   illuioic
Gem   va   Neb   ,   Nov   7   [   Special   lelogram
to   Iiie   Hie   I   the   official   canvass   shows
thnt   Laws   catried   this   comity   b   }   1S1   mu
Si   vvuin   ,   Npb   ,   Nov   7   [   Special   Tclogram
to   Pile   Hi   r   1   Cispir   ,   the   domocritlccon
gresslonul   caudldato   ,   cariled   this   county   by
144   majority
David   Cur   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   [   Special   Telo
gi   im   to   Im   liar   J   Cispprs   majority   in
this   ,   his   homo   county   Is   750
I   miuntit   DiMnociats   Cel   l-nt   <
Tiii-MONT   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   [   Special   Tele -
gram   to   Tun   Hee   |   Iho   dcmocrits   of   Pro
uiont   celebrated   the   victories   in   Dod   o
count   }   ,   lown   ,   Ohio   nud   Now   Yorlt   bj   a   lurgo
parade   at   B   o'clock   this   evening   llio   pro -
cession   was   hoided   bj   u   b   ind   nnd   tbo   Ic   it
was   bioucjit   up   bv   a   cannon   ,   which   was
fired   at   every   street   mteisection   Mu\or
Shorvvln   acted   as   marsh   il   und   the   rank   and
file   carrlcl   biooms   nnd   binncrs   Dr   I   J
Abuott   George   W   Davy   and   James   Murray
were   called   on   nnd   mndo   appropriate   and
characteristic   speeches   after   the   pirudo
Ppvvurtli   IiCiiguo   OiKnnfzctl
Piiemost   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   |   Specinl   to   Tin
Hel   I   At   n   meeting   of   the   North   Nobrask   i
Methodist   conference   held   In   this   citj   cter
dav   afternoon   the   following   dii   etors   or   the
Conference   Cimp   Meeting   and   Assembly   is
sociitlon   were   elected   Kov   P   S   Merrill
Omaha   ,   Hev   J   KnucUy   ,   Scrlbnoi   ,   J   P
Hanson   ,   Promont   ,   J   I'   Cure   ,   South   Omaha
Iho   delegation   picsent   man   oiganuct   uu
Eiiworlb   knguo   foi   this   ,   the   Omaha   ,   dis
trlct   a   constitution   bolnf   reported   and
adopted   Officers   of   the   lc   iguo   vvero   chosen
ns   lollovvs   President   ,   Hev   G   M   liroivn   ,
Omuha   ,   flrht   vice   president   ,   J   P   flaiison   ,
Premout   ,   second   vice   picsidcnt   Miss   Cuirie
Moon   ,   Schuyler   ,   secretary   ,   W   C   Hluelt-
man   ,   Omaha   ,   treasurer   ,   Lvcrett   11   Lymun   ,
South   Omuha   ,   board   ot   control   ,   H"V   J   \   \
Itoblnson   ,   Promont   nev   C   N   Dawson
Omaha   It   was   resolved   to   hold   the   nnnual
meotlng   of   the   league   the   week   prov   ioiis   to
the   Premontcump   meeting
Shot   lllnisilf   ISconimo   Dlsgr   icocl
Gespva   ,   Neb   Nov   7   |   Special   to   Iia
Hpb   )   Henry   Schvvllzor   ,   living   In   tlio   cdfco
of   York   county   ,   near   McCoolc   ,   undertookto
obtain   a   $1,000   loan   on   apiece   of   land   not   Ills
own   ,   and   the   ntent   who   was   making   the   loan
discovered   the   fraud   anil   had   him   in   rusted
by   tlio   sheriff   of   this   countv   Tills   morning,
shortly   ufter   Schwltzer   got   up   ,   ho   Bhot   him -
self   in   the   stomicli   ,   oluiuiing   thu   reason   ho
did   it   was   because   ho   did   not   intend   fraud
nnd   could   not   bear   the   disgrace   The   doc -
tors   think   ho   will   dlo
Hi   tilers   I   or   No   Man'rf   Lnnil
NioimAiu   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7.   [   Sponal   to   The
Ulb.1   Settlers   iu   tented   nnd   housed   wagons
of   all   ilesltnsof   priii   itlvo   architecture   ,   uro
pmlng   through   here   dally   for   No   Mails
Lund   ,   opposite   hero   ,   on   the   Nebraska   pur-
tlou   of   the   Sioux   reservation   the   bridge
across   the   Niobiara   river   at   this   point   mukos
it   very   easy   of   uccuss
In   New   Qnni   tors
Keaiiwev   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   ,   7   [   SpecialTele -
gram   to   j   >   e   Ueb   J   The   City   National   bunk
moved   inu   its   uew   quarters   to   dav   ,   a   now
three   story   building   vvhioa   lias   Just   bcon
completed   Huildlng   is   go   ng   on   rupidly   all
oyer   the   city   and   the   demand   for   brick   ox
cecds   the   homo   supply
IMitfitl   Oniltv   to   ilor-in   htonllnc
NEniiASKACltv   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   ISpcclal
Telegram   to   'J   iie   Hee   ]   Gotfrled   Bowman   ,
charged   with   stealing   a   team   of   horses   from
his   employer   ,   Lewis   Uanzcl   ,   todaypleaded
guilty   anu   was   bound   over   in   t500   to   the   dis -
trict   court   ,   _   ____
Ackerninn   Captured   at   Hprlnuflelil
SiitiNGHBU/   /   ,   Neb   ,   Nov   7   ,ISperlalto
Tub   Ueb   J   David   Ackermun   ,   who   is   vyanted
at   Lincoln   on   the   charge   of   raping   his   ten
j   oar   old   sister   ,   was   arrested   here   tillsafter -
noon   by   Detective   Llddard   ,   and   place   >lIn
jail   to   await   the   arrival   of   tbo   officers   of
Laucaiter   count   }   .
ij   „
Ho   Wna   Made   to   Suitor   Tor   llltJ'   H
Party's   Slus   H
Inillcntlotin   riiin   Holes   Is   tlin   Onl   "   BJ
li   moi   rat   on   tlio   stnto   Ticket   ]   M
iiectpl   :   lt   <   turns   Comfl
Inu   In   Slow   I   )   .   i   B
Tlio   Sitiintlon   In   lown   '   fl
DrsMoisis   In   ,   Nov   7   [   Special   rele-   'BJ'
grim   to'1   ur   13i   l   1   'J   lie   latest   tlection   ro-   '   B
tltrns   Indie   ito   that   J   Ir   Holes   Is   elected   gov-   '   BJ
crnor   nud   that   tlio   Uelslattiro   will   bo   safclv   BJ
rcpubllciin   It   Is   piobvblo   Hint   nil   of   tlio   re   BJ
public   in   stnto   ticket   except   governor   is   B
elected   ,   though   it   is   very   hml   work   to   get
tlio   figures   upon   It   Tin   )   uractko   In   most   BB
counties   is   to   count   tlio   vote   on   the   hend   of   !
the   ticket   first   ,   so   that   Is   nil   Hint   is   reported   |   B
tor   some   time   Unless   the   roturnlng   officers   B
think   to   miiko   a   dupllcite   of   tl   cir   tuturns   ,   BB
the   poll   ban   )   s   w   111   not   toll   thu   stdtj   until   B
tiext.Mondii   }   ,   uhon   the   ofllcial   ctnv   issof   tha   iflfl
totiinis   takes   place   Hint   Is   whv   It   Is   so   Iflfl
hard   to   tell   how   tha   tall   of   the   ticket   has   II
fun   it   ,   ulttiough   tlio   election   was   over   furtj-   ]
ci   ht   bonis   iijo   Hut   u   lirgu   uiimbei   of   pieiflj
eincts   Imvu   been   eiunpirod   ,   and   tt   wus   found   flfl
tint   Holes   nn   o   mtieh   itln   lit   of   Ills   flfl
ticl   ct   that   itis   not   linprobibla   that   tlio   test   flfl
of   It   was   defeated
iho   republicans   lira   hoping   to   pull   throiieh   flfl
ull   suvu   Hutchison   Ho   was   thu   UrLet   for   flfl
bo   muu   }   mitt   prohibition   votes   that   he   had   flfl
to   sulTci   foi   wait   miiiv   tunned   thu   puitj's   fljl
Bins   In   liiuii   }   liistuucos   rvpuhllciinsolul   flfl
nc   dust   him   us   the   lie   id   of   the   tlclcutin   oiler   fl
to   show   tin   ir   dislike   fui   piohlbltioii   llien   flfl
ho   lost   some   votes   from   rilliond   men   nnd   flfl
some   from   untl   uiouop3lists   ,   who   thouuht   ha   flfl
wus   not   In   entile   suipath   }   witlitliein   flfl
If   Mr   Holes   docs   not   have   moia   than
G   OJOoi   posslblv   'jOjD   '   iiluinlltv   the   lest   offll
his   ticket   is   prouablv   defc   itpd   .   fll
bpLiicei   bmlth   the   iciublicnn   pandidnto
for   ratli   nud   commission   !   .   !   ,   run   >   .   nhe   id   of   bisfll
colleagues   ,   hiving   driwu   somu   nnti   mono   -
no   |   ol   }   Bill   port   fi   oui   the   dt   moei   its   und   it   Is   flfl
ulmost   eci   t   lin   thut   bo   has   been   eli   eted   flfl
J   he   re   public   ins   will   hnvo   u   s   ifu   majority   flfl
ou   Joint   ballot   in   thu   Icglslnttno   ,   though   It   la
sine   to   bo   rim   ill   flciuwill   bu   iiiniij   no   v   flfl
flees   seen   theie   ind   Home   of   the   old   ones   flfl
will   bo   greatly   missed   lhe   untl   monopolists   flfl
vvlllireitly   miss   their   eliumpions   •senator
1   afooung   of   Atl   intlc   ox   bpc   il   er   Ueil-   B
iu   in   ,   oi   l'oivesheik   countv   and   Wilbur   ,   of   flfl
Ilod   .   ho   lattci   wus   defc   ited   bv   the   <   anflfl
diliej   of   P   P   Wiicht   the   pi   csi   lent   of   the   flfl
stito   tcniptiai   ci   mil   uu   is   who   thus   elected   flfl
u   deinoer   it   to   vote   for   the   icpeil   of   the   proflfl
hibltion   1   uv   flfl
J   ho   democrats   nio   anxiously   inquiring   for   flfl
the   pitiomiLc'hut   will   come   to   them   bv   the   flfl
election   of   tloies   He   will   bavo   the   appointflfl
ingofcnvaril   proinitiont   nfllimls   ,   im   ludlng   flfl
the   1   iboL   eomtnlsslouci   ,   mlnocommissioners   ,   flfl
Iho   1   itcst   figures   |   ho   llnlcsti   10j   in   ijorlty   flfl
ovci   llutcblsou   and   the   )   lciult   will   not   flfl
differ   voiv   much   fro   u   that   flfl
lts   i'oims   Nov   7   1   lie   Hcgistor   (   rep   )   flfl]
snvs   Hi   vised   ligtiies   |   ,   ivo   Boies   fortovflfl
crnoi   4   TOO   iilurilitv   ,   nud   indicuto   the   prtbiflfl
1)1   e   elcc   lion   of   ull   the   iciuibllean   state   tleltit   flfl
except   (   .oveinorflfl
MIlHon's   '   Hi-t.lrelion   AhBiiiodH
DisMoimb   la   ,   Nov   7   Alditionul   returns   -   B
turns   on   lecislntlvo   .   ticket   stow   that   theflfl
rcpubllciin   majoiitj   on   Joint   billet   will   bo
enhi   ,   thus   insuring   thuo   clPetion   of   benu-*
tor   Allison   IbI
CrunloKl   Countv   _   ,   l
"   P
Vaii   In   ,   Nov   SpCcIiltoTm   [   Bur   J   |BJ
Criwford   court   j   (   ,   avn   011   for   the   ilomo   BJ
ciitio   statu   ticket   ,   a   tain   of   5JJ   ovei   ono   BJ
j   ear   ago   She   elected   evorj   <   indldiite   with   BJ
mujonties   of   from   300   to   fcOO   Holtn   (   clem   )   BJ
is   elected   to   the   senate   ovci   Horn   ins   (   rep   )   H|
in   the   ihirl   }   fourth   dlstuct   bj   fiom   dOO   to   Hfl
W   1)11111)111   v   i   oiintv   flfl
Sioux   City   ,   la   ,   Nov   7   [   Special   to   Tnu   flfl
Hli   1   Ihoio   is   no   moro   eAttnordiiiary   do
tall   of   the   Iowa   election   tb   in   the   defoatof
D   A   Migco   ,   who   was   the   rcpul'tean   eandl   BJ
duto   foi   re   election   as   hheiiff   iu   tins   county   Bj
lhn   m   ijoritj-   against   linn   lust   Tuesday   was   IJ
1   fl   >   J   Iwo   jcirs   ugo   ho   vvns   elected   sheriff   BJ
bj   i   republican   majoiitv   of   350   Ihorclsa   |   flj
natural   republican   mujorltj   in   the   count   }   of   SH
450   lb   etc   was   nbsolutcly   no   ciuse   for   jH
Shi   I   Iff   Mugcus   defeat   exeopt   the   prohibl-   II
tlon   issue   Mr   Miil'Cu   is   a   leullng   busli.css   iH
man   n   man   of   tliulngheati   crson   il   cliaractor   ,   BJ
n   most   capable   oillcpi   ,   ui   d   ho   bud   served   two   I   H|
tminsus   mavoi   uiiil   in   other   lei   al   o   fll   cos   |fll
bchiL   ,   alwu   }   b   elected   by   moro   Hum   his   p   irtyilflfl
yato   Ho   had   always   been   u   high   liccnso   nBl
Juan   but   ho   also   stood   foi   the   enforceUflJ
mcut   of   law   ,   whatever   tlio   law   might   bo   flfltj
bo   |   opului   wus   Mi   Magee   and   so   strong   JfflJ
wis   thocoull   ioi   co   even   of   the   most   cxtrune   j   ?fll
piolilbltionists   in   his   cliaractor   ,   thut   tbuy   t   fll
urge   1   iilm   for   iiomlnnllon   and   afterwards   for   1   flj
oleetiou   ,   notwithstanding   his   open   iivnvval   t   flj
thut   ho   was   not   apronlbltlonlBt   ,   and   nolwith-   n   flj
stnidiue   that   ho   wis   reluctant   foi   business   It   flj
leiisons   to   ai   ccpt   the   olllco   fl
{   {
As   sheriff   Mr   MiicO   (   was   ns   good   as   hisMil
vvoid   Ho   enforced   the   law   ,   not   in   an   urblM
ti   u   v   or   bdcpIuUv   oircnsivu   way   but   in   nbsoIWfll
Into   good   ftilth   ,   as   nil   admit   As   a   result   BB
every   regular   saloon   vvns   clowd   ,   the   gamflfl
hlcrs   ,   prostitutes   and   most   at   tlio   saloon   men   (Mfl
were   driven   across   the   river   to   Covington   ,   'nflfl
Neb   ,   which   quickly   bee   line   u   place   of   noIflfl
toilcty   by   leison   of   thcii   presence   IIoulso   flfl
kest   up   u   rcleutloss   war   nn   kcc   |   ors   of   I
holes   in   the   wall   bnotle   crs   mid   nil   fjfl
olhci   violutors   of   the   llmioi   law   who   under   I   I
tonic   to   cairj   on   tin   Ir   woi   kin   Sioux   City   or
ati   }   where   in   the   count   }
Alt   Magco   was   rcnnmlnatod   attain   n   ulnst
hispicferei   re   and   made   a   Btroiiecr   llelit
tnnn   in   v   othorcundiuato   could   have   uono   ,   M
His   defeat   by   such   an   overwhelming   mu-
jorlty   is   therefore   a   iiiostBignllleaiit   lllustra-
lion   of   local   fieiitimeut   ou   the   prohibition
ibsuo   Hundrcls   ot   lepublicans   who   are   i
strong   personal   friends   of   Mr   M   igoo   ,   und   j
who   hud   nbsolutol   }   no   fault   to   find   with   his   ]
ui'mlnlBtrition   of   tha   olllcc   ,   vvero   jut   so   cm-   S
blttcrcd   against   the   law   thut   tlid   }   voted   1
ugaiust   tjJin   In   an   iutciviow   Mr   Mu   >   ,   e0S
says   '   Woodburj   county   hns   h   id   a   practical   |
test   of   the   piohlbilot   v   law   ,   and   mv   defi   nt   i1
simply   u   usult   of   that   lost   Wo   slutted   out   .   f
some   time   ago   with   prohibition   us   a   noa-   '
paitlsan   affair   ,   but   wo   ull   have   recognizedla
state   cunipaiftis   thut   it   hns   become   prao-
ticallyatcst   I   his   clpctfou   Is   notice   to   the   '
partv   thnt   wo   must   mulio   a   climb   from   the
iuili   moril   plino   to   which   this   question   lias
olovatcd   us   ,   and   cot   down   lo   where   the   pee   '
pie   llvo   and   inluelu   in   the   pursuit   of   buppl-
pisvhiitouH   rutn   |
A   (   onfl   itiriilinn   nt   l'ptpp   liirg   ,   Va
One   Lilci   Lout
Petphsiiuiio   ,   Vn   ,   Nov   7   A   terrible   tire   I
stm   ted   of   8   o'clock   this   morning   In   George
II   Dav   Is   ii   Co's   dry   goods   nouso   on   Sycamore   -   ,
more   strcot   ,   and   spread   with   incredible
rapidity   ,   burning   down   in   a   short   time   the   *
whole   iron   front   block   und   adjoining   proper -
ties   The   flumes   leaped   across   thu   stiect
und   destroj   cd   tha   Odd   I   allows   bull   and   11   vo   a
or   six   other   buildings   Lieutenant   Ciichtoa   ,   ,m
of   the   police   forcu   was   In   ono   of   the   burn   *   Wi
lug   buildings   when   the   wall   fell   In   on   him   ,   Ji
Ho   was   burned   to   deith   Hull   a   block   on   Tl
cueh   stdo   of   bjcamoro   street   ,   from   I   abb   ,1,
street   westward   ,   is   (   one   Tbo   total   lotsvl
is   ostlmutcd   at   HOOOOei   ,   insurance   Jj50KK   (I
'J   ho   Winihci   PorooMst   "   *   m
Tor   Omaha   nnd   Vicinity   Pair   weather   *   /   ?
Nebraska   Haln   or   snow   ,   preceded   by   fair   ,\
no   decided   change   in   temperature   i
Iowa   Light   rain   or   suovv   ,   cooler   ,   north*
wekterly   winds
bouth   Dakota   ralr   followed   by   light
rain   or   snow   ,   I   o   decided   change   Intempera -
ture   except   warmer   lu   western   portions   ,   Vfc-
I   nablo   winds
.   •   *
.   k   ,   I'lS_flflj