Disaster Declaration Makes Federal Aid Available For Texans Having Losses from Winter Storms 

Release Date: January 16, 2001
Release Number: 1356-02

» More Information on Texas Severe Winter Storm

Texarkana, TX--Persons and communities in Bowie, Cass, and Red River Counties that sustained losses as a result of winter storms beginning Dec. 12, 2000, and continuing, may find help through a variety of state and federal programs, officials announced Saturday.

Programs available to eligible individual applicants may include:

Disaster Housing Assistance, administered by FEMA, for individuals and families whose homes were destroyed or made unlivable as a result of the ice storm. The program provides funding for temporary accommodations or minimal home repairs to make a property safe, secure and habitable. Both home owners and renters are eligible.

Low--interest loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration for homeowners, renters or business owners for the repair, replacement or rebuilding of disaster--damaged property.

Financial Grants through the Individual and Family Grant program for those who have serious immediate needs resulting from the disaster that cannot be met by other sources.

Disaster Unemployment. Administered by the State of Texas, this program is available for persons who are not normally covered by unemployment insurance, such as the self--employed, who lose work because of the storms.

For state, county and local governmental units, and certain qualifying private non--profit facilities, federal assistance amounting to 75 per cent of the added costs is available for:

Clearing and disposing of debris and emergency services related to the storms.

In addition, any community in the state may apply for a share of the costs of projects designed to reduce damage in future disasters under the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.

Disaster victims in the designated counties who wish to apply for assistance are urged to call FEMA's toll--free registration line at 1--800--462--9029 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. seven days a week. The registration line for persons who are hearing or speech impaired is TTY 1--800--462--7585.

Last Modified: Monday, 20-Oct-2003 15:53:07