More than $700,000 in Disaster Aid Approved for Texas 

Release Date: January 26, 2001
Release Number: 1356-12

» More Information on Texas Severe Winter Storm

Texarkana, TX -- Federal and state agencies continue to work together to help Texas residents and business owners in the four counties (Bowie, Cass, Lamar, and Red River) declared for individual assistance recover from the severe winter storms of Dec. 12 to Jan. 15.

"Less than three weeks after the January 8 Presidential declaration, more than $700,000 in storm aid has been approved for those with storm--related damage and losses," Federal Coordinating Officer A. David Rodham said.

State Coordinating Officer Richard Boltz added that disaster claims will continue to be processed until all Texans in the affected counties receive the recovery assistance to which they are entitled.

The breakdown for funds approved is as follows:

To date, 4,861 Texans in the declared counties have registered for disaster assistance through FEMA's toll--free registration line. Others with storm--related losses are encouraged to join them by calling, toll free, 800--462--9029, 800--462--7585 (TTY) for the speech and hearing impaired.

Those who have already registered for assistance but who need further information about available programs or who wish to check the status of their applications may call the toll--free FEMA Helpline at 800--525--0321, 800--660--8005 (TTY) for the speech and hearing impaired.

Hours of operation for both the Helpline and the FEMA registration line are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., seven days a week, until further notice.

Last Modified: Monday, 20-Oct-2003 14:34:35