Edward S. Curtis in Context Edward S. Curtis's The North American Indian -- Home Page

Curtis Biographical Time Line for Edward S. Curtis
1868Curtis is born in Whitewater, Wisconsin, and grows up near Cordova, Minnesota.
1887Curtis moves to Washington territory with his father.
1891Curtis buys into, and later owns a photographic studio in Seattle, and develops a reputation for portraits and landscapes.
1895Curtis meets and photographs Princess Angeline, the daughter of Chief Sealth.
1898On Mount Rainier, Curtis meets a group of scientists, including noted anthropologist George Bird Grinnell and C. Hart Merriam
1899Based on his acquaintance with C. Hart Merriam, Curtis is appointed official photographer for the Harriman Alaska Expedition.
1900Curtis accompanies George Bird Grinnell to the Piegan Reservation in northwest Montana to photograph the Sun Dance ceremony.
1903Chief Joseph visits the Curtis studio and has his portrait taken.
1904President Theodore Roosevelt invites Curtis to photograph his children after seeing Curtis' winning photograph in "The Prettiest Children in American" contest published in Ladies' Home Journal.

Louisa Satterlee, daughter-in-law of financier J. P. Morgan, purchases Curtis photographs at an exhibit in New York City.
1906Curtis secures funds from J. P. Morgan for the field work to produce a twenty volume illustrated text American Indians, to be completed in five years.
1907First volume of The North American Indian is published, with a foreword by Theodore Roosevelt.
1912After 5 years, only part of the project (8 volumes) is completed
1913J.P. Morgan dies, but his son decides to continue funding The North American Indian until finished.
1914Curtis releases In the Land of the Head-Hunters, a motion picture depicting the "primal life" of Northwest Coast Indians.
1915With 10 volumes of The North American Indian published, U.S. enters World War I. Interest in the project subsides, delaying publication of additional volumes for the next six years.
1916Clara Curtis files for divorce; the divorce was finalized in 1919.
1920With his daughter, Beth, Curtis moves photography studio from Seattle to Los Angeles. Curtis finances fieldwork by working in his studio and in Hollywood as a still photographer and movie camera operator for major studios.
1927Curtis' Alaska trip culminates three decades of fieldwork.
1930Last volume of The North American Indian is published.
1935Materials remaining from The North American Indian project, including photogravure plates, are sold to the Charles Lauriat Company, a rare book dealer in Boston. Curtis turns his attention to gold-mining and farming.
1952Curtis dies in Los Angeles.

Edward S. Curtis in Context Edward S. Curtis's The North American Indian -- Home Page