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DES Update: Health Care Providers
DES Update: Health Care Providers

 Health Care Providers Home
 Information to Identify and Manage DES Patients
 Supplemental DES Materials for Nurses
 The History of DES
 Identifying Persons Exposed to DES
 Counseling Persons Exposed to DES
 Resources and Educational Tools
 DES Brand Names
 Resources and Educational Tools
 DES References

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An a nurse holding a clipboard Supplemental DES Materials for Nurses

"Was your mother prescribed DES while she was pregnant?" This question appears on many health intake forms. Research shows that it often goes unanswered, because patients and health care providers do not understand its importance. Persons exposed to DES have higher risks of certain health problems. It is important to identify women who were prescribed DES while pregnant and the offspring of those pregnancies. Research to benefit men and women exposed to DES cannot help them if we do not know who they are.

Nurses have an important role in identifying persons who might have been exposed to DES during intake interviews, as well as in counseling patients and assisting in appropriate referrals for further information and treatment. The following information will help you facilitate this role.

Contents Additional Resources from the Consumer DES Update Site:
  • A List of Organizations that Provide Useful DES-related Resources Consumer DES Update
    A list of the names and contact information for organizations that provide useful DES-related resources.
  • Patient Information Consumer DES Update
    Download copies of CDC's DES Self-Assessment: A Guide to Understanding Risk for DES Exposure, fact sheets on health risks related to DES exposure, and steps patients can take to protect their health and the health of their families.

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