Statement From Secretary Spellings on Education Funding to Hurricane-Affected Students
"The Department will expedite delivery of this aid to where it's needed."
Archived Information

December 22, 2005
Contacts: Chad Colby
(202) 401-4401

U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings issued the following statement today on the passage of the $1.6 billion Hurricane Katrina education aid package, which includes support for both K-12 and higher education. The package offers K-12 schools up to $6,000 per displaced student (up to $7,500 for students enrolled in special education):

"I applaud Congress for approving this assistance. President Bush assured school districts and families that they would be reimbursed for the unexpected costs of providing a quality education to the thousands of displaced students, including those in charter, private, and parochial schools, who were not spared by the storm. This legislation will help us meet that promise. It will also help repair and reopen educational institutions in the Gulf Coast region that were damaged or destroyed.

"The U.S. Department of Education will expedite delivery of this aid to where it's needed. We are working on a streamlined application process and have been in close consultation with the nation’s state school chiefs so they can receive the money quickly. The education community’s response to Katrina has been overwhelming. Schools across the country have opened their doors and hearts to these children. They need and deserve this support."



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Last Modified: 12/23/2005