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Preventing Hantavirus Disease
Educational Video
September, 1994 
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Norma - Wife of Survivor of hantavirus Disease WIFE OF SURVIVOR - NORMA:
Try to keep your home, you know, rat free. You know, don't make it easy for them to want to come and live in your house.
Odis - Survivor of Hantavirus Disease SURVIVOR - ODIS:
So everyone around is taking more precautions than they ever would have before. People are moving wood piles from one side of the yard to other that haven't been moved in 40 years and cleaning which they never did before.
Deer Mouse Cotton Rat DR. PETERS:
We now know that they can be infected with a fatal virus and we have to take the precautions to keep them out of our homes.
Dr. Peters We now know that they can be infected with a fatal virus and we have to take the precautions to keep them out of our homes.

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This page last reviewed February 28, 2000.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases
Special Pathogens Branch