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Preventing Hantavirus Disease
Educational Video
September, 1994 
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'Risk Factors' RISK FACTORS
Paula - Surviror of Hantavirus Disease SURVIVOR - PAULA:
The scariest part about the Hantavirus is the fact that it doesn't seem to pick any certain age group, its young, old, or any nationality.
Dr. Galye Miller (Gayle L. Miller, D.V.M., M.P.H., Epidemiologist, CDC)

The ages of people who have contracted Hantavirus illness has range from 12 to 69. And the average age has been about 30.

Couple playing tennis It's affected both males and females pretty much equally.
Man running and couple rollerskating Interestingly, most of these people who had contracted the illness had been healthy and very active prior to their becoming became infected.

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This page last reviewed February 28, 2000.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Infectious Diseases
Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases
Special Pathogens Branch