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FFY 2003 CCDF Data Tables (Expanded Set of Tables, June 2006)

Index: 1-Average Monthly Families and Children Served | 2-Percent of Children Served by Payment Method | 3-Percent of Children Served by Types of Care | 4-Percent of Children Served in Regulated Settings vs.Settings Legally Operating without Regulation | 5-Percent Served by Relatives vs. Non-Relatives | 6-Percent of Children Served in All Types of Care | 7-Number of Child Care Providers Receiving CCDF Funds | 8-Methods of Consumer Education Summary | 9-Children Served by Age Group | 10-Children Served by Reason for Care | 11-Children by Racial Group | 12-Children by Latino Ethnicity | 13-Care by Age Category and Type of Care | 14-Care By Age Group and Care Type | 15-Expenditures By Age Group and Care Type | 16-TANF as a Source of Income | 17-Co-payment as a Percent of Family Income
The entire collection of tables is also available in Excel or PDF format.
Table 12
Child Care and Development Fund
Average Monthly Percentages of Children by Latino Ethnicity (FFY 2003)
State Latino Not Latino Invalid/Not Reported Total
Alabama 1% 99% 0% 100%
Alaska 8% 92% 0% 100%
American Samoa 0% 100% 0% 100%
Arizona 44% 56% 0% 100%
Arkansas 1% 99% 0% 100%
California 47% 50% 3% 100%
Colorado 35% 65% 0% 100%
Connecticut 34% 66% 0% 100%
Delaware 7% 93% 0% 100%
District of Columbia 8% 92% 0% 100%
Florida 21% 79% 0% 100%
Georgia 2% 99% 0% 100%
Guam 0% 100% 0% 100%
Hawaii 2% 98% 0% 100%
Idaho 14% 86% 0% 100%
Illinois 9% 86% 4% 100%
Indiana 5% 95% 0% 100%
Iowa 6% 94% 0% 100%
Kansas 8% 92% 0% 100%
Kentucky 1% 94% 5% 100%
Louisiana 2% 99% 0% 100%
Maine 3% 97% 0% 100%
Maryland 3% 97% 0% 100%
Massachusetts 31% 69% 0% 100%
Michigan 4% 96% 0% 100%
Minnesota 4% 96% 0% 100%
Mississippi 1% 100% 0% 100%
Missouri 2% 96% 2% 100%
Montana 5% 95% 0% 100%
Nebraska 9% 92% 0% 100%
Nevada 22% 78% 0% 100%
New Hampshire 2% 0% 99% 100%
New Jersey 26% 74% 0% 100%
New Mexico 73% 27% 0% 100%
New York 13% 88% 0% 100%
North Carolina 4% 96% 0% 100%
North Dakota 3% 97% 0% 100%
Northern Mariana Islands 0% 100% 0% 100%
Ohio 3% 97% 0% 100%
Oklahoma 5% 95% 0% 100%
Oregon 17% 83% 0% 100%
Pennsylvania 5% 96% 0% 100%
Puerto Rico  -   -   -   - 
Rhode Island 21% 79% 0% 100%
South Carolina 0% 100% 0% 100%
South Dakota 3% 97% 0% 100%
Tennessee 1% 99% 0% 100%
Texas 36% 61% 2% 100%
Utah 14% 86% 0% 100%
Vermont 0% 100% 0% 100%
Virgin Islands  -   -   -   - 
Virginia 11% 89% 0% 100%
Washington 17% 83% 0% 100%
West Virginia 1% 99% 0% 100%
Wisconsin 6% 94% 0% 100%
Wyoming 11% 89% 0% 100%
National 16% 83% 1% 100%

Notes applicable to this table:
1. The source for this table is ACF-801 data for FFY 2003.
2. National percentages are based on the "adjusted" national numbers unless otherwise indicated. In other words, the national percentages are equivalent to a weighted average of the State percentages, where the weights are the "adjusted" number of families or children served as appropriate.
3. The Invalid/Not Reported category includes children where anything other than a No (0) or Yes (1) was in the Ethnicity field.
4. Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands were unable to report ACF-801 case-level data before report preparation.
5. Some States have not yet completed modifications of their state systems to capture and report the updated Census race and ethnicity requirements.
6. Alaska’s population reported does not accurately reflect the population served due to sampling difficulties the State is trying to resolve.
7. In some instances, the Total may appear to be slightly more or less than 100% because of rounding.
Index: 1-Average Monthly Families and Children Served | 2-Percent of Children Served by Payment Method | 3-Percent of Children Served by Types of Care | 4-Percent of Children Served in Regulated Settings vs.Settings Legally Operating without Regulation | 5-Percent Served by Relatives vs. Non-Relatives | 6-Percent of Children Served in All Types of Care | 7-Number of Child Care Providers Receiving CCDF Funds | 8-Methods of Consumer Education Summary | 9-Children Served by Age Group | 10-Children Served by Reason for Care | 11-Children by Racial Group | 12-Children by Latino Ethnicity | 13-Care by Age Category and Type of Care | 14-Care By Age Group and Care Type | 15-Expenditures By Age Group and Care Type | 16-TANF as a Source of Income | 17-Co-payment as a Percent of Family Income