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Title: Preserving State Govt. Digital Information
Speaker: Robert Horton
Event Date: 2008/24/04
Running Time: 50 minutes
Title: The Anthropology of Digital Natives
Speaker: Edith Ackermann
Event Date: 2008/07/04
Running Time: 119 minutes
Title: New Science of Addiction
Speaker: Alan Leshner
Event Date: 2008/04/03
Running Time: 46 minutes
Title: Opening the Photo Vaults
Speaker: Helena Zinkham,Justin Thorp,Barbara Natanson,Phil Michel,Dave Woodward,Michelle Springer,George Oates
Event Date: 2008/29/01
Running Time: 76 minutes
Title: Parkways in Germany, U.S., 1920-1970
Speaker: Tom Zeller
Event Date: 2008/23/01
Running Time: 42 minutes
Title: The Parking Garage
Speaker: Shannon McDonald
Event Date: 2008/15/01
Running Time: 62 minutes
Title: The Search for Arabian Oil
Speaker: Timothy Barger,Thomas Lippman
Event Date: 2007/28/11
Running Time: 52 minutes
Title: Draft Report: Future of Bibliographic Control
Speaker: various speakers
Event Date: 2007/13/11
Running Time: 88 minutes
Title: National Digital Newspaper Program
Speaker: various speakers
Event Date: 2007/06/11
Running Time: 73 minutes
Title: Judith Jones on Cookbooks
Speaker: Judith Jones
Event Date: 2007/05/11
Running Time: 54 minutes