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Research partnerships for safer, healthier workplaces.

Activities of the NORA Public Safety Sub Council

Sub Council activities are outlined below. Contact the Sector Coordinator with any questions or comments.

December 2007
Third Meeting to finalize draft goals prior to posting them for public comment. Priority goals were selected for each of the 4 public safety sub-sectors: Firefighting - characterize exposures, mainly during firefighting and overhaul of structures, vehicles, vegetation, and dumpsters; Law enforcement - develop surveillance information to fill gaps that exist in the BLS state-based data and evaluate the new data; Corrections - study/improve work organization and reduce stress. Emergency medical services - reduce injuries from patient handling and vehicle crashes. Workgroups will develop implementation plans for the firefighting and law enforcement priority goals prior to the next meeting.

May 2007
Second meeting to draft goals. For law enforcement personnel, priorities considered included improved surveillance information and fatalities, injuries or illnesses related to motor vehicle incidents, criminal assaults and cardiovascular disease. For corrections personnel, priorities considered included injuries and fatalities from inmate assaults and unintentionally injurious events, injuries and illnesses from infectious disease and sharps exposures, and health effects from stress. For firefighters, priorities considered included morbidity and mortality reduced through improved medical surveillance, wellness programs and rehabilitation systems; diseases caused by heat, stress and combustion products; injuries and fatalities associated with structural fire fighting; vehicle-related injuries and fatalities; and acute and chronic musculoskeletal injuries. For emergency medical services personnel, priorities considered included traumatic injuries associated with movement of patients and equipment, traumatic injuries associated with vehicle operation and design, and toxic and infectious exposures.

November 2006
First meeting to outline sector issues, identify key stakeholder organizations for possible participation, and plan future actions. A gaps analysis was performed for firefighters, emergency medical services personnel and police. Additional information will be sought for corrections officers.

NORA Public Safety Sub Council Resources:
Page last updated:January 8, 2009
Page last reviewed:May 4, 2007
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Office of the Director