The Library of Congress

Activity 3 - Synthesis

Planning Guide: 1953 Afro-American Council Meeting

Student Name:____________________________________

1897 Conference Session:____________________________

DIRECTIONS: Using the Resource Guide for your session, search selected American Memory collections and classroom resources for materials which will help you plan your 1953 Council session. Complete the sheet below to record the three best resources you find. These will be used by other members of your group to create a session for the class Afro-American Council Meeting.

Item #1:

Name of resource or Internet site 
Citation or URL 
How is this item related to your session topic? 
Is this a primary or secondary source? 
How can you tell? 

Item #2:

Name of resource or Internet site 
Citation or URL 
How is this item related to your session topic? 
Is this a primary or secondary source? 
How can you tell? 

Item #3:

Name of resource or Internet site 
Citation or URL 
How is this item related to your session topic? 
Is this a primary or secondary source? 
How can you tell? 

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Last updated 09/26/2002