page searches the main area of the NIOSH
website, NASD (The National Agricultural Safety Database) and eLCOSH
(Electronic Library of Construction Occupational Safety and Health).
This search will return results from both NIOSH and non-NIOSH resources.
To search other areas, return to the Search
Options page.
Enter search terms separated by spaces.
Boolean operators (and,
or, not), nesting with parentheses, and truncation symbols (*)
can be used to develop more complex search queries. These queries
can be entered directly into the search box. Quotation marks
can be used around phrases to retrieve documents containing the
exact phrase.
Examples: |
Results: |
birth defect* |
retrieval set includes coverage
of birth defect or birth defects |
birth defects and folic
acid |
retrieval set
includes content covering birth defects and folic
acid in the same document |
birth defects or folic
acid |
retrieval set includes either
content covering birth defects or content covering folic
acid |
birth defects not folic
acid |
retrieval set includes content
that covers birth defects where folic acid is
not covered in the document |
(neural tube defects or birth
defects) and folic acid |
retrieval set includes content
where either neural tube defects or birth
defects is covered and prevention with folic
acid is covered in all content |
"neural tube" |
retrieval set includes content
where the exact phrase neural tube appears in the document |
Page last updated: January 16, 2005
Page last reviewed: January 7, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)