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NIOSH Programs > Health Hazard Evaluations > National Academies Evaluation

Health Hazard Evaluations

Review & Evaluation: National Academies Evaluation

The National Academies (NA) convened a Framework Committee to provide a common structure for NIOSH program reviews. In April 2006, HHE Program staff presented materials about the program to the Framework Committee. Subsequently, the staff of the National Research Council concluded that the HHE Program should be evaluated using a different approach than that in the framework developed for other NIOSH programs. In their report to NIOSH, the NA staff noted that the charge given to the NA is related specifically to the evaluation of research programs; HHE is primarily a public health practice program driven largely by requests for services.

The NIOSH charge to the NA for the HHE Program was to conduct an evaluation based on the following elements:

  • The impact of the program in reducing worker risk and preventing occupational illness in investigated workplaces.
  • The impact of the program in transferring program-generated information to relevant employers and employees beyond the investigated workplaces.
  • The impact of the program on the NIOSH research and policy-development programs.
  • The impact of the program on the activities of regulatory agencies, occupational safety and health professionals and organizations, state and local health agencies, and others in the occupational health community, as achieved by transferring program-generated hazard and prevention information.
  • The relevance of the program in addressing current and emerging workplace health hazards.

More information about the NA review of NIOSH research programs is available at the National Academies Evaluation of NIOSH Research Programs page.

Page last updated: August 5, 2008
Page last reviewed: August 5, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

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Health Hazard Evaluations

workers sampling, testing, and report