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Chlorine (as Available Chlorine) Safety and Health Topics:
Chlorine (as Available Chlorine)

General Description
    Synonyms: Trichloroisocyanuric acid; Sodium dichloroisocyanurate; Hypochlorites; N-chloro compounds; Calcium hypochlorite

    OSHA IMIS Code Number: C110

    Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number: 7782-50-5

    Other Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Numbers: 2893-78-9; 87-90-1; 7778-54-3

    NIOSH, Registry of Toxic Effects (RTECS) Identification Number: FO2100000

    Department of Transportation Regulation Number (49 CFR 172.101) and Guide: 1017 124

    NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, Chlorine: chemical description, physical properties, potentially hazardous incompatibilities, and more
Health Factors
    NIOSH Immediately Dangerous To Life or Health Concentration (IDLH): 10 ppm

    Potential symptoms: Eye, nose, mouth, skin burns; lacrimation; rhinorrhea; coughing, choking; nausea, vomiting; substernal pain; headache; dizziness, syncope; pulmonary edema; persistent airways obstruction, bronchial hyper-responsiveness; hypoxemia; dermatitis; CNS impairment (balance, reaction time, color confusion, visual field performance, blink latency, cognition, verbal recall, adverse mood states); decreased grip strength

    Health Effects: Lung injury (HE11); Irritation-Eyes, Nose, Throat, Bronchi, Skin---Marked (HE14); Central Nervous System Disturbances (HE7)

    Affected organs: Respiratory system; CNS

    Note: The persistent respiratory symptoms after acute exposure have been called "Reactive airways dysfunction syndrome" (RADS), and unlike occupational asthma, RADS appears to be less responsive to bronchodilator (albuterol) inhalation therapy.

    Date Last Revised: 05/13/2003

    Literature Basis:
    • (persistent respiratory symptoms)
      Bhérer, L., Cushman, R., Courteau, J.P., Quévillon, M., Côté, G., Bourbeau, J., L'Archevêque, J., Cartier, A. and Malo, J.L.: Survey of construction workers repeatedly exposed to chlorine over a three to six month period in a pulpmill. II. Follow up of affected workers by questionnaire, spirometry, and assessment of bronchial responsiveness 18 to 24 months after exposure ended. Occup. Environ. Med. 51(4): 225-228, 1994.
    • (resistance to albuterol)
      Gautrin, D., Boulet, L.P., Boutet, M., Dugas, M., Bhérer, L., L'Archevêque, J., Laviolette, M., Côté, G. and Malo, J.L.: Is reactive airways dysfunction syndrome a variant of occupational asthma? J. Allergy Clin. Immunol. 93(1 Pt. 1): 12-22, 1994.
    • (CNS impairment)
      Kilburn, K.H.: Chlorine-induced damage documented by neurophysiological, neuropsychological, and pulmonary testing. Arch. Environ. Health 55(1): 31-37, 2000.
Monitoring Methods used by OSHA
    Laboratory Sampling/Analytical Method:
    • sampling media: PTFE Membrane , 25-mm, 0.5 um pore with porous plastic support pad in a carbon-filled cassette SKC catalog nos. 225-1798, 225-2901, 225-3-23 or equivalent. Do not use cowl.
      maximum volume: 480 Liters   maximum flow rate: 2.0 L/min
      current analytical method: Ion Specific Electrode; ISE
      method reference: OSHA Manual of Analytical Methods (OSHA ID-101)
      method classification: Partially Validated
      note: Submit as separate sample. If Chlorine also expected, use a PTFE membrane/polypropylene cassette, followed by a Midget Fritted Glass Bubbler (MFGB) containing 15 mL 0.1% Sulfamic Acid for Chlorine Collection. Sample analyzed for equivalent chlorine levels. After sampling transfer membrane to separate vial containing 5 mL 0.1% Sulfamic acid. Seal and ship to SLTC.

    Wipe sampling: Glass Fiber filter; Solvent: 0.1% Sulfamic acid
* All Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Revised: 25 November 2003
 Safety and Health
  Chemical Sampling Information:
  Chlorine (as Available Chlorine)
  General Description
  Health Factors

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