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International Comparisons in Education

Other Indicator Projects

Indicators of the Americas Project/PRIE (Proyecto Regional de Indicatores Educativos):

In August 2000, representatives of 24 countries and 13 international agencies from North, Central, and South America met to launch a regional education indicators project. The objectives of the project are to:

  1. construct a basic set of comparable indicators in education for the Americas;
  2. strengthen national systems of indicators and develop a program of technical assistance; and
  3. publish education indicators and promote their use for educational policy decision-making.

Indicators would include information on the demographic, social, and economic context of education, human and financial resources for education, quality of education and education system performance, and the social impact of education.

For more information on the Indicators of the Americas project, please see:
      the PRIE (Proyecto Regional de Indicatores Educativos) website.

For more information on the Summit of the Americas, please see:
      Summit of the Americas Information Network

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