NIOSH’s Protective Clothing and Ensembles Program is aimed at protecting the skin from various health hazards that may be encountered in the workplace or during a terrorist attack. The program has evolved over the years to incorporate a broad range of studies of how chemicals seep through barrier materials, leak through small holes, or change the barrier material to reduce its protection.
In addition to field surveys of CPC performance, studies continue to
examine ways to detect when chemicals have gotten inside chemical protective
clothing (CPC), and how to effectively remove chemicals from protective
clothing after it has been contaminated. Future efforts will incorporate
advanced protective clothing technologies into fully-integrated, intelligent
ensembles for fire fighters and emergency first responders.
Recommendations for Chemical Protective Clothing
Provides assistance in identifying potentially appropriate types of chemical barrier material for protection against skin contact with chemicals.
Interim Recommendations
for the Selection and Use of Protective Clothing and Respirators Against
Biological Agents
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2002-109 (October 2001)
Protective clothing may be needed to prevent skin exposures and/or contamination
of other clothing during exposure to biological agents. The type of
protective clothing needed will depend upon the type of agent, concentration,
and route of exposure.
NIOSH Interim Guidance on Personal
Protective Equipment and Clothing for Flood Response Workers
Provides information on hazards to flood cleanup workers, and
guidance for selecting clothing and protective equipment.
NIOSH Publications
A Guide for Evaluating the Performance
of Chemical Protective Clothing
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 90-109 (June 1990)
This guide describes a method by which an industrial hygienist or equivalent
safety professional can select appropriate chemical protective clothing
(CPC) to protect a worker's skin from contacting chemicals.
of the Permea-Tec pads as new technology for the detection of chemical
breakthrough in PPC
American Journal of Industrial Medicine Volume
36, Issue S1, 1999.
Permea-Tec Pads (PTP) are a breakthrough indicator that enhance workers'
ability to protect themselves from skin exposure to chemicals.
Occupational Safety and Health
Guidance Manual for Hazardous Waste Site Activities
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 85-115 (October 1985)
Guidance document for managers responsible for occupational safety and
health programs at inactive hazardous waste sites.
Other NIOSH Resources
NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2005-149 (September 2005)
Exposure limits, Respirator Recommendations, First Aid, more...
The Pocket Guide is a source of general industrial hygiene information on several
hundred chemicals/classes found in the work environment. Key data provided for
each chemical/substance includes name (including synonyms/trade names), structure/formula,
CAS/RTECS Numbers, DOT ID, conversion factors, exposure limits, IDLH, chemical
and physical properties, measurement methods, personal protection, respirator
recommendations, symptoms, and first aid.
Related NIOSH Topics:
Emergency Response Resources - Chemical Agent Information
Other Resources
PROJECT HEROES: Homeland Emergency Response Operational
and Equipment Systems
only (780 kb, 128 pages)
A review of modern fire service hazards
and protection needs prepared by the International Association of
Fire Fighters under contract with NIOSH.
A Review of Gaps and Limitations in Test Methods
for First Responder Protective Clothing and Equipment
only (752 kb 101 pages)
report presents the results of a review aimed at identifying test
methods for protective clothing for first responders, as well as
identifying areas in which further research is required. Prepared
by Dr. Roger L. Barker under contract with NIOSH.
Technical Manual, Section VIII: Chapter 1 Chemical Protective Clothing
CPC Resources on the OSHA Web Site. Descriptions, selection, guidelines,
maintenance, more...