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National Impact Evaluation of the Comprehensive Child Development Program

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Title Page

Preface and Acknowledgments

Chapter 1: Legislative Mandate, Programmatic Theory and Approach to the Evaluation
CCDP's Legislative Mandate
CCDP's Theoretical Basis
Assumptions About Early Childhood Development
Assumptions About Intervening in Children's Development
Assumptions About Effective Intervention Strategies
Approach to the Evaluation

Chapter 2: Specification and Implementation of the CCDP Program Model
Description of CCDP Services
Planned Case Management Activities
Planned Services for Mothers
Planned Developmental Services for Children
CCDP's Hypothesized Effects
Effects on Service Utilization
Short-term Effects on Parents
Long-term Effects on Parents
Short-term Effects on Children
Long-term Effects on Children
Specifying the Intervention
Intended Length of Participation
Degree of Local Flexibility
Ensuring the Integrity of Program Implementation
Adequacy of Program Implementation
Observed Length of Enrollment in CCDP
Summary of Implementation Findings

Chapter 3: Study Methods
Research Questions
Study Design
Random Assignment Procedures
Timing of the Evaluation and Recruitment of Families
Summary of Sample Characteristics
Comparability of Program and Control Analytic Samples
Measurement of Baseline Information
Measurement of Child Outcomes
Measurement of Maternal and Paternal Outcomes
Measurement of Mediating Variables
Measurement of Services
Comparability of Two Sources of Service Data
Data Collection
Analytic Approach
Cross-Sectional Analyses
Longitudinal Analyses
Subgroup Analyses

Chapter 4: Effects on Parents Across All Projects
Economic Self-Sufficiency
Rationale for Expected Effects
Measures And Analytic Variables
Effects on Economic Self-sufficiency Across All Projects
Rationale for Expected Effects
Measures and Analytic Variables
Effects on Parenting Across All Projects
Summary of Findings

Chapter 5: Effects on Children Across All Projects
Rationale for Expected Effects
Measures And Analytic Variables
Measures of Cognitive and Language Development
Measures of Social and Emotional Behavior\Measures of Child Health
Measures for Younger Siblings
Effects on Cognitive Development Across All Projects
Effects on Child Social and Emotional Development Across All Projects
Effects on Child Health Across All Projects
Effects on Births Subsequent to The Focus Child Across All Projects
Summary of Findings

Chapter 6: Variation in Effects: Sites and Subgroups
Site-Level Variation in Effects
Rationale for Site-Level Analyses
Identifying Effective Sites 6-4Analysis of Impact Data for Site #2
Discussion of Site #2's Effectiveness
Relaxing the Standards for Identifying Effective Sites\Variation in Effects for Subgroups of Participants
Differential Effects for Subgroups of Parents
Differential Effects for Subgroups of Children
Summary of Findings

Chapter 7: Relationship of Service Receipt to Program Impacts
Length of Enrollment and Outcomes
Average Length of Enrollment
Relationship of Length of Enrollment to Outcomes
Amount of Services and Outcomes
The Mediating Effect of Center-Based Care
Summary of Findings

Chapter 8: Conclusions
Program Impacts and Costs
Why Were There No Program Impacts?
Conclusions About the Demonstration

Appendix A: Construction of the Evaluation Sample

Appendix B: Sample Characteristics




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