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National Diabetes Education Program

Spotlight On Partner Activities

The National Alliance for Hispanic Health produces a culturally-proficient bilingual diabetes curriculum with NDEP consumer diabetes products for Hispanic communities


Link to top of page Introduction

The National Alliance for Hispanic Health* (the Alliance) is the oldest and largest network of health and human service providers serving Hispanics. Their members, who are comprised of community-based organizations, provider organizations, government, national organizations, universities and for-profit corporations, provide services to more than 14 million Hispanic health consumers throughout the United States. Dedicated to community-based solutions, they launched the Juntos Contra la Diabetes (JCD) (United Against Diabetes) program to

  • reduce the burden of diabetes in Hispanic communities;
  • develop educational tools for consumers and providers; and
  • develop and implement educational media campaigns.

Along with the JCD community partners, Chicago Hispanic Health Coalition (Illinois), Concilio Latino de Salud (Arizona); Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers (Miami), Multicultural Area Health Education Center (Los Angeles) and the Puerto Rican Family Institute (New York) produced the JCD Living with Diabetes/Viviendo con la diabetes curriculum, a culturally-proficient bilingual diabetes self-management curriculum for providers to use with Hispanic consumers at the local level.

Link to top of page Challenges

Within this new diabetes curriculum, the Alliance wanted to include a list of the most effective existing stand-alone consumer diabetes products for Hispanics. While they had been using NDEP products for some time with their activities, the Alliance needed to find a way to come to a consensus on the best products currently available. Ideally, the selected products would be based on recommendations from diabetes health care providers and consumers who represented a variety of Hispanic subgroups and geographic regions around the United States.

Link to top of page Solutions

To create this list of reviewed and recommended diabetes products, the Alliance created a Diabetes Products Review Panel consisting of seven Hispanic diabetes health professionals working with Hispanic consumers from around the country, as well as representatives from the five JCD community partners. This panel included diabetes professionals and consumers from Miami, FL, Los Angeles, CA, Detroit, MI, San Antonio, TX, Phoenix, AZ, Las Cruces, NM, Chicago, IL, and San Juan, PR.

The Alliance provided the review panel with a group of more than 20 existing government and non-government products to consider. These consumer products covered a variety of diabetes prevention, diabetes management and diabetes complication topics. Panel reviewers rated the level of appropriateness of each material based on the following criteria: language level; cultural and linguistic proficiency; balance of graphics versus text; presence of additional resources; quality and presence of guidance for action; aesthetic appearance; representation of Hispanics in photos/images; and degree of commercialism. Reviewers ranked each material within a range from extremely appropriate to extremely inappropriate.

Link to top of page Outcomes

Of the 12 products that were rated the highest and eventually included in the final list of recommended products, eight were from NDEP. Most products included on the final list received an average rating of extremely appropriate. Based on the results of this review, the Alliance produced a list titled Recommended Consumer Diabetes Products. This document is included with every copy of the Living with Diabetes/Viviendo con la diabetes curriculum provided to consumers in the curriculum. This list includes a short description and ordering information for each item.

For more information, contact Paul Baker, project director, at (202) 797-4337, by e-mail, or by fax: (202) 797-4353. Or send a written request to The National Alliance for Hispanic Health, Attention: Paul Baker, 1501 Sixteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20036.

Link to top of page Suggested Materials and Staffing

Would you like to identify the best products for your audience? See below for general “how-to” instructions.

  • Existing, stand-alone diabetes products from organizations that work in diabetes prevention and management. For example:
    • National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP)
    • American Diabetes Association (ADA)
    • National Institutes of Health (NIH)
    • Agency on Aging
    • Pharmaceutical companies
    • Others
  • Have a team on your staff willing to devote time to researching, collecting documents, and recruiting panelists.
  • Time Required: 6–12 months of planning.

Link to top of page General Instructions

  • Determine the target audience you are trying to reach with diabetes products (e.g., different racial and ethnic groups, seniors, children).
  • Collect existing diabetes products for your target audience from as many organizations that work in diabetes prevention and management as possible.
  • Select the most appropriate products from all you have collected to send to the review panel (ideally no more than twenty).
  • Contact providers and consumers that belong to or serve the target audience to determine their interest in serving as review panelists.
  • Determine whether you will be able to provide an honorarium for the panelists for their work.
  • Formalize the review panelists’ commitment to participate in the review with a formalized letter of agreement.
  • Obtain enough copies of each diabetes resource so that you are able to send every review panelist a copy.
  • Create an evaluation form for each resource under review, including a rating scale and room to include comments.
  • Be sure to give your panelists at least 30 days for review, clear review instructions, and your preferred method to receive the completed evaluation forms.

Link to top of page Do your homework

  • Has this been done before? Is there a justified need to improve what has been done before? How can we improve or expand what has already taken place?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • To whom are you sending this list of resources?
  • Decide how many of the highest-ranked products you want to include in your list of recommended products.
  • Average the scores for each of the products using the completed material evaluation forms to determine the most highly rated products.

Link to top of page Follow-up

  • Develop your list of products, and be sure to include a short description and ordering information for each.
  • Print your list and distribute to community-based organizations, health clinics, and other interested partners and agencies.
  • Create a summary of details on how you created this resource and include it to the distribution of your partners.


* Links to non-Federal organizations are provided solely as a service to our users. Links do not constitute an endorsement of any organization by CDC or the Federal Government, and none should be inferred. The CDC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization Web pages found at this link.


Page last reviewed: September 5, 2007
Page last modified: November 9, 2007

Content Source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Division of Diabetes Translation

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