Common Core of Data, Local Education Agency Universe Survey, 2000-2001 FILE NAME = ks001bag.dat NVAR = 143 NOBS = 304 LRECL = 723 (*) Fields have one explicit decimal place (+) Fields represent sub-fields of the fields immediately preceding them. The file contains data for the school year 2000-2001 sorted by the NCES assigned local education agency identification code (LEAID). Variable Start End Field Data Name Pos. Pos. Length Type Description LEAID 0001 0007 7 AN NCES Local Education Agency ID. The first two positions of this field is also the FIPS state code. +FIPST 0001 0002 2 AN Federal Information Processing Standards, FIPS state code. STID00 0008 0021 14 AN State's own ID for the education agency. NAME00 0022 0081 60 AN Name of the education agency. PHONE00 0082 0091 10 AN Telephone number of education agency. NOTE: Position # 0082-0084 is the area code, and position # 0085-0091 is the exchange and number. MSTREE00 0092 0121 30 AN Mailing address of the agency -- may be a street address, a Post Office box number, or, if there is no address beyond CITY, STATE, and ZIP, the character "N". MCITY00 0122 0151 30 AN Name of the mailing address city. MSTATE00 0152 0153 2 AN Two-letter U.S. Postal Service abbreviation for the state where the mailing address is located. MZIP00 0154 0158 5 AN Five-digit U.S. Postal Service ZIP code for the mailing address. MZIP400 0159 0162 4 AN Four-digit ZIP+4, if assigned; if none, field is blank. LSTREE00 0163 0192 30 AN Location Address. LCITY00 0193 0222 30 AN Location City. LSTATE00 0223 0224 2 AN Location State (PO abbreviation. LZIP00 0225 0229 5 AN Location 5 digit ZIP Code. LZIP400 0230 0233 4 AN Location +4 ZIP Code. TYPE00 0234 0234 1 AN NCES code for type of agency: 1 = Local school district that is not a component of a supervisory union. 2 = Local school district component of a supervisory union sharing a superintendent and administrative services with other local school districts. 3 = Supervisory union administrative center, or a county superintendent serving the same purpose. 4 = Regional education services agency, or a county superintendent serving the same purpose. 5 = State-operated institution charged, at least in part, with providing elementary and/or secondary instruction or services to a special need population. 6 = Federally-operated institution charged, at least in part, with providing elementary and/or secondary instruction or services to a special need population. 7 = Other education agencies that do not fit into the first six categories. UNION00 0235 0237 3 AN Supervisory Union Number. For supervisory union administrative centers and component agencies, this is a number assigned by the state to the union. Additionally, if the agency is a county superintendent, this is the FIPS county number. If no number was reported, the field will contain "000". CONUM00 0238 0242 5 AN FIPS county number. NOTE: Position #0268-0269 is the FIPS state number, and position #0270-0271 is the FIPS number for county within state. CONAME00 0243 0272 30 AN Name of county. CMSA00 0273 0278 6 AN Unique numeric code assigned by U.S. Office of Management and Budget which identifies a geographic area consisting of a large population nucleus and social integration with that nucleus. If the agency is not located within one of these areas, the field will contain "000000". CMSA = Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area PMSA = Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area MSA = Metropolitan Statistical Area MSC00 0279 0279 1 AN NCES classification of the agency's service area relative to a Metropolitan Statistical Area. 1 = Primarily serves a central city of an MSA 2 = Serves an MSA but not primarily its central city 3 = Does not serve an MSA LOCALE00 0280 0280 1 AN NCES code for location of the agency relative to populous areas: 1 = Large City - A central city of Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (CMSA) with the city having a population greater than or equal to 250,000. 2 = Mid-size City - A central city of a CMSA or Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), with the city having a population less than 250,000. 3 = Urban Fringe of Large City - Any incorporated place, Census Designated Place, or non-place territory within a CMSA or MSA of a Large City and defined as urban by the Census Bureau. 4 = Urban Fringe of Mid-size City - Any incorporated place, Census Designated Place, or non-place territory within a CMSA or MSA of a Mid-size City and defined as urban by the Census Bureau. 5 = Large Town - An incorporated place or Census Designated Place with a population greater than or equal to 25,000 and located outside a CMSA or MSA. 6 = Small Town - An incorporated place or Census Designated Place with a population less than 25,000 and greater than 2,500 and located outside a CMSA or MSA. 7 = Rural, outside MSA - Any incorporated place, Census Designated Place, or non-place territory designated as rural by the Census Bureau. 8 = Rural, inside MSA - Any incorporated place, Census Designated Place, or non-place territory within a CMSA or MSA of a Large or Mid-Size City and defined as rural by the Census Bureau. BOUND00 0281 0281 1 AN The boundary change indicator is a classification of changes in an education agency's boundaries since the last report to NCES. The options are: 1 = No change since last report. 2 = Education agency has closed with no effect on another agency's boundaries. 3 = This is a new education agency formed with no effect on another agency's boundaries. 4 = Agency was in existence, but not reported on previous year's CCD agency universe, and is now being added. 5 = Agency has undergone a significant change in geographical boundaries or instructional responsibility. GSLO00 0282 0283 2 AN Agency low grade offered. If grade span data was not reported, this field was calculated from the low grade spans of the associated schools on the CCD School Universe file. GSHI00 0284 0285 2 AN Agency high grade offered. If grade span data was not reported, this field was calculated from the high grade spans of the associated schools on the CCD School Universe file. GSLO00 and GSHI00 add up to the Grade Span of the school. SCH00 0286 0290 5 N Aggregate number of schools associated with this agency on the CCD Public School file. TEACH00 0291 0297 7* N Aggregate FTE classroom teachers reported for schools associated with this agency on the CCD Public School file, reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. This is NOT necessarily the total number of teachers employed by this agency. UG00 0298 0304 7 N Total students in classes or programs without standard grade designations. PK1200 0305 0311 7 N Total students in classes from prekindergarten through 12th grade that are part of the public school program. MEMBER00 0312 0318 7 N Calculated total student membership of the Local Education Agency: The Sum of the fields UG00 and PK1200. MIGRNT00 0319 0325 7 N The number of migrant students, as defined under 34 CFR 200.40, enrolled in summer programs during the summer immediately prior to the 2000-2001 school year. SPECED00 0326 0332 7 N Count of all students having a written Individual Education Program (IEP) under IDEA - Part B. LEP00 0333 0339 7 N The number of Limited-English Proficient students served in appropriate programs. PKTCH00 0340 0346 7* N Prekindergarten Teachers. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. KGTCH00 0347 0353 7* N Kindergarten Teachers. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. ELMTCH00 0354 0360 7* N Elementary Teachers. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. SECTCH00 0361 0367 7* N Secondary Teachers. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. UGTCH00 0368 0374 7* N Teachers of classes or programs to which students are assigned without standard grade designation. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. TOTTCH00 0375 0381 7* N Total Teachers. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. AIDES00 0382 0388 7* N Instructional Aides. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. CORSUP00 0389 0395 7* N Instructional Coordinators & Supervisors. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; includes one explicit decimal. ELMGUI00 0396 0402 7* N Elementary Guidance Counselors. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; includes one explicit decimal. SECGUI00 0403 0409 7* N Secondary Guidance Counselors. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. TOTGUI00 0410 0416 7* N Total Guidance Counselors. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. LIBSPE00 0417 0423 7* N Librarians/Media Specialists. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. LIBSUP00 0424 0430 7* N Library/Media Support Staff. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. LEAADM00 0431 0437 7* N LEA Administrators. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. LEASUP00 0438 0444 7* N LEA Administrative Support Staff. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. SCHADM00 0445 0451 7* N School Administrators. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. SCHSUP00 0452 0458 7* N School Administrative Support Staff. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. STUSUP00 0459 0465 7* N Student Support Services Staff. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. OTHSUP00 0466 0472 7* N All Other Support Services Staff. Full-time equivalency reported to the nearest tenth; field includes one explicit decimal. TOTDPL00 0473 0478 6 N Total Diploma Recipients. Includes both regular and other diploma recipients, comparable to adding REGDIP and OTHDIP from previous year's agency file. AMDPLM00 0479 0484 6 N Diploma Recipients - Amer. Indian/Alaskan Native - male. AMDPLF00 0485 0490 6 N Diploma Recipients - Amer. Indian/Alaskan Native - female. AMDPLU00 0491 0496 6 N Diploma Recipients - Amer. Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown. ASDPLM00 0497 0502 6 N Diploma Recipients - Asian/Pacific Islander - male. ASDPLF00 0503 0508 6 N Diploma Recipients - Asian/Pacific Islander - female. ASDPLU00 0509 0514 6 N Diploma Recipients - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown. HIDPLM00 0515 0520 6 N Diploma Recipients - Hispanic - male. HIDPLF00 0521 0526 6 N Diploma Recipients - Hispanic - female. HIDPLU00 0527 0532 6 N Diploma Recipients - Hispanic - gender unknown. BLDPLM00 0533 0538 6 N Diploma Recipients - Black, not Hispanic - male. BLDPLF00 0539 0544 6 N Diploma Recipients - Black, not Hispanic - female. BLDPLU00 0545 0550 6 N Diploma Recipients - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown. WHDPLM00 0551 0556 6 N Diploma Recipients - White, not Hispanic - male. WHDPLF00 0557 0562 6 N Diploma Recipients - White, not Hispanic - female. WHDPLU00 0563 0568 6 N Diploma Recipients - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown. TOTOHC00 0569 0574 6 N Total Other High School Completers. Comparable to OTHCOM from previous year's agency file. AMOHCM00 0575 0580 6 N Other High School Completers - Amer. Indian/Alaskan Native - male. AMOHCF00 0581 0586 6 N Other High School Completers - Amer. Indian/Alaskan Native - female. AMOHCU00 0587 0592 6 N Other High School Completers - Amer. Indian/Alaskan Native - gender unknown. ASOHCM00 0593 0598 6 N Other High School Completers - Asian/Pacific Islander - male. ASOHCF00 0599 0604 6 N Other High School Completers - Asian/Pacific Islander - female. ASOHCU00 0605 0610 6 N Other High School Completers - Asian/Pacific Islander - gender unknown. HIOHCM00 0611 0616 6 N Other High School Completers - Hispanic - male. HIOHCF00 0617 0622 6 N Other High School Completers - Hispanic - female. HIOHCU00 0623 0628 6 N Other High School Completers - Hispanic - gender unknown. BLOHCM00 0629 0634 6 N Other High School Completers - Black, not Hispanic - male. BLOHCF00 0635 0640 6 N Other High School Completers - Black, not Hispanic - female. BLOHCU00 0641 0646 6 N Other High School Completers - Black, not Hispanic - gender unknown. WHOHCM00 0647 0652 6 N Other High School Completers - White, not Hispanic - male. WHOHCF00 0653 0658 6 N Other High School Completers - White, not Hispanic - female. WHOHCU00 0659 0664 6 N Other High School Completers - White, not Hispanic - gender unknown. ISCH00 0665 0665 1 AN If this field contains anything other than "T", the aggregate number of schools associated with this agency on the school universe file was adjusted. ITEACH00 0666 0666 1 AN If this field contains anything other than "T", the aggregate FTE classroom teacher count reported for schools associated with this agency on the school universe file was adjusted. IUG00 0667 0667 1 AN If this field contains anything other than "R", the Ungraded Student count originally submitted was adjusted. IPK1200 0668 0668 1 AN If this field contains anything other than "R", the PK through 12 Student count originally submitted was adjusted. IMEMB00 0669 0669 1 AN If this field contains anything other than "T", the Total Student count (Ungraded + PK through 12) was adjusted. IMIGRN00 0670 0670 1 AN If this field contains anything other than "R", the Migrant Student count originally submitted was adjusted. ISPEC00 0671 0671 1 AN If this field contains anything other than "R", the Special Education - IEP count originally submitted was adjusted. ILEP00 0672 0672 1 AN If this field contains anything other than "R", the Limited-English-Proficient Student count originally submitted was adjusted. IPKTCH00 0673 0673 1 AN If this field contains anything other than "R", the Prekindergarten Teacher count originally submitted was adjusted. IKGTCH00 0674 0674 1 AN If this field contains anything other than "R", the Kindergarten Teacher count originally submitted was adjusted. IELTCH00 0675 0675 1 AN If this field contains anything other than "R", the Elementary Teacher count originally submitted was adjusted. ISETCH00 0676 0676 1 AN If this field contains anything other than "R", the Secondary Teacher count originally submitted was adjusted. IUGTCH00 0677 0677 1 AN If this field contains anything other than "R", the Teachers of Ungraded Classes count originally submitted was adjusted. ITOTCH00 0678 0678 1 AN If this field contains anything other than "R", the Total FTE Teacher count originally submitted was adjusted. IAIDES00 0679 0679 1 AN If this field contains anything other