Read Me File for the NCES Common Core of Data Local Education Agency Universe Survey School Year 1999-2000: One Year Later Files (KY, MS, TN, and VT) (November 2002) The following ASCII and SAS data sets contain revised Common Core of Data Local Education Agency Universe Survey: 1999-2000 data for Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Vermont: Content Changes in Revised Files: Kentucky * All "Other High School Completer" data is now M. The agency universe aggregated total used to be 146 and is now M. Mississippi * LEP data in one record was corrected from 3000 to 37. Tennessee * All "LEA Administrator" data was revised. The agency universe aggregated total used to be 1,746.3 and is now 1,066.0. Vermont * All SPECED data were revised. The agency universe aggregated total used to be 12,348 and is now 13,866. Data File User's Guide ASCII file names ky991cag.dat ms991cag.dat tn991cag.dat vt991cag.dat SAS file names ky991cag.sd2 ms991cag.sd2 tn991cag.sd2 vt991cag.sd2 Merging One Year Later Files with Complete Files: These revised files can be merged into the below list pre-existing Common Core of Data Public Local Education Agency Universe Survey: 1999-2000 data files. The FIPS code can be used for each state to delete and replace the schools. The FIPS codes for Kentucky = 21, Mississippi = 28, Tennessee = 47, and Vermont = 50. The pre-existing Common Core of Data Local Education Agency Universe Survey file for 1999-2000 is ag991b.sd2 SAS code for merging the One Year Later SAS files into pre-existing SAS CCD Local Education Agency Universe files is as follows: KENTUCKY DATA TEMP; SET LIBNAME. AG991B; WHERE FIPST NE "21"; RUN; DATA LIBNAME.AG991C; SET TEMP LIBNAME.KY991CAG; RUN; MISSISSIPPI DATA TEMP; SET LIBNAME. AG991B; WHERE FIPST NE "28"; RUN; DATA LIBNAME. AG991C; SET TEMP LIBNAME.MS991CAG; RUN; TENNESSEE DATA TEMP; SET LIBNAME. AG991B; WHERE FIPST NE "47"; RUN; DATA LIBNAME. AG991C; SET TEMP LIBNAME.TN991CAG; RUN; VERMONT DATA TEMP; SET LIBNAME. AG991B; WHERE FIPST NE "50"; RUN; DATA LIBNAME. AG991C; SET TEMP LIBNAME.VT991CAG; RUN; Additional Information on Data Files: Please refer to the original 1999-2000 local education agency file documentation for more information on content and other user's information.