The Thomas Jefferson Building: A Virtual Tour of the Library of Congress

The Members of Congress Room: An In-Depth Tour

Members of Congress Room - North View
View Facing North
select image to enlarge
Members of Congress Room - South View
View Facing South
select image to enlarge
Originally the special reading room for the members of the House of Representatives and later the Council of Scholars Room, this room is used today by members of the United States Congress. It features 11-foot walls of oak paneling, wood carving in the arches over the doors, a beamed ceiling with paintings in the ceiling panels, fireplace mantels of Italian Siena marble at the north and south ends of the room, and mosaics over the mantels.
Features of the Members of Congress Room
Thumbnail images of North Fireplace's Mosaic Panel Representing Law
North Fireplace's
Mosaic Panel
Representing Law
Thumbnail images of South Fireplace's Mosaic Panel Representing History
South Fireplace's
Mosaic Panel
Representing History
Seven Ceiling Panels Representing the Spectrum of Light
The seven panels in the ceiling, decorated by Carl Gutherz, represent the Spectrum of Light. Each panel contains one of the spectrum's seven colors with a central figure representing human or divine achievement. There are two cherubs in each corner representing arts or sciences and eight escutcheons, one with the title of the decoration and the seals of states. These elements are combined into an elaborate scroll design.
Thumbnail image of Indigo Ceiling Panel - Light of Science
Indigo Ceiling Panel
Representing the
Light of Science
Thumbnail image of Yellow Ceiling Panel - Creation of Light
Yellow Ceiling Panel
Representing the
Creation of Light
Thumbnail image of Blue Ceiling Panel - Light of Truth
Blue Ceiling Panel
Representing the
Light of Truth
Thumbnail image of Orange Ceiling Panel - Light of Excellence
Orange Ceiling Panel
Representing the
Light of Excellence
Thumbnail image of Green Ceiling Panel - Light of Research
Green Ceiling Panel
Representing the
Light of Research

Thumbnail image of Red Ceiling Panel - Light of Poetry
Red Ceiling Panel
Representing the
Light of Poetry
Thumbnail image of Violet Ceiling Panel - Light of State
Violet Ceiling Panel
Representing the
Light of State
Other Features of the Members of Congress Room
Thumbnail image of Carved Wood Lunette over North and South Doors
Lunette over North and South Entrance Doors
Thumbnail image of Carved Wood Lunette over Central Door
Lunette over Central Entrance Door
Thumbnail image of Wall Light
Wall Light
Thumbnail image of Conference Table with Griffins
Conference Table with Griffins
Thumbnail image of Desk and Chippendale Chair
Desk and
Chippendale Chair

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