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Library of Congress
The Library of Congress - More Than a Library
Publisher of Information

Not only are the Library's collections made available in Washington and on the Internet, many are featured through richly illustrated books and calendars, concert-quality music discs and free periodicals published by the Library or in cooperation with commercial publishers.

"Enlighten the people generally," Thomas Jefferson once said, "and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of a new day." In the spirit of Jefferson’s belief in universal education, the Library of Congress celebrates, preserves and makes available the ideas, the creativity and the intellectual heritage of its collections in its published books and calendars. Our hope is that through our publishing program, we can make our vast collections accessible to the American public.

Most of our publications are available from our sales shop in Washington and in bookstores nationwide. You may also order many of our popular publications through our Library of Congress Sales Shop online, which also features print reproductions, gifts and other items for book lovers everywhere.