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Frederick Douglass Papers: Acknowledgments

The Library of Congress National Digital Library Program acknowledges with gratitude the following contributions:

The generous support of the Citigroup Foundation made possible this production of the online collection of the Frederick Douglass Papers.

The staff and management of the Library of Congress Manuscript Division—the custodians of the Frederick Douglass Papers in the original and on microfilm. Special thanks to Adrienne Cannon, manuscript specialist of Afro-American History and Culture, who provided help and guidance with historical research and access to the original collection of the Frederick Douglass Papers.

Glenn Gardner, project coordinator and project liaison to the National Digital Library Program (NDLP) production team staff, performed microfilm and digital image quality review and wrote introductory materials for the Web site as well as the scanning instructions for the microfilm scanning contractor.

Tim Stutz coordinated the final release of the Douglass Papers. His tasks included completing copyright permissions research, updating introductory material for the Web site, and finalizing work in the database.

Tracey Salley, Web designer for the project, was responsible for all aspects of the Web site including the graphic designs, HTML, and special presentations.

Laura Graham, project coordinator for the George Washington and Abraham Lincoln Papers, performed early work on the project, including microfilm collection review and copyright research.

Herbert Y. Ohta performed extensive early work on the project including designing the data spreadsheet and preliminary microfilm review.

Laura Gottesman researched the Related Resources for the Douglass Papers collection, wrote the Douglass Project Plan, and performed microfilm review. In addition she performed image quality review of the digital images.

Special thanks to Tamara Swora-Gober, Margaret Alessi Mason, and Abigail Grotke who served as liaisons to the Manuscript Division.

Jurretta Jordan Heckscher, Emily Lind Baker, and Andrea Matles Savada, American Memory editors, made suggestions, corrections, and additions to the descriptive materials on the Web site.

Elizabeth Madden provided expertise in designing the database and creating the digital archive for the images and acted as production liaison with the Information Technology Services Division.

David Woodward, Information Technology Services Division, was responsible for programming and indexing the display of documents.

Christopher J. Pohlhaus and David Brooks tracked receipt of images and were responsible for image diagnostics.

The Prints and Photographs Division provided images for the Douglass Timeline.

Melissa Smith-Levine and Michael Hughes, Office of General Counsel,provided expertise and advice on permissions and copyright issues.

Danna Bell-Russel and Laura Gottesmancoordinated distribution of publicity releases along with Guy Lamolinara of the Public Affairs Office.

Beverly Brannan and Michael Spangler wrote the introduction to Frederick Douglass: A Register and Index of His Papers in the Library of Congress.

Nancy Eichacker, operations manager, and Tamara Swora-Gober, digital conversion projects coordinator for the NDLP Conversion Group, provided administrative management and support for this project. Tamara Swora-Gober also served as the contracting officer's technical representative to Preservation Resources.

Thanks to the staff and management of Preservation Resources of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, who performed the digital scanning of the Frederick Douglass Papers from microfilm, especially Meg Bellinger, Lynn Wagner, Glenn Musgrave, Sheila Leposa, and Matt Snyder.

Thanks also to the National Park Service. The service, caretakers of the Frederick Douglass National Historic Site, and original custodians of the Frederick Douglass Papers, provided historical information for the Douglass Family Tree.

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Libraries produced the online text transcription of Douglass's Life and Times of Frederick Douglass.

The University of Michigan Library digitized and provided the online text transcription of Douglass’s My Bondage and My Freedom as part of the American Memory online presentation The Nineteenth Century in Print.

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