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Cost Estimates for English Publications from India

India is the third largest publisher in English in the world, after the United States and the United Kingdom. To accommodate libraries with very different interests and budgets, the New Delhi Office has established broad subject categories in the Subject Profile for India and Bhutan, half of which can 24 of the subject categories allow for three different Levels of Selectivity.

These choices make it possible for libraries large and small, as well as those with very specialized interests, to join the Cooperative Acquisitions Program for India. However, the availability of these choices makes it also difficult to present a detailed estimate of costs for all possible combinations. For this reason, we are giving here only an idea of the range of costs our current participants are paying for their English language publications.

The following ranges of subject coverage will give an idea of the annual costs:

  1. Libraries with the LARGEST profiles, i.e., those which collect in practically all the subjects available, no matter what the geographic context of the publications, and at the COMPREHENSIVE level of coverage are paying between:$33,000 and $38,000.
  2. Libraries with MEDIUM-SIZED profiles which collect in many but not all subjects, and limit their coverage somewhat geographically, and acquire some subjects at the REPRESENTATIVE level of coverage are paying between: $25,000 and $30,000.
  3. Libraries with SMALL profiles in a limited number of subjects, usually with focus on India and maybe a few states only, and opting for SELECTIVE levels of coverage whenever possible are paying between: $9,000 and $13,000.
  4. SPECIALIZED libraries acquiring in only one subject category such as LAW, MEDICINE or RELIGION are paying between: $1,500 and $8,000

If you are interested in joining the Cooperative Acquisitions Program for India, the New Delhi Office can provide you with more detailed cost estimates.

Please refer to the Subject Profile for India and Bhutan, Geographic Areas of Context, and Levels of Selectivity and send your selections to the New Delhi Office for detailed costs.

Library of Congress
Comments: New Delhi Office (September 17, 2008)