Statement from Deputy Education Secretary on Visit to Schools in Germany That Serve Military Families
Archived Information

May 4, 2006
Contact: Jo Ann Webb
(202) 401-1576

U.S. Deputy Secretary of Education Ray Simon today issued the following statement after visiting the schools that are serving students of U.S. military men and women who are deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan and Bosnia/Kosovo:

"I have been greatly moved by the courage of the children whose parents or guardians are deployed. Just as their parents are making sacrifices to protect the freedoms that we enjoy in our country, these children are making their own sacrifices. Without their mom or dad at home to see them off to school or greet them when they return, these children are continuing to excel in school away from their familiar environment and neighborhood friends. I applaud the students, and I commend the teachers and other personnel who are fulfilling their educational responsibilities but also stepping in as surrogate role models and mentors.

"The Department of Defense Schools consistently have some of the highest scores recorded on our Nation's Report Card (National Assessment of Educational Progress), and this is the type of achievement that we expect from all of our schools, as well as our students.

"As co-chair of the Advisory Council on Dependents' Education meeting for DOD schools in Wiesbaden, I have pledged the support of the U.S. Department of Education to the schools and the students there. No child in America will be left behind, and that includes our students who are temporarily on foreign soil. A change in venue for these children shouldn't mean a change in the quality of their education.

"With No Child Left Behind, educators and policymakers made a commitment to close the achievement gap for all students. Today, that commitment is paying off. Test scores are rising, and more minority students are catching up to their peers than ever before, especially in the early grades. By continuing to set high standards and hold ourselves accountable for reaching them, we will ensure America remains the world's leader in innovation and opportunity."



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Last Modified: 05/04/2006