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FY 2003 Annual Performance Plan


ACF's program efforts are carried out through partnership with the State, Territorial, local and Tribal governments and non-profit/private sector grantees that implement its programs. Social research, demonstration and evaluation programs are directed at developing reliable knowledge to support program policies, learning about effects on children and families, identifying paths to program quality improvement, and discovering better ways to conduct technical assistance, disseminate information, and deliver effective services.

Performance goals have been stated under the program sections throughout the eight strategic program objectives and four management improvement objectives in this plan. This approach continues to provide a framework for individual programs and program activities to collaborate and direct their efforts to achieve ACF-wide cross-cutting program goals. This framework enables ACF partners in State, Territorial, Tribal and local governments and nonprofit and private agencies to use the various program resources within ACF to focus on early childhood enrichment and economic and social well-being and productivity of families. "Data sources" under the various measures refer to OMB-approved program data collection instruments. The programs that support each of the goals and objectives are listed below:

Strategic Goal 1: Increase economic independence and productivity for families

  1. Increase employment

        Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
        Developmental Disabilities: Employment
        Refugee Resettlement
        Social Services Block Grant

  2. Increase independent living

        Developmental Disabilities: Housing
        Assets for Independence

  3. Increase parental responsibility

        Child Support

  4. Increase affordable child care

        Child Care: Affordability

Strategic Goal 2: Improve healthy development, safety and well-being of children and youth

  1. Increase the quality of child care to promote childhood development

        Child Care: Quality
        Head Start

  2. Improve the health status of children

        Head Start: Health Status

  3. Increase safety, permanency, and well-being of children and youth

        Child Welfare
        Developmental Disabilities: Education
        Developmental Disabilities: Health
        Youth Programs

Strategic Goal 3: Increase the health and prosperity of communities and Tribes

  1. Build healthy, safe and supportive communities and Tribes

        Community Services Block Grant
        Family Violence Prevention Program
        Low-Income Home Energy Assistance
        Native Americans Programs
        Strategic Goal 4: Build a results-oriented organization
Strategic Goal 4: Build a results-oriented organization
  1. Develop and retain a highly skilled, strongly motivated staff

  2. Improve automated data and management systems

  3. Streamline ACF organizational layers

  4. Ensure financial management accountability

In most cases, baselines have been established in either FY 1998 or FY 1999 for the FY 2003 measures. ACF is largely dependent upon State administrative systems for collecting performance data which results in substantial delay in the availability of data for many of the ACF State grant programs for the current reporting period. In Section A.8 of the Appendix, a budget table has been provided in which performance goals and measures for each of the twelve strategic objectives are included. The relationship between these goals and the mission of DHHS as reflected in the DHHS Strategic Plan is shown in the table in Section A.3 of the Appendix.

Program research and evaluations focus on measuring and understanding the impacts of ACF programs on children and families. They provide information to design and improve the results of those programs, and inform performance measurement methodologies. (A table listing selected evaluations is included in Section A.6 of the Appendix.)

Because ACF is interested in trends of improvement over time, measured against a carefully-chosen starting point, many (though not all) of the baselines in the following section are likely to remain the same in subsequent annual editions of this plan, rather than rolling forward to a new baseline year. Such baseline stability is important since the baseline year has been selected to indicate when a new program initiative, statute or rule begins to have a measurable effect



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