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Faces of Fathers
Vincent DiCaro, NFI's Public Affairs Manager, with his Dad on safari in Botswana! (lion not pictured)

Fatherhood Poll
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easier than it was for my dad
harder than it was for my dad
about the same as it was for my dad
“  It is no exaggeration to say that if we are able to strengthen the institution of fatherhood -- which, I believe, requires that we affirm and strengthen the institution of marriage -- we will have come a long way towards alleviating and solving our most pressing and pathological social and cultural problems.
- Senator Sam Brownback (KS)


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  © 1994-2009 National Fatherhood Initiative™
101 Lake Forest Boulevard, Suite 360; Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877  |  Phone: (301) 948-0599; Fax: (301) 948-4325  |  Email Us  |