OVAE: Office of Vocational and Adult Education
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The Secretary's High School Inititative
Archived Information

Preparing America's Future:
The Secretary's High School Initiative

In October 2003, the Department launched the Preparing America's Future High School Initiative (PAF-HSI). This initiative is designed to support state and local level leaders in creating educational opportunities that will fully prepare American youth for success in futher education and training, as participants in a highly skilled U.S. workforce, and as productive and responsible citizens.

The three goals of Preparing America's Future are:

  • Equip state and local education leaders with current knowledge
  • Develop the expertise and structures within the Department of Education to provide effective technical assistance; and
  • Facilitate a national dialogue

Preparing America's Future Themes

OVAE has compiled resources on the following themes: high expectations for all, innovative learning structures that fully engage students, high quality teaching and leadership, and accelerated transitions to work or additional education.

High School Summits

On October 8th 2003, OVAE kicked off the high school initiative by hosting a leadership summit in Washington, D.C. The summit brought education and policy leaders together to discuss innovative, effective methods for transforming high schools into top-quality learning institutions. To continue the national dialogue on high school restructuring, a series of seven regional high school summits are being held to help state teams create short and long-term plans for strengthening outcomes for youth, improving high schools and meeting the vision of the No Child Left Behind Act.

Summit Issue Papers

National Summit
Summit Presentations. The Summit's agenda and links to the presentations given.
Summit Webcast . Proceedings of the October 8th summit.

Regional Summits
Information Paper including Schedule [downloadable files] MS WORD

Contact Us

Please email with your questions or comments regarding the Department's High School Initiative.

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Last Modified: 07/24/2007