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These posters are designed for all swimmers, especially parents with young children. They can be used to help raise awareness about recreational water illnesses (RWIs). They also provide easy steps for protecting swimmers from RWIs. Display the posters in highly visible areas (for example in bathroom stalls and shower areas and near diaper changing stations and kiddie pools) where patrons can easily see and read them before getting into the water.

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On this Page:

Poster: six Pleas for protection against recreational water illnesses. Poster lists the pleas next to image of children in a pool.

Six "PLEAS" for Protection Against Recreational Water Illnesses (RWIs)
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Designed for all swimmers.

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Poster: Can you read this? Shows eye chart.

Can You Read This?
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PLEA 1: Don’t swim when ill with diarrhea.
Designed for adolescents or adult swimmers.

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Poster: Why would you drink the water you swim in? Image shows bathroom tub.

Why Would You Drink the Water You Swim In?
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PLEA 2: Don't swallow the pool water.
Designed for swimmers.

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Poster: Why not wash your hands? Poster shows handprint.

Why Not Wash Your Hands?
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PLEA 3: Practice good hygiene.
Designed for all swimmers.

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Poster: There are some things you would rather not share. Picture shows two young boys on a raft in a pool.

There Are Some Things You Would Rather NOT Share
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PLEA 3: Practice good hygiene.
Designed for all swimmers, especially children and adolescents.

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Take your child on bathroom breaks often. Poster shows a group of kids playing together in pool.

Bathroom Break
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PLEA 4: Take your child on bathroom breaks or check diapers often.
Designed for all swimmers, especially parents with children in the pool.

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Wanted: Saggy diapers, change your child's diapers before entering pool. Poster shows young child with diaper hanging out of swimsuit.

Wanted: Saggy Diapers
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PLEA 4: Take your child on bathroom breaks or check diapers often.
PLEA 5: Change diapers in the bathroom, not at poolside
Designed for parents of young children.

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Wash your child before swimming. Poster shows baby being washed.

Wash Your Baby
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PLEA 6: Wash your child before swimming.
Designed for parents of young children.

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